havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.1, 3.3.6 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<Viko> I'm trying to use Fiddle to use some OS functionality via ffi and the docs aren't really helpful, specially for structs definition. I've seen like 3 different ways and I they don't work. I'd like to load a WNDCLASS struct so I can be able to use RegisterClass(WNDCLASS*) so I can open a window, however can see the way to make this one work. Aside of that, typealiases don't seem to work through nested modules even if I declare them in the parent module.
<Viko> Can someone help me on how is the best way to make ffi happen? I should be able to create and declare created cstructs like WNDCLASS, load c functions and work with ctypes across different submodules. I couldn't find any good resources about it?
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<Viko> Hi, btw
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<weaksauce> Viko a few options... you can try looking at the tests or look for other people on github using fiddle or maybe even chatgpt to get an idea.
<weaksauce> there is also a few articles on this website about using different ffi wrappers https://ankane.org/
<Viko> I can do Github thing ty, CGPT I tried but it always gives my half info or a different info every time
<weaksauce> the articles iirc were shorts about integrating with AI stuff maybe? i read it a while ago
<weaksauce> might have been directly on the subject
<weaksauce> yeah maybe this https://ankane.org/new-ml-gems
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