has anyone made a ruby language server work on sublime? I tried three or four, like shopify, solargraph, and others, but only one did run at all, and it worked badly (could not find a module from require_relative)
I see dude coding in rust and his neovim and other editors he uses all provide such cool dropdowns with help, signatures, etc., and I have none of it in sublime
only ruby-linter checks for syntax errors and warnings
I don't use Sublime, so I can't help you too specifically, but what sorts of errors were you getting?
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I think it's a profound philosophical tendency that has been developing in software, coincidentally with the term "UX": the developer assumes to know what the user needs better than the user does
adam12: agreed on the value added, not sure it's a ton at this point, the main thing i like it for is jump to definition
also, things break down a bit when docker is part of the story.. but that's a whole different can of worms
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wat is faster. python or ruby?
spikemaster: similar in performance.
the performance depends on the tools/libraries too (or problem at hand)
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i.e. hard to beat the ruthless efficiency of python's numpy for computation
python/ruby both have ways to interface with c-libraries
but overall at a language level performance, i'd guess quite similar
spikemaster, python and ruby are software glue; for the number crunching, use external libraries.
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they're languages made as assembly convenience and for "cold code paths", i.e. code that doesn't run a lot
that's not necessarily true, in the sense that there are plenty of rails apps/django that run a lot of ruby/django code a LOT
ruby/python code *
Python has some of the best AI libraries as well, and those are optimized for GPU calculations. Nothing quite on that level in Ruby. Nothing as good at least.
yeah, i think the overall data analysis/scientific visualization tools are on a different level as well for python
this is not to say ruby couldn't be those things as well, it's just not, at the moment
*NN libraries
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maybe more generally speaking: is it ok to just reuse other classes’ errors, e.g. IO::TimeoutError or should I better implement my own errors in my own classes?
TimeoutError comes from timeout.rb, and nowadays it is Timeout::Error
o0x1eef: errr, how where what? timeout.rb in rbot’s sourcecode?
ah, no, 'require timeout', I guess
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Yup, a plugin is using it
But in that specific context, I don't see it being used. That code has a lot of tech debt AFAICT.
yes, a lot. I’m trying to clean it up after it has been abandoned for a few years … still works mostly fine, though!
yeah, two plugins load that module(?), but it’s not certain these plugins will always be loaded …
so what should I do here? raise IO::TimeoutError, raise Timeout::Error, or implement my own error class? if I don’t use timeout.rb functionality otherwise anyway, it seems silly to load it just for the error class … IO::TimeoutError sounds appropriate. would that have any side effects which I should consider? or is it generally not a good idea to raise IO::TimeoutError outside of the IO class?
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IMO examine the code that is being guarded with rescue, and figure out what can be raised. Then rescue accordingly. I wouldn't trust that code very much.
it »raise TimeoutError, "no PONG from server in #{diff} seconds"« so some error with "timeout" seems appropriate, right? just not sure which one would be the proper one to use …
If I was to refactor that code, I would add Irc::Error = Class.new(RuntimeError); Then I would add Irc::PongError = Class.new(Irc::Error) or something similar to that. 'ServerError' would also fall under the Irc namespace rather than Object.
hm, any particular reason to use this syntax instead of "class Irc::Error < RuntimeError"?
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It is less verbose, and if you are going to define multiple errors, that becomes especially obvious but mostly just personal preference, either is fine
hrm, the following two lines have the same number of words (at least the way I count them) and exactly the same length:
IMO the first one scales better, it is easier to organize, it is less verbose and doesn't have any semi colons. But it's just a matter of style for the most part. Use whichever one you prefer.
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ok, but then if you need some functions or whatever in one of those errors you just rewrite (i.e. simply something like s/;/\n/) the second to the third form and have a block to work in. what do you do in the first form? rewrite to third as well?
or is that scenario so uncommon that this is irrelevant?
Updated the gist
ooh, I see
huh, I have no idea what I like better; I guess it might take a while until a personal preference materializes :D
I don't have any hard rules for that, I might separate the errors into their own file and use the 'class Error < ...' syntax if they end up having a real implementation. For simple errors I usually use a constant assignment
thank you very much! I’ll go do some refactoring of error handling …
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CalimeroTeknik: For what it's worth, you can `gem install -g --no-lock` to install `Gemfile` dependencies without creating a `Gemfile.lock` file.
I’m running rbot off this branch right now: https://github.com/henk84/rbot/tree/refactor/error_handling and I get this crash: https://bpa.st/GXPA when I let it run, connect, and then interrupt it with ctrl-c. sometimes the output varies and lines 15-21 are not there. I don’t understand what’s happening, where that call to `select` comes from, i.e. the chain what happens. I get the feeling that
this might be threading related. any advice how to figure out what’s really going on here?
oh, if you want to test run it: the command is `./launch_here.rb -d`, then you can answer every question with just the return key to accept the default, but 'server list' and connect to e.g. irc.netwichtig.ch (which is my own irc network and testing there is fine but if you prefer any other that should work too)
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