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rvm uses the max threads available and then compilations fail
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wait no
leah2: What was the last conference you attended?
heart of clojure '24?
or 38c3?
ruby, uh. ruby on ice 2019 xd
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next is bobkonf
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actually fosdem i guess xd
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leah2: Fosdem just passed?
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That's quite a few. Jealous.
Tho Rails Word was so enjoyable, I am not sure it could be topped.
i did too many conferences in 2024, so more chill now
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Anyone else notice the job market is not looking that great ? If you are blessed to have a job rn, you ought to keep it. And even if you do have a job, it would be worth looking for alternative sources of income. May that be your own business or a side hussle.
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yeah it sucks
and open positions are all llm crap
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o0x1eef: Things seem to be getting better on the consulting side
2024 was worst year on record, and this year I dont' seem to have enough capacity at all.
Not sure what to make of it
in downturn companies seek to be more flexible so they turn to consultants?
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I think it will get worse. If you take him at his word (and you probably should) the president of the US wants to ban working from home.
i really need to think about diversifying my stock portfolio... argh
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fuck all the news outlets that sanewashed that fuck
We entered a dark era. No doubt about it
at least the people of New Orleans now live by the Gulf of America