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I'm experiencing seg fault in windows from ffi; which version I should try installing?
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havenwood: The docs suggest not all Enumerator methods are implemented with a Fiber though. There's a concept of "external iteration" and "internal iteration". External iteration is things like #next, and those are implemented with Fiber. Where as "internal iterations" are not. See https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/master/enumerator.c
But otherwise everything you said makes complete sense
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trying that old Gemfile.lock from the repo gives Downloading nokogiri-1.10.4 revealed dependencies not in the API or the lockfile (mini_portile2 (~> 2.4.0)). Running `bundle update nokogiri` should fix the problem.
does anyone is looking for ruby dev?, please dm
CalimeroTeknik: I notice that Gemfile.lock is missing seqlite3 now.
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that is true
so that means that even though the gem is installed, bundler will not allow the project to load it?
the more I know about bundler, the more I find it (intentionally, out of some sense of "precaution") gets in the way of things working
CalimeroTeknik: Correct. Only dependencies in Gemfile are loadable once you invoke `bundle` or require `bundler/setup`
This is by design tho.
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fail fast is better that relying on implicit dependencies you may have installed
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