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ac_slater: are you trying it with master branch ?
if not try it there first, since it will have latest setuptools
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khem: thanks! I have a vendor version of yocto so it's a bit tough. I can do the normal bisecting. I was just curious if there was a known issue with python packages - this is my first time adding one
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Yeah usually you try with master and if it fails there then you have an upstream problem we can also chime in here
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thanks khem
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I've build an image for RISC-V. The crosscompiler assumed that the processor has the A-extension available, but unfortunately my implementation hasn't got (full) support (yet).
How can I change the machine for which yocto builds ? When I'm doing baremetal, I use the arguments: -march=rv32gc
All help is welcome!!
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yo dudX
Average_Joe: create a new machine conf based on the closest that is available, and then change the tune as you need it.
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Oh nice ... feedback from the juggler him-self ... Thanks!!
(I was just watching you on youtube :))
Kudos on those videos ... really helpful!
Average_Joe: thanks, glad to hear
Average_Joe: for getting started, maybe look through the machines listed on the layer index, there almost certainly is some modified-riscv starter template.
/home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemux86-world-alt/build/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/dnf/4.18.2/recipe-sysroot/usr/bin/postinst-docbook-xsl-stylesheets-xmlcatalog: line 5: xmlcatalog: command not found
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How do I enable address sanitizers(-fsanitize=address) in yocto
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Guest55: Install the libraries (libasan libubsan and so on) into your image
* alessioigor
waves all
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I tried adding IMAGE_INSTALL:append = libasan libubsan but in the target when I run a program it gives me this error
cannot find libasan_preinit.o: No such file or directory
cannot find -lasan: No such file or directory
Are you verified that libraries are present?
RP: no thats totally from my changes, i'll dig
No, I haven't verified it. But when we append for those libraries in local.conf it has to be present right?
I could see that those libraries are installed
how do I tell bitbake to create packages for every transitive dependency? I have the issue that if I do bitbake foo it will create packages for foo and foo's dependencies, but not for the dependencies of foo's dependencies
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KanjiMonster: see the --runall option to bitbake?
Even if those libraries(libasan and libubsan) are present why do I see these errors: cannot find libasan_preinit.o: No such file or directory
cannot find -lasan: No such file or directory
RP: I'm already using --runall=do_package_write_ipk, which helps for the immediate dependencies, but not the transitive ones. I also noticed these don't show up in pn-buildlist
KanjiMonster: try do_build ?
let me test ...
RP: nope, doesn't help :/
Guest55: Perhaps you have to install -dev packages...
yeah you'll want the -dev forms if you want to link to them on the target
Let me try that out..
KanjiMonster: what are you defining as a transitive dependency? That option should cover it but we may have different definitions I guess
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RP: e.g. openvswitch depends on python3-twisted which depends on python3-appdirs, which depends on python3-click. And python3-click does not get packaged, making the generated openvswitch package uninstallable due to missing dependencies
more or less I look for the right command to "build this package and everything that's needed to install it so I can put the result in a feed"
this is kirkstone FWIW
KanjiMonster: can you quickly try master? You shouldn't need a full build, just a bitbake -g and look at task-depends.dot
KanjiMonster: it is possible there is a bug in there. It sounds like what you want should work but I can't be sure without looking into it in detail
RP: will do
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KanjiMonster: fwiw, python3-appdirs doesn't depend on click
ah the problem might be that these are only in RDEPENDS and not in DEPENDS
rdepends being basically packaging metadata and not actually the build time recipe dependency graph
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rburton: "--runall RUNALL Run the specified task for any recipe in the taskgraph of the specified target (even if it wouldn't otherwise have run)."
JPEW: I was sharing your "Hash Equivalence at Scale" slides with someone and was surprised that there is no mention of BB_HASHSERVE/BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM if you ever refresh these it might be useful to show how to configure the bitbake build to use it
rburton: it should technically follow into that
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rburton: RP: It feels there is a depth limit or so. E.g. if I build a packagegroup rdepending on openvswitch, the packaging stops at python3-twisted(-core). If I build openvswitch, it goes one level more and builds the twisted-core RDEPENDS, but not their's
RP: why does ab-helper's kirkstone branch have "master" all over the repo-defaults block? i'd have expected it to say 'kirkstone' everywhere...
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presumably something else is switching the defaults
KanjiMonster: right, there were bugs like that which I have fixed. I just can't remember when, hence asking if master has the issue
rburton: I don't think ab-helper's branch config does much
rburton: the intent was there originally but I think it all comes in too late
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rburton: yocto-ab2's code is usually what wins
meh, pastebin complains that it's too large.
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(spoiler: there is python3-click-native, but no python3-click in there)
KanjiMonster: what is interesting is that python3-click isn't here at all
KanjiMonster: did you disable debian renaming?
all I did was checkout poky, added meta-openembedded and meta-virtualization, did . oe-init-buildenv and then ran bitbake -g openvswitch. no code changes or even local.conf changes
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so it's not pulling the names from RDEPENDS and turning them into explicit DEPENDS
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RP: I have maybe interesting side-effect of "Fix EXPORT_FUNCTIONS bug" change in bitbake, do you have 2 mins to see if it's expected?
RP: .bb file defines do_install(), then there is .bbappend which adds cmake inherit, before this change the do_install in recipe is ignored and only cmake_do_install is called in do_install, after this change the do_install from .bb is used and cmake_do_install isn't called at all
KanjiMonster: ok. I'll have to try and look into it, I don't know what to advise
JaMa: I assume cmake uses EXPORT_FUNCTIONS?
* RP
checks and it does
JaMa: that is expected, the previous behaviour is a bug
JaMa: I did worry we may find some of these
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RP: thank you. Feel free to ping me if you want me to test anything. For now I'll go down the rabbit hole and call bitbake on dependencies until I get no errors from opkg anymore
RP: ok will check what changed in the image after this change, sofar I know about 2 cases which resulted in build failures, but there might be more where it silently changed the content
KanjiMonster: a workaround would be to bbappend some DEPENDS in, like add click DEPENDS to incremental
JaMa: EXPORT_FUNCTIONS was always defined as "do not override any existing recipe function" so the bug was clear, if annoying. It doesn't make sense to behave another way
RP: OK, so the right fix is to define do_install calling cmake_do_install after the inherit? that's what I did now
is there a way to make yocto use poky to build a minimal ramdisk image ? As in, a ramdisk that gets bundled with the kernel, but with it being the whole rootfs ? I.e: no pivoting to a full rootfs later
in other case the do_install and inherit is in the same .bb, so I'll just reorder them
Xogium: there's INITRAMFS_BUNDLE or similar. you control the file system so just don't have a pivot in it.
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hmm, good point
JaMa: I think so
Xogium: the only important thing about an initramfs image is that it needs to be a cpio. if you want to have it so its a self-contained system and doesn't pivot, then make it do that.
Xogium: though a true bundled initramfs is a pain as you need to rebuild the kernel every time you change it. if your bootloader supports separate kernel and initrd then that is nicer
yeah that's also true
here's just for a quick run in qemu ;) trying to develop a hardware tts and I just need something lightning fast for this purpose
I could make my own cpio manually, but I figure, might as well learn yocto while doing this :D
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RP: I wrote a shell script to check the Packages lists for any missing packages from Depends, and added those to the RDEPENDS of our packagegroup (likely a concidence, but they were all python3 packages)
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LetoThe2nd: ä
KanjiMonster: yep
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RP: that was quick! will give it a test once I'm out of the current meeting
JaMa: ah ya. That didn't change so I didn't think to put it in my presentation
KanjiMonster: I've tweaked it a bit and sent to the list for review
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RP: ah for bonus fun the xsl thing is only breaking in dnf because it depends on libdnf which has to depend on a _target_ gtk-doc because cmake is terrible and that then pulls in the target xsl and that is the one that breaks. or something.
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RP: ok xmlcatalog fix sent which sorts out dnf for me
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RP: partial success, at least with kirkstone. building openvswitch triggers python3-click, but building a packagegroup that RDEPENDS on openvswitch does not. Now trying master (will take a bit)
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khem: did you drop the :class-native overrides that were no longer needed?
but thats for native bb which is separate its target one
khem: ah, right
khem: I wonder if the do_configure:append is now not doing what it did before
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khem: instead of an :append it may want to explictly call autotools_do_configure ?
let me try
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hmmm... when we dropped distrodata.bbclass (warrior?) we lost the do_distro_check task. i wonder where that would be appropriate to go now?
I suspect we are no longer testing that Debian/Fedora/Ubuntu comparison code from lib/oe/distro_check.py so some oe-selftest is also in order ;)
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strange behaviour from bmaptool: half the time it see the queue/scheduler as [bfq] and the other half the time it sees [none]
and that's with leaving the usb stick plugged in continuously
distilling the code that performs this read, i can run that 30 times in a row and it always reads [none]
([none] is the correct value, i can 'cat' that file all day long and it always reads [none])
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moto-timo: honestly, i'd be tempted to rip it out. don't care what other distros ship, we should be shipping latest (or have a good reason not to)
rburton: we have historically had this in RRS and in the branch comparison for layerindex
rburton: it is an aid in getting people to leave other distros and switch to Yocto Project
(or vice versa, but I stick to my own definition)
yeah i remember
still: meh
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moto-timo: its original purpose was to compare licenses cross distro but that was a long time ago!
moto-timo: some of the Intel specific reasons for it no longer exist afaik
I think it is still a valid use case to for instance be looking at a BeagleBoard Debian release or NVidia Ubuntu release when moving to Yocto Project.
We have had customers in similar situations in the last two years.
anyway, it seems to be close to functional as a standalone distro-check.bbclass
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RP: is there a change of behaviour in autotools with inherit_defer ?
wait a moment, this does not have any automake stuff in it, it needs cmake
how did it work
it does inherit cmake so I guess now cmake bbclass should be inherit_defer'ed too
this is going to be quite confusing when to use inherit and when to use inherit_defer, the side effects needs to be well documented/explained