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<nakilon> I would just merge junit report files; every framework can generate them; but probably there is still no functionality to generate html report from xml, and the generator is still not separatable from rspec runner
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<nakilon> does "to_enum" still execute the method after the "yield" keyword (otherwise it would not know if there was another one) but ignores the return value? kind of shutting it up? the name ".shut_up" or ".ignore" would be a descriptive alias
<nakilon> or ".exploit"
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<nakilon> and so you are kind of able to implement two methods as one -- just implement an external one and yield intermediate results, whether you need to read/edit them or not
<nakilon> but if it's not an iterator, can I instruct the only "yield" invocation to halt and not proceed? I guess so, with "break"
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<o0x1eef> AFAIK it is usually implemented like 'return enum_for(:method_name) unless block_given?'
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<nakilon> yeah, for methods like .sum (not that I like it, I would rather do .map{...}.sum), but I don't recall any single iteration method with this thing; it would be two variants of call -- .m() and .m{}, to get the intermediate value (and halt) or a resulting one
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<o0x1eef> I don't think the code after the yield is executed until there's no yields left: https://gist.github.com/0x1eef/ce484fc210c609f6e559c5e573fcc1ce - in that example, "enum.next" doesn't print anything until the last next call. It looks very similar to how Fibers work. If I did enum.map {} instead, then 123 is printed after there's nothing left to yield.
<o0x1eef> Methods like 'next' are referred to as 'external iteration' and are implemented with Fiber
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<CalimeroTeknik> I'm at a loss, can someone help me decode this stack trace's cause? "LoadError: cannot load such file -- sqlite3" and the rest is here https://0x0.st/8A1w.txt
<CalimeroTeknik> it seems trivial, and yet, I can't even locate a `require 'sqlite3'` or similar
<CalimeroTeknik> the source code of this bot is at https://github.com/k5bot/k5bot
<petru> gem install sqlit3 ?
<petru> gem install sqlite3 ?
<petru> I think I've had that error before, I don't remember exactly how I solved it
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<petru> Or sudo apt install sqlite3
<petru> Or something
<petru> I'm not sure if the gem alone installs sqlite3
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<CalimeroTeknik> gem install sqlite3 did not help!
<CalimeroTeknik> it's a bundler project, so it should have installed what it needs…
<petru> What about apt?
<petru> assuming here you're using debian/ubuntu
<CalimeroTeknik> well, it's gentoo, but sqlite is present
<CalimeroTeknik> this appeared following a `bundle update`
<CalimeroTeknik> I was hoping that the stack trace was explicit as to what component was looking for a 'sqlite3' import
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<petru> Perhaps you need an older version of sqlite3 gem?
<petru> You are, after all, running ruby 3.1.0
<petru> Try changing the Gemfile to: gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.5'
<petru> Run 'gem list sqlite3' to find out which one bundler has installed
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<adam12> CalimeroTeknik: A real mystery.
<adam12> CalimeroTeknik: Does it improve if you do `bundle exec bot.rb`?
<adam12> Likely not but worth a shot.
<adam12> Did you configure your own database connection?
<weaksauce> do you have sqlite3 installed? not the gem
<adam12> A lot of that gem has atrophied, so I can't try it locally
<adam12> One observation is that the sqlite3 dependency in the lockfile is super old.
<adam12> Tho Sequel is fairly new.
<weaksauce> can you require from irb?
<adam12> Oh nm. Sequel is old too.
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<nakilon> o0x1eef: I mean smth like this https://ideone.com/8eMR1s -- if you all just .first on itself, you don't go further, but invoking it with {} you finish the execution
<nakilon> *if you call
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<havenwood> nakilon: Under the hood, a Fiber suspends after a `yield` or `block.call`.
<havenwood> Enumerator is built on top of Fiber.
<havenwood> Here's a quick stab I took at implementing Enumerator in Ruby with Fiber, for example: https://gist.github.com/havenwood/964aaba914ace2d561d85b4110ead0ce
<havenwood> Real Enumerators are Fiber-backed too.
<havenwood> If you `yield` a bunch of times it'll suspend after each.
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