Hi guys, I've been using River for a good while and I'm trying to setup touchpad gestures, swipe from left to rigth and vice-versa, my touchpad's device name is `pointer-1739-52694-DELL0A25:00_06CB:CDD6_Touchpad`, I'd like to use tiver-shiftags to move from one tag to another, I assume this can be made through `riverctl map-pointer`, but I don't
know the name of the "button". Thanks in advance
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HowToUseGestures: map-pointer does not support gestures
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AFAIK there are additional program you can run which intercept evdev signals to intercept gestures, but right now river has no support for binding commands to gestures itself
So, is there no built-in way? Thanks for the response.
I'll dig deeper to see if I can achieve this behaviour
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leon-p: I left you a long reply on #1100 by the way, tell me if my idea to drop river_shell_surface_v1 in favor of using xdg_toplevels is crazy or not :D
I will!
tomorrow though, my eyes are tired
take your time :)
you too, please don't interpret my comments as nagging :)
not at all, testing the limits of the protocol as it's still in the design phase is great
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Hello. Does waylock require wp_single_pixel_buffer_manager_v1 to work? Trying waylock on non river compositor. Not sure where to ask this question
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HEX0: yes, it does
every compositor worth using should single-pixel-buffer-v1 though