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<weaksauce> henk yeah **foo
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<henk> yeah, couldn’t get it to work but found my mistake: didn’t actually make them keyword arguments, just normal arguments, i.e. forgot appending the colon …
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<henk> is there some shortcut for having all keyword arguments given to the .new method be instance variables? i.e. shorter than http://pastie.org/p/73jHHlcuqkhinyoLt5e3gk
<adam12> henk: Nope. There are gems that might help you tho.
<adam12> henk: Or you could meta program it.
<weaksauce> henk i don't think by default but you could do a small mixin that takes each kw arg and makes a new instance var
<adam12> henk: I like it explicit.
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<weaksauce> explicit++
<henk> ok, thanks
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<adam12> henk: If it's a data-looking object, you can look at using `Data` class that's newish.
<adam12> Part of 3.1 or 3.2 I think.
<adam12> If you want to metaprogram the initialzer away, there's evt-initializer from Eventide and dry-initializer from dry-rb.
<adam12> (and a bunch others like Literal if you want some sort of types, etc)
<adam12> Cert = Data.define(:domain_names, :ca_account, :challenge, :primary_ns, :tsig_key)
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<henk> adam12: thanks
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<Common-Lisp> Hi, does anyone know how to define hash schema in RBS for frozen constant assignments?
<Common-Lisp> If I don't freeze the hash RBS lets me define the schema (keys/values of the hash)
<Common-Lisp> But if I freeze it, steep rejects the assignment and asks me to define a generic type (which I don't want)
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<adam12> Common-Lisp: Can you show what you've got?
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<[0x1eef_]> One day 256 colors works in tmux, the next they don't. Seems hard to get right.
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<monr0e> Figuring otu RubyMine, got a permission error on writing to /usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/cache. chmodded from gems down, issue still appears. Is there something super obvious that I haven't done? On Manjaro
<[0x1eef_]> That's a path only root can normally write to, and I don't recommend changing that.
<monr0e> so why does the bundler want to write to it?
<monr0e> should I specify an sdk in /opt where my workspace is?
<monr0e> er
<monr0e> ~/ rather?
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<[0x1eef_]> By default bundler will install to your system gemset. You can try: 'bundle install --path .gems' to avoid it. Might also be worth adding 'gem: --user-install' to ~/.gemrc. You'll probably never want to install gems as root.
<monr0e> Hm. to be honest, I was lazy and used pamac. Or maybe it was yay? I forget. RubyMine seems to run the bundle from wherever the sdk is specified (I'll hafve to check that), so perhaps installing by hand is the solution.
<[0x1eef_]> Not sure. I haven't heard of either. Your distro should have a package for Ruby.
<monr0e> ya, both pamac and yay are endemic to arch/manjaro afaik. I forget the specifics, but I'm fairly certain I built fromm aur. I'll h ave a hunt around, ta
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<adam12> [0x1eef_]: I gave up on tmux for that exact reason. Tired of fucking around with 256 colors.
<[0x1eef_]> It's especially weird because it worked a few days ago.
<adam12> I still use it (or screen) on remote servers but it's just easier now to keep everything in Wez or even just neovim.
<adam12> I used tmux for years and years and years paired with vim, but once 256 color support came out, I was tired of doing the dance. t_Co? and other weird shit.
<[0x1eef_]> I want 256 colors for console emacs :)
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<adam12> I found tmux introduced an annoying latency too. I'm incredibly sensitive to it and I can notice keypress lag.
<[0x1eef_]> The lag with X11 forwarding is even worse.
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<[0x1eef_]> alias tmux='TERM=tmux-256color tmux' works.
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<adam12> I think I did that hack at one point in time.
<adam12> `tmux -2` or something
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<[0x1eef_]> Yep :) I came across that suggestion too. Didn't seem to work. Neither did 'set -g default-terminal ...' and everything else that's usually suggested. I don't want to revert any of it in case it breaks again.
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<adam12> default-terminal must have been the last trick I used at the time before my original MBA crashed. https://github.com/adam12/dotfiles-old/blob/8e57777e9aa008f19ed41d00b7b18b9ed4d4dd2d/tmux/.tmux.conf#L8
<adam12> lol
<adam12> I don't do any of that anymore, thankfully.
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<Common-Lisp> adam12: I have something like "A = { b: 'c', d: 'e' }.freeze"
<Common-Lisp> I want to define RBS similar to "A: { b: String, d: String }", which I can do if and only if the ".freeze" is removed
<Common-Lisp> But of course, rubocop will yell at me if I remove the ".freez3e"
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<adam12> Common-Lisp: I see what you mean.
<adam12> Common-Lisp: Are you using Steep? https://github.com/soutaro/steep/issues/363
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