khem: any idea if the new glibc brings functions pseudo needs to wrap?
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RP: good question, there is some change in how it unwinds through ldso but that should be transparent
right now, I am just ensuring the builds and ptests so far qemux86-64 is looking ok. Found an issue on 32bit x86 which I fixed https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib/commit/?h=yoe/mut&id=549f65d5e0073448229ed8bdf99c4936c2275af6
I will take a look into new functions/APIs later today
perhaps its not yet in nanbield can you try latest master first ?
khem: oh, that's not yet on the nanbield branch I take it ?
master works
yeah maybe propose a backport
how do one go about that ?
git cherry-pick into nanbield, test it and send the patch to ml with [nanbield] in subject
that easy huh ?
I am one of those people who's having big trouble with mailing list patch workflows, though. But I'll try my best
hmm yeah but ml workflow is what project uses
khem: huh doesn't seem it got backported to kirkstone either, yet
yeah I guess if its not in nanbield then its no where in releases yet I would imagine
yeah makes sense
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why is the address sanitizer check failing for arm64 and riscv64 on master and mickledore branches. When I execute a program on qemu it gives the following error: AddressSanitizer: CHECK failed: sanitizer_allocator_primary64.h:131 "((kSpaceBeg)) == ((address_range.Init(TotalSpaceSize, PrimaryAllocatorName, kSpaceBeg)))" (0x600000000000,
ERROR: Revision 1.51.1 was found on multiple branches:
Please provide the correct branch with -B/--srcbranch
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there is no branch containing 1.51.1 from what I can see
it's just a tag
if I use the sha of this commit with git branch --contains, nothing is returned
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RP: around?
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why is the address sanitizer check failing for arm64 and riscv64 on master and mickledore branches. When I execute a program on qemu it gives the following error: AddressSanitizer: CHECK failed: sanitizer_allocator_primary64.h:131 "((kSpaceBeg)) == ((address_range.Init(TotalSpaceSize, PrimaryAllocatorName, kSpaceBeg)))" (0x600000000000,
0xfffffffffffffff4) (tid=389)
[12:42:31 PM] <ddee> <empty stack>
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Hello, is this the right place to ask about kernel in yocto (kirkstone version)? I have problem with memory leak and don't know where to ask
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ddee: any program or a program in particular? it could be because the code is buggy...
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For any program I try it's the same
ddee: is this a userspace memory leak? is this a kernel memory leak? what are the symptoms? how do you determine it is one?
KanjiMonster: wrong person, I think. The one with memory leak left
ah true
ddee: sorry for the ping
My question was about address sanitizer check failing for arm64 and riscv64 on master and mickledore branches.
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Xogium: those stalls mean your CPU is very busy to the extent that it can not breathe :)
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khem: interesting.
happens every single time I power up the vm
khem: the host got no higher than 2.6 load average when booting the vm. This is a ryzen 7 3700x
so not even the full 16 load average it can take due to having 16 threads
unless you mean the cpu in the vm itself ?
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for the record this is the first time I have this happening
but its constant
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Xogium: is the kernel enabling preeption ? and you only have to starve one thread so one core/thread is enough I think to cause this
khem: default yocto config
hmm I thought you were seeing this on your build host or some such. But it seems you are seeing it on yocto generated image running on ryzen 7 ?
yes exactly
sorry, I wasn't clear. I should have specified those were kernel messages in the vm itself
I got a cool variant too now
what is CONFIG_RCU_CPU_STALL_TIMEOUT set to in .config ?
hmm on my archlinux system I see its set to 60
so perhaps try with that quirk
so it's only pure luck that I never had this before ?
possible, depends on workloads though
my system is running 6.7 kernel btw. with lot of cores
yeah, but that one was pretty calm at the moment. Now I'm down to a mere 0.5 load average and it still did it. It's a constant chance of this happening on boot
yes boot is quite gruelling on CPU
especially systemd doing parallel service starts etc.
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I'll try 60, but yeah. First time I ever see that in a vm
I also get this, but I don't how important that might be
[ 1.609715] fail to initialize ptp_kvm
*don't know
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khem: what's interesting? That link seems to crash my HexChat
yeah this link is all about how one should not use hexChat :)
well look for x86/entry changes for v6.7 on lkml and you will see the PR
also, can recipetool get confused when a git tag you're giving it seems to be on no particular branch ? I.e: the tag is a commit all alone, not on master, not on any branch, just standing there
it's telling me it saw that revision on more than one branch, but then doesn't list any branch and tells me to specify the correct one using -B
except that, well, git branch --contains with that commit sha returns nothing
yeah it can, ideally it should just add nobranch=1 to SRC_URI
can we pass that manually when running it ?
dont know off hand,
this is kind of a problem here because I'm trying to make a recipe for espeak-ng and kind of struggling with it :D