is there some explanation of how tags work in river? i found the riverctl(1) to be somewhat unclear
specifically, do i understand correctly that tags are per-output? how does this work with floating views? what if a floating view changes its position while invisible? how is a focused output defined?
tags exist per monitor and are just a u32 with each digit being one tag. a client also has a u32 tag. a client may be assigned to multiple tags at once
you can also view multiple tags at once
to clarify, whether a view is visible is defined as (view-tags | output-tags) != 0, right?
no, it's (view-tags & output-tags) != 0
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oh right that's i meant to write lol
and multiple tags can be visible at once, so then you get any of the windows on those tags
you still only display each once. I wonder what would go wrong if you showed a window on more than one monitor at a time
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the main problem with showing a window on more than one output at once is that it would need to have the same (possibly scaled) dimensions everywhere
which wouldn't make sense for tiling of course
otherwise there's nothing technical stopping that at the Wayland protocol level afaik
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ah good point
how does that work with display mirroring, river only sees a single monitor or does it need to be aware of such things?
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screen mirroring is an open question. wl-mirror (or what is it) records one screen and shows it in another window
vyivel: floating views are subject to tags and output-relative positioning restricted to the output's boundaries if that was your question
so it's impossible for a view to be partially visible on one output and partially visible on another?
yep, impossible
i see, thanks
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the river-window-management-v1 protocol will make this stuff the decision of the window manager rather than the compositor as well
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are there any river-window-management-v1 clients?
there is a hacky test one on the rwm branch called rivercompat
the goal of that branch is to make rivercompat do everything river master currently does
I'm still breaking the rwm protocol whenever I feel like it so it's a bit early for a lot of clients to exist still
I made a ton of progress in the last 2 weeks though
i'm just interested in tag management (especially in multi-monitor setups), currently looking at what different compositors do
fwiw I'm not entirely happy with how tags work in river currently
I basically cargo culted the behavior from dwm
A larger part of why I'm working on the rwm protocol is so I can experiment with alternative window management schemes with a faster iteration time
I'd like to try getting rid of strict workspaces/tags entirely and have a more dynamic approach for choosing what windows to display
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a less dramatic change from the river status quo would be to share tags across all outputs and only allow a single tag per window
that's what i have right now
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interactive resize of multiple windows at once including mpv seems to work now
I think I've learned a thing or two about writing wayland compositors over the past few years, this didn't take anywhere near as much debugging as I thought it would
I will say that I haven't tried the true hard-mode yet though, that comes when we add window manager decoration surfaces for the windows being resized into the mix
I think it's now time for me to take rivercompat beyond a minimal test window manager and shoot for feature parity with river 0.3
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or maybe decoration surfaces are the next step, it would be goot to make sure the protocol design for those is solid
hello, I might be just dumb and/or blind, but (roughly) how can I implement "focus next tag" aka set-focused-tag +1 or -1