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<nmeum> is there any way to got the PID of the current window when using river?
<nmeum> *get
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<leon-p> nmeum: no, there is not
<nmeum> is there a reason for that? should be possible to obtain this information via wl_client_get_credentials from within the compositor and expose it via a river-specific protocol, no?
<nmeum> context is: I would like to use with river, but can't without being able to obtain the PID of the focused window
<leon-p> usually the reason why river doesn't have some feature is "because no one implemented it"
<leon-p> although in this case, a mapping between windows and PIDs isn't actually straight forward
<leon-p> I don't have the details in my head right now, but IIRC you can't guarantee that the PID you get as the server is actually the process in control of the window
<leon-p> f.e. with multi-process programs like firefox it's messy
<nmeum> sure, not a problem for my use-case as wl_client_get_credentials will work correctly for single-window terminal emulators
<leon-p> river generally doesn't implement half-baked, maybe-works-here-but-not-there features
<nmeum> so, a patch adding that will likely not get accepted?
<leon-p> possible workaround: have a keybind in your terminal which opens a new one. Pretty sure foot supports spawning a new instance with the same working dir as the current instance
<leon-p> yes, I don't think so
<leon-p> also also because riverctl isn't supposed to be a program used to get river status
<nmeum> but this doesn't have to be part of riverctl
<leon-p> sure, a custom protocol could be used, but that doesn't solve the other issue
<nmeum> presently, the issue is that the PID is not exposed in any of the protocols. having it in a protocol should be sufficient
<leon-p> it's not in any protocol for a good reason
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<leon-p> does your terminal set the window title to the current working dir?
<leon-p> you could parse that f.e.
<leon-p> still a bit hacky, but arguably possible
<nmeum> I would personally prefer something that operates on the compositor level, that way (under the limitations outlined above) the functionality is not just limited to focused terminal emulator windows
<leon-p> sure, but not by hoping the PID you get from the wl client is the right onw
<leon-p> *one
<leon-p> to properly support this, one would need a protocol which clients can use to set their PID, or better yet their current working directory
<leon-p> you can of course patch river locally to have an extra get-focused-pid command, should be fairly simple
<leon-p> but that isn't upstreamable IMO
<ifreund> I don't have the details of wayland toplevel to PID mapping in my head right now so I can't say for sure whether I want this exposed by river or not
<ifreund> the mapping is 100% not robust enough to use for security purposes due to races on client destroy
<leon-p> there was an extensive thread on the wayland-devel mailing list about 1.5 years ago I think
<ifreund> indeed, there was lots of discussion about this as security-context-v1 was designed
<nmeum> would it be useful to move this discussion to a codeberg issue? could collect references to these ml posts there and would also be a good reference point to other users interested in this feature
<ifreund> nmeum: sure, having an issue for this would be a good idea
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<nmeum> created (should probably have used the default issue template, sorry for that)
<ifreund> no worries
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<__toor__> just to be clear, riverwm does not have support for touchscreen does it?
<ifreund> __toor__: it does
<ifreund> it does not do any pointer emulation for touch input though, so it will only work for programs that support touch input natively
<__toor__> and this would be shown in libinput list-devices?
<leon-p> yes (my laptop has a touchscreen, it appears in that list)
<leon-p> it should also appear in riverctl list-inputs
<__toor__> cool. then I know where to start and look.
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<Guest73> Hi, how you guys set 10bit color depth for your monitor? I use wlr-randr to change resolution and refresh rate, but its missing color depth
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<soulseeder> I have no idea but curious what content do you usually view in 10bit?
<Guest73> HDR in games
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<__toor__> I'd be interested in 10-bit just to get the additional fidelity in font rendering :D
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