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<pvogelaar> Hi all, what is the appropriate way to share artifacts between recipes. The use case is that I have the development keys for signing in a repository where they get pulled by a recipe. Other recipes like swupdate need to use those keys.
<pvogelaar> Thx Patrick
<rburton> drop them into deploydir, or the sysroot.
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<pvogelaar> For the sysroot approach I would do a native-recipe right?
<rburton> no, you can use the target sysroot
<rburton> well you can use either, depends on exactly what your doing
<pvogelaar> Ok, thx
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<rburton> RP: do you agree that meta/recipes-support/libunwind/libunwind/musl-header-conflict.patch solves a problem that doesn't exist anymore?
<rburton> feels like it predates recipe-specific sysroots
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<RP> rburton: it does, however didn't we have those in 2016?
<RP> rburton: that was pyro, 2017
<RP> rburton: so yes, it is fixed
<rburton> aha
<rburton> thanks for digging
<RP> I though we did that sooner
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<jstephan> any feedback would be apreciated :)
<jstephan> whoops up key error ^^ (but still would appreciate feedaback on my last comment on #15162 :)
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<wicki> We have a local meta-lts-mixins branch with Rust 1.74 for kirkstone. I think it could be useful to have one similar to the go layer, which tracks the latest version from oe-core master. Currently we have a rust branch by Scott Murray but that is specifically for Rust 1.68. How would the procedure look like to create a new branch? Would someone take
<wicki> and apply our patches? Or should we maintain it?
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<RP> jstephan: replied
<RP> wicki: we'd need someone to agree to maintain it
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<vvn> you can basically store templates (for TEMPLATECONF) anywhere, conf/templates/<name> is just an example, right?
<vvn> e.g. my-layer/conf/*.conf.sample if I do have only one template
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<rburton> sure
<kanavin> vvn, used to be anywhere. now conf/templates/name is enforced.
<vvn> enforced?
<smurray> wicki: I'm probably going to submit a kirkstone/rust-1.70 since I need it, and was toying with a kirkstone/rust that tracked latest since I've seen other people say they want latest
<kanavin> vvn, yes. oe-init-build-env won't take it from other locations.
<vvn> kanavin: that influences a lot my project structure, thank you ;) Is that a recent change?
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<kanavin> vvn, about a year ago I think, slightly more maybe
<kanavin> it's not in any released LTS (kirkstone or dunfell)
<vvn> thanks
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<wicki> smurray sounds good. 1.70 is the minimum we need as well (to build netavark from meta-virt)
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<smurray> wicki: yeah, a lot of things use the clap crates that now end up needing 1.70. It'd be nice if some of the Rust ecosystem folks made better use of semver...
<patersonc> Hello all, quick question, if a poky image is built without the debug-tweaks image feature, what's the default root password? Or is it not set unless the extrausers class is used?
<vvn> patersonc: no password, you won't be able to login as root via serial
<patersonc> vvn: Which explains my problem :P Thank you!
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<vvn> if I want to write a script which superseeds and sources oe-init-build-env and provide a different default builddir, should I set $1 or $BDIR?
<vvn> kanavin: btw I'm wondering what conf/templates is enforced, since this path doesn't need to be part of BBLAYERS
<vvn> s/what/why/
<ablu> patersonc: If you got systemd (with sysusers config enabled), you can set a "passwd.plaintext-password.root=<password>" credential. For example by adding this to the kernel-commandline to "systemd.set_credential=passwd.plaintext-password.root:test". That might save you a rebuild of the image :)
<patersonc> Thanks ablu
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<kanavin> vvn, for the purpose of making templates discoverable. We want a standard location for them, so they can be found by tools and people.
<kanavin> it's not different from standard location for machine and distro definitions
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<vvn> kanavin: got it.
<vvn> How do you guys handle downloads and sstate cache in you CI/CD? Do you mount them transparently or do you use docker volumes?
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<JPEW> vvn NFS
<moto-timo> does anybody know off the top of their heads of a layer other than oe-core/poky that uses classes-global and classes-recipe?
<vvmeson> moto-timo: meta-xilinux, meta-shift, match : $ rg classes-[gr] meta*
<moto-timo> vvmeson: thank you
<vvmeson> moto-timo: meta-xilinux is just in the path, meta-shirt has an oelint-parse patch.
<vvmeson> meta-wrdistro (I didn't name it!) has classes-recipe in fs.
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<vvmeson> moto-timo: correction rg doesn't match paths... it's a comment in meta-xilinux
<vvmeson> shoudl the layer index allow plain text or regex searches of layers ? ;-)
<khem> ah cool someone else also uses ripgrep :)
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<vvn> JPEW: your CI pipeline (and developers I guess) mount the nfs directory to build/sstate-cache before running bitbake for example?
<JPEW> Not developers
<rburton> pretty sure someone did a talk about hashserv and sstate at scale
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<vvn> yeah indeed, developers should only read the caches as mirrors
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<vvn> rburton: you mean a presentation somewhere? I'm interested
<vvn> I read https://www.thegoodpenguin.co.uk/blog/improving-yocto-build-time/ which is quite insightful already
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<moto-timo> vvn: https://youtu.be/2MAMCI8xvY8?si=e9R90hAEBpWjaS8R had some related content as I recall
<moto-timo> vvmeson: the filtering/search mechanism or similar can be expanded in Django, but it's not for "free"... you have to write more code to define more search capability
<moto-timo> vvmeson: there might be other ways... we already need to be parsing LAYERSERIES_COMPAT (which came around after the layerindex was last in heavy development)
<moto-timo> ha. I had ripgrep installed and forgot to learn to use it
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<vvmeson> me 'rg' rather than 'grep' it's 2x less to type!
<vvmeson> ( or should that have been 2x fewer characters to type - grammar?)
<JPEW> I use ripgrep mostly because it's really fast and has vim integration :)
<vvmeson> The biggest win is the default behaviour of ignoring .git directories when searching.
<moto-timo> pretty sure ChatGPT will entirely obliterate that type of distinction within 5 years
<vvmeson> Y'all should also be using 'fd' rather than find: $ fd some-pattern-regex [optional path if '.' isn't what you want to search ]
<vvn> I can't wait to have the monitor/window/tab focus follow my eyes
<moto-timo> huh, rg is also by default recursive so you don't need -R?
<vvmeson> moto-timo: yep
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<moto-timo> omg the egrep and sed in perl do_create_rdepends_inc 🤦
<vvmeson> some of this I picked up from trying new tools, but some came from the excellent Missing Semester of Your CS Education : https://missing.csail.mit.edu/
<moto-timo> it might as well be written in Cyrillic or kanji for how readable it is.
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<vvmeson> moto-timo: Does https://regexr.com/ help?
<moto-timo> vvmeson: it will, but the main problem is no comments about what and why the patterns were developed
<vvmeson> moto-timo: ugh
<moto-timo> vvmeson: I tend to consider myself fairly good at regex, sed, awk, grep... but not if I don't know why... I was just trying to get it to stop matching perl-module-v5.12 lol
<moto-timo> ah -v -e means invert the match
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