is there any way to got the PID of the current window when using river?
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nmeum: no, there is not
is there a reason for that? should be possible to obtain this information via wl_client_get_credentials from within the compositor and expose it via a river-specific protocol, no?
context is: I would like to use https://github.com/blinry/ycwd#readme with river, but can't without being able to obtain the PID of the focused window
usually the reason why river doesn't have some feature is "because no one implemented it"
although in this case, a mapping between windows and PIDs isn't actually straight forward
I don't have the details in my head right now, but IIRC you can't guarantee that the PID you get as the server is actually the process in control of the window
f.e. with multi-process programs like firefox it's messy
sure, not a problem for my use-case as wl_client_get_credentials will work correctly for single-window terminal emulators
river generally doesn't implement half-baked, maybe-works-here-but-not-there features
so, a patch adding that will likely not get accepted?
possible workaround: have a keybind in your terminal which opens a new one. Pretty sure foot supports spawning a new instance with the same working dir as the current instance
yes, I don't think so
also also because riverctl isn't supposed to be a program used to get river status
but this doesn't have to be part of riverctl
sure, a custom protocol could be used, but that doesn't solve the other issue
presently, the issue is that the PID is not exposed in any of the protocols. having it in a protocol should be sufficient
it's not in any protocol for a good reason
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does your terminal set the window title to the current working dir?
you could parse that f.e.
still a bit hacky, but arguably possible
I would personally prefer something that operates on the compositor level, that way (under the limitations outlined above) the functionality is not just limited to focused terminal emulator windows
sure, but not by hoping the PID you get from the wl client is the right onw
to properly support this, one would need a protocol which clients can use to set their PID, or better yet their current working directory
you can of course patch river locally to have an extra get-focused-pid command, should be fairly simple
but that isn't upstreamable IMO
I don't have the details of wayland toplevel to PID mapping in my head right now so I can't say for sure whether I want this exposed by river or not
the mapping is 100% not robust enough to use for security purposes due to races on client destroy
there was an extensive thread on the wayland-devel mailing list about 1.5 years ago I think
indeed, there was lots of discussion about this as security-context-v1 was designed
would it be useful to move this discussion to a codeberg issue? could collect references to these ml posts there and would also be a good reference point to other users interested in this feature
nmeum: sure, having an issue for this would be a good idea