JaMa: I can do it. I normally wait for Christopher to do it, but it's easy enough for me to take care of.
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Is there a possibility to search for recipes which get pulled in by a specific MACHINE_FEATURES? For example "gpu"?
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yo dudX
Xogium: it was a user error. loading a partition image instead of a disk one.
LetoThe2nd: ooh yeah that would do it !
well glad I could at least try and help
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Xogium: yup thanks!
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the qemu upgrade nearly worked :/
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better than a sea of red I guess?
I'm chasing a few user/group management troubles the rpm 4.19 upgrade exposed.
smurray: would it be helpful for you if wicki would send the Rust lts-mixin patches e.g. to the oe-core mailing list? Or should we ask Michael for adding wicki's or my ssh key to the lts-mixin repo and support you with pushing directly? We could also agree on e.g. a -next branch. In the mean time developers are already asking for Rust 1.74 on our
kanavin_: yes, it thankfully turned out to be a simple fix despite being a mingw failure
qschulz, does this affect other machines? Is it needed in oe-core? I've experienced it only rock-pi-4 and tlwoerner updated the patch as it affects other Rockchip machines as well.
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leon-anavi: I experienced it on ringneck-px30
on a kirkstone branch
actually, on jaguar-rk3588 sorry
and the kirkstone branch doesn't have that patch
I'm also a bit surprised about the fact that we need to add some special handling in meta-rockchip for adding a dependency on tf-a AND set BL31
isn't that another machine working covered by meta-rockchip?
this is required for all Aarch64 machines, so at the very least it would make sense in meta-arm (cc rburton jonmason )
shame on me, I am using Cherry MX mechanical switches and I didn't know they make rockchip boards.
wellllll, to be fair, the parent company is Cherry, and we only got acquired a few years ago :)
and difficult to understand that Theobroma is part of Cherry from the name only ;)
ok :)
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qschulz, I agree with you remarks about the addition of the patch and making it available for more devices. I don't mind but I am not sure how can I proceed as I don't have enough hardware to test it.
i'm trying to understand what requires pyelftools in U-Boot
It also makes sense to cherry-pick the patch to branch kirkstone of meta-rockchip.
because i didn't need it for v2022.10
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My memory is a bit vague. I did this contribution to meta-rockchip in my spare time and it has been a while.
leon-anavi: I'll send a patch for master of OE-Core and see where this leads us :)
sounds good!
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pls share a link to the patch after sending it. I am afraid I may missed it otherwise. I have been busy with several project right now and I don't pay much attention to the mailing list due to the lack of time.
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qschulz: "all" might be strong, as none of the machines in meta-arm have bonus depends on pyelftools in uboot
rburton: "all" was for BL31 dependency :)
so tf-a
i'd say its on the bsp enabling uboot to add that dependency if they need it
rburton: any aarch64 machine with u-boot as bootloader will require this
this means a lot of duplication in BSPs
whereas I assume most people may include meta-arm to get trusted-firmware-a recipe "for free" ?
or maybe I'm the only one doing this :) ?
i hope people use meta-arm to get tfa recipes!
(I know many don't)
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adrianf: I have an up to date with master kirkstone/rust branch I was going to push today myself, as well as a rust-1.70 one.
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smurray: Sounds great. Thank you already in advance!
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rburton: that would be a good thing for BSP layers but some have their own forks of tfa :(
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RP: clone3 is new in glibc 2.39 which might of interest for pseudo. Does it trap clone calls /
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Just joining the Yocto IRC. I'm working with Robot Operating System (ROS 2) to cross-compile and deploy some c++ code to a Raspberry Pi 4 for aerial drone path planning.
New to Yocto, and excited to be here!
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Welcome Ryanf55 hope you have fun here
with meta-ros it's always fun :)
ryanf55: welcome
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Thanks! I'm just starting to learn how to write layers. Working with a minimal OS is fun to see what sorts of assumptions developers make. For example, ROS developers of `colcon` assume that if you have `sh`, then you have `head` and `tail` available on your OS.
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how to easily find the list or recipes that requires some recipe ?
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