huh, just found out that if you use chicken scheme, you can compile the scheme program into an executable binary, without loosing the ability to load another scheme file at runtime which can re-define functions and globals
I wonder if that would be the better choice here over guile
the main advantage over guile is that on first startup guile byte-compiles the program, which takes a while
speed-wise they should be reasonably close, since guile is quite well optimized and even JIT's hot bytecode
but chickens FFi seems more cumbersome...
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yeah I think I'll stick with guile for now. if I ever want to switch, all I'd need to do is re-write the bindings and replace one or two guile specific functions, otherwise scheme code seems to be fairly portable between both
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ok that idea has haunted me the entire bus ride to the lab, so I think I'll also provide chicken binds and try to write the reference WM so that it can be used by both, dammit
leon-p: how long is the bus ride? :)
~20 minutes, plus the ~5 minutes between two busses I spend at the bakery
unfortunately, there seems to be no good way to detect which scheme implementation you are running, so unless I am willing to use a preprocessor (ew) I'll probably have to shelf that idea
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ok, srfi-0 technically allows to detect scheme implementations, but chicken seems way to limited to be used comfortably (no define*, no nested defines, etc.) so I'll wait until r7rs probably before considering that again
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Hi, sorry if this is a dumb question or something but.
Is it normal that whenever i try to login into River it just doesn't seem to detect my keyboard or something?? I've tried to use River on a desktop with a bluetooth keyboard and then on a laptop but in both cases River just doesn't seem to detect my input or something :(
It really seems to be an issue coming from River too bc when i use Sway for instance it recognises my keyboard
In a terminal execute `riverctl list-inputs`
that will tell you which input devices river knows about
but I would be /very/ surprised if river missed any that sway handles
dani22: ^
Oh, let me try that
(a terminal inside a river instance, of course)
Oh,,, yeah.. about that.. i cant even open a terminal in River 😭
in that case I suspect your issue is a different one
input likely works perfectly fine, something else is preventing you from openeing a terminal
f.e. if you use the provided example configuration, do you have foot installed?
Its not just the terminal, all keybinds just dont work at all :<
do you actually have any configuration at all for river?
Oh, i dont use foot, i use kitty
And yes, i do
have you changed rivers config to use kitty?
Mhm :o
Actually let me double check just in case
honestly I think the example init should probe for what terminal is actually installed rather than hardcoding foot, but that's a different topic
No yeah its supposed to use kitty
can you upload your config somewhere so I can have a look?
and if you can, also river debug logs
try river -c kitty
Sure, where would you like for me to upload it? Or does it not matter :o
if that opens with a kitty running, the problem is your config
Oh lemme try that too
bpa.st is good for logs
Oh, river -c kitty worked!
I suppose my problem might really be my config then
Ill try and tweak the config a bit more then and see if i get it to work,,
Ill give an update soon :3
try running your init script from the kitty running inside river
if it weren't for the WM protocol, someone should probably write a troubleshooting guide in the wiki
Sorry if this is a dumb question but how do i run my init script in kitty?
your init script should be a executable file
just type the path to the file into your shell, just like any other executable
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Ohhh that explains alott 😭
I have an executable init and then i have my config which is just a text file for now
Forgot to make it executable
Ah, it worked!
I got a ton of errors tho, so i rly just wrote my config wrong,,, but atleast it changed my bg so that means it did work :D
Thank you so much for helping me, im sorry if i bothered much
no worries
no problem :)
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ifreund: does river_shell_surfave work with fractional_scale_v1 ?
leon-p: it should, are you having problems with it?
not yet, I am ~30min away from testing, but just had a "wait, will this actually works?"-moment
wlr_scene handles fractional-scale-v1 entirely for us currently
is the fractional_scale event guaranteed on surface creation? The protocol does not mention anything about that
no, river will probably send it annoying late currently cause that's what wlr_scene gives us
ah, I think I remember some talk about that in #wlroots
arguably that guarantee should be added to the protocol, but for now I'll render both on surface creation and on fractional_scale event to be safe
worst case the widget will be blurry for a frame or two, its size shouldn't jitter, so everything is fine
I mean, river won't know what scale to use until it knows where the surface is positioned by the wm
the wm protocol could require shell_surfaces nodes to be positioned before first surface commit
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it works
~1k LoC and a few hours of thinking to get a red rectangle, lol