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<Obsdark> Hello there
<Obsdark> I am having issues installing RVM in windows, is there a comprehensive guide about how to do it?
<Obsdark> because all the paths seems to show to use the linux machine
<Obsdark> or, install a bunch of software than is not correctly installed or with version inconsistencies all arround
<Obsdark> I am trying to run a project from the github but the thing first ask for a version of ruby, then for another one, and so on and so for and it doesn't seems to work, maybe i am reading the error wrong but idk
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<Obsdark> Did any of you use Ruby on windows?
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<henk> hi, is there a common idiom for reading a file’s content doing all sanity checks or catching everything that might go wrong? I’m currently aware of checking File.readable? and File.exists? and then reacting to whatever combination accordingly. but this surely has been done countless times before, so I’m assuming there is some kind of "standard" way to do that.
<henk> context: I need to read a crypto key from a file. I want to catch the condition that the file does not exist, because then I will have to create a key and write it to that file. I also want to catch the condition that the file exists but cannot be read because then I (most likely) also won’t be able to write the created key into it. I currently have http://pastie.org/p/30cPiahVf2e8VCjMAoIQvo but
<henk> I’m wondering if there is a more generic way available that catches these and possible other problems.
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<AndreYuhai> We're running this to start the server "bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb" Is there any way I could also get it to run with irb?
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<AndreYuhai> So that I could interact and run my stuff as well in irb shell
<[0x1eef_]> henk: I think we discussed this before. You can 'rescue SystemCallError'. That will catch everything that could go wrong AFAIK.
<[0x1eef_]> SystemCallError is the superclass of all Errno exceptions.
<[0x1eef_]> 'man read'. There's apparently a lot of error conditions.
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<henk> [0x1eef_]: mhm, yeah, but that’s not very specific. I was hoping for some existing wrapper that catches at least the most occuring problems and provides helpful output …
<[0x1eef_]> I think Ruby has predicates for the common scenarios: File.exist?, File.readable?
<[0x1eef_]> That's probably "good enough".
<henk> yeah, I’m using them already. and yeah: probably good enough … I’m not good with the 80/20 rule and care too much about the 20 d-: even when the 80 isn’t finished yet …
<henk> thank you
<[0x1eef_]> If you want something that's airtight, then you can either rescue SystemCallError or specific Errno exceptions. That's the next level. I'm not aware of something else.
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<henk> ack, thanks
<[0x1eef_]> yw
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<Na_Klar> I'm developing a ruby script for a raspberry pi zero and I use Thread.new(). which seems not to work as expected, the one thread does not throw any output. Didn't I consider that the zero just has one core? Is that related, or does that not affect Thread at all?
<[0x1eef_]> Na_Klar: Are you sure the main thread doesn't exit first ? Usually you want to call Thread#join at some point.
<Na_Klar> no, the main thread is blocked at a Queue.
<Na_Klar> (in a loop)
<[0x1eef_]> Another angle to investigate: does the thread raise an exception ? IIRC those are silent by default.
<Na_Klar> when I run the threads alone each, they work as expected
<Na_Klar> but when both run simultanously, the one (always the same) does not throw anything anymore.
<[0x1eef_]> Looks like report_on_exception is true on 3.3 by default.
<Na_Klar> (3.1 here)
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<[0x1eef_]> Is the pi running Linux ? I wouldn't imagine it would be hardware related.
<Na_Klar> sure, raspIOS, which is debian ofc
<[0x1eef_]> Do you have exception handling setup in each thread ? That might be worth doing.
<Na_Klar> on my laptop (debian, 4 cores) the script works as expected..
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<[0x1eef_]> Maybe set $stdout.sync = true as well, to not buffer output.
<Na_Klar> I have no exepction catching yet, but the scripts are still very simple. And each on it own works. and they do not communicate with each other. (yet)
<Na_Klar> .. hm buffering .. but the other threads talks to stdout without any problems .. so I don't think its buffering related
<[0x1eef_]> Exception handling might help, as well as making sure the main thread is not exiting early, buffering might mislead in that scenario, I can only suggest things that might help debug.
<Na_Klar> sure that
<Na_Klar> but you say: IT SHOULD WORK. right?
<[0x1eef_]> It sounds like it :) I didn't see any code.
<[0x1eef_]> It's my understanding that as long as it is Linux Ruby will use pthreads, and that should be the same across hardware as long as the OS is Linux. There might be something unique to raspIOS, I'm not sure.
<Na_Klar> yeah, I see. ok, then I'll reduce the script till the problem might be obvious.
<[0x1eef_]> Sounds like a plan.
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<rapha> what the ... ? can someone explain what's going on here? https://gist.github.com/sixtyfive/3b925ccd87bb6430565d1d323522f179
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<[0x1eef_]> Where is the 'test' method coming from ? ActiveSupport::TestCase appears to be a light wrapper around Minitest::Test: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/f5910f74d4a3a8c4af3ab5216dd0c09ce03f086a/activesupport/lib/active_support/test_case.rb#L20.
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<[0x1eef_]> I can't find a 'test' method. Maybe try: p [method(:test).owner, method(:test).source_location] to make sure it's the method you expect.
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<rapha> it's part of minitest-rails afaik
<rapha> oh ... the problem is something in my test_helper.rb's #initialize
<[0x1eef_]> Roger. Mysterious error anyway. Probably should be something more obvious.
<rapha> welcome to rails land :-/
<[0x1eef_]> Lol
<rapha> thanks for the nudge, [0x1eef_]
<[0x1eef_]> No worries
<[0x1eef_]> It seems like an error a type checker might catch.
<rapha> who knows whats going on in there
<rapha> now i'm stumbling over it not being possible to use seeds in tests
<rapha> it's not like it used to be a few years back, though
<rapha> running the tests does not _delete_ the test database contents
<rapha> after the test you can RAILS_ENV=test rails c and check and the seeds are there alright
<rapha> and i HAVE self.use_transactional_tests = false (although i don't think that's what's going on)
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<rapha> ah, i can just not require rails/test_help.rb and be fine. rails and it's goddamn %$@#^@# "features"
<adam12> Obsdark: Most people use RubyInstaller and not RVM on Windows.
<Obsdark> intresting adam12, is there a way to change the active Ruby installation in windows using RubyInstaller?
<adam12> rapha: Rails strips backtraces and makes exceptions super hard to follow. I hate it.
<adam12> Obsdark: I'm not aware of one.
<Obsdark> mostly asking because of the references when you work with a Ruby on Rails project
<Obsdark> is there something like composer, or npm but for ruby?
<adam12> Obsdark: Ruby+Windows is kind of a weird mixture, to be honest. You'll likely run into a multitude of problems. If you can use WSL (any version), it will likely be smoother sailing.
<adam12> Ruby has Bundler.
<Obsdark> WSL?
<adam12> It's Linux for Windows.
<adam12> If you can get RubyInstaller to install Ruby to separate paths, you could probably manipulate your PATH to force the version of Ruby that you want.
<adam12> Na_Klar: I think there's a bug related to that on aarch64 only.
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<adam12> I can't seem to find it tho.
<adam12> Oh, it's Fiber not Thread.
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<Na_Klar> I want to read from a named pipe continously and do smth when smth gets written into that pipe. I do a while loop on the pipe opened as a File. but after the first time smth was written into the pipe (and read by my script) the read obtains unlimited "nil" values. which leads to that the script eats the processor. so, why does the script reads nil after the first time smth was in the pipe and how do I avoid the load by reading them?
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