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<Guest63> Hey, sorry if this is a common question. I've done (what I think is) a bunch of searching through the web and river issues/`man` pages, but I couldn't figure out whether river exposes a command to fetch the tags currently assigned to a view. Is there anything available for that? riverctl doesn't seem to have an command for it and lswt is of course
<Guest63> generic across wayland, so it wouldn't have tag information
<Guest63> There are some existing issues that are similar to my use case of window switching, but I'd like to be able to fetch tags to both switch focused-tags to whatever is assigned to that view and to bitwise OR the existing tags of that view with my currently focused tags
<leon-p> Guest63: no, unfortunately there is no way to get the tags of a window
<leon-p> you can get the currently focused tags, and all occupied tags, but you can't map those occupied tags back to windows
<leon-p> see PR 1100 as to what will replace the tag system which in turn will make your usecase possible in the future
<Guest63> Ahh, thanks for the quick response! I'll take a look and keep an eye out for when/if that PR is merged.
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<yhaidar> hi are there i3 layouts for riverwm? like node based
<leon-p> no, unfortunately not. however MR1100 will make that possible in the future
<leon-p> for now if you like i3 like layouts, you'll have more success with sway
<yhaidar> thanks, gonna check on river's progress in the future! played with it, looked fun!
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