hi, is there an easy way in ruby to create an IO object where i can write to it on one thread and read to it on another, and for example if i call .gets on it, it'll block until it has enough data? basically i want StringIO, except that StringIO is non-blocking and returns nil for .gets if there's not enough data
i want the blocking behavior of the stdout/stderr IO objects from popen3
o0x1eef, yeah, i was looking at IO.pipe, it does fit what i asked for. the only issue is that pipes have bounds afaik, and i want this to be totally unbounded
You mean you can only write so much before it blocks and you must read from it ?
o0x1eef, yeah
Right, yeah. You can work around that similar my example by having a separate thread / process that is always looking for content to read, and that way you never fill the buffer
o0x1eef, so what i'm trying to do is provide an abstraction over popen3 that doesn't suffer from popen3's similar issue: it runs into problems when its buffers for stdout and stderr get full. i have a reader thread right now, and it could publish to a pipe that i'd expose, but the pipe would fill up. but are you saying i'd have, like, a writer thread in addition to the reader thread, and the writer thread
is just always trying to write to the pipe?
Did you look at the code I pasted because it sounds exactly like what you're trying to do ?
Look at #spawn especially
you mean in cmd.rb? i see that you're writing to two different strings, and i guess there is where i'd replace it with writing chunks to a list that a writer thread is always trying to write to a pipe
two different strings being @stdout and @stderr
maybe use a queue
Right, more or less that's it.
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o0x1eef, what happens if i don't call .join on threads? in my case, i have these writer threads that are instance members of the process handle, and i don't want to force the user to call a cleanup method to join them
i'm curious if the threads will be garbage collected when they finish, or if they also have to have join called on them
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I’m running rbot off this branch right now: https://github.com/henk84/rbot/tree/refactor/error_handling and I get this crash: https://bpa.st/GXPA when I let it run, connect, and then interrupt it with ctrl-c. sometimes the output varies and lines 15-21 are not there. I don’t understand what’s happening, where that call to `select` comes from, i.e. the chain what happens. I get the feeling that
this might be threading related. any advice how to figure out what’s really going on here?
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cahoots: Usually you would call join a thread to prevent the main thread exiting and taking all the other threads with it
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oh, I guess my problem has to do with the traps and reentrancy … looking into that now. if anyone knows about this stuff and can check whether my hunch is correct, I’d appreciate it!
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havenwood, how does `gem install -g --no-lock` help running the bundler project without heeding the Gemfile.lock?
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CalimeroTeknik: So if you say `bundle init` then `bundle add async` it creates a `Gemfile` but not `Gemfile.lock` file. When you `gem install -g --no-lock` it resolves `Gemfile` dependencies and installs the gems but does *not* create a `Gemfile.lock`.
CalimeroTeknik: I thought you wanted to install `Gemfile` dependencies without creating a `Gemfile.lock` but maybe I misunderstood your intention?
The `-g, --file [FILE]` flag will install `Gemfile` dependencies if not provided an argument.
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The `--no-lock` flag is meant for use with the `-g, --file` flag when you wish to not create a `Gemfile.lock`, as was once recommended for gems but is now debated.
CalimeroTeknik: Try deleting the `Gemfile.lock` and running `gem i -g --no-lock` in the directory with your `Gemfile`.
An aside, but I'd hoped the more modern `gems.rb` and `gems.locked` convention would have taken over for `Gemfile` and `Gemfile.lock` by now. I guess RuboCop discouraging it greatly diminishes adoption. I prefer `gems.rb` to `Gemfile`. We know it's a file. Ruby files should have an `.rb` extension.
(A `bundle` or `gem i -g` will detect a `gems.rb` just like a `Gemfile`, FWIW.)
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CalimeroTeknik: Rereading backlog, is it that you want a `bundle update` equivalent that doesn't modify the `Gemfile.lock`? You want a `Gemfile.lock`? Then to ignore it?
I was assuming you'd opt to not create the Gemfile.lock in the first place. Does that work?
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You should be able to do either, but I'd opt to not have a Gemfile.lock if you're going to not use it at all.
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