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<leon-p> and the chicken scheme port is here, that hopefully makes it a bit easier for people wanting to test antares :)
<ifreund> neat, I will have to give it a try
<ifreund> chicken is definitely a much lighter weight dependency than guile
<leon-p> true. It also doesn't have the issue where distributions somehow don't include the canonical library location in the load path
<leon-p> note that compile times are still miserable though and unlikely to get better
<ifreund> huh, any idea why that is?
<ifreund> are you doing a lot of macro stuff that happens at compile time?
<ifreund> I dont really know much about scheme implementation
<leon-p> there are macros, but not a lot. I suspect foreign-lambda is just expensive to compile
<leon-p> and there are a lot of those
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<leon-p> if you want to experiment faster, without recompiling, you can add a (load "config.scm") somewhere. If you include the antares module in it, you can also use all of those functions and install hooks / redefine procedures without needing to compile
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<ifreund> leon-p: building/running the chicken version worked great for me on chimera, I only minorly patch the Makefile to get rid of -Werror (I'm using clang rather than gcc) and use csc rather than chicken-csc
<ifreund> I presume your distro has renamed csc to chicken-csc due to a name conflict or something, chimera doesn't seem to have done the same, at least not yet
<ifreund> I suppose a $CSC variable is the way to go
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<leon-p> yeah, my laptop runs arch, where it chicken-csc, my office workstation runs fedora which has csc :/
<waleee> fedora has some annoying renames for sometimes unexplicable reasons
<leon-p> in this case it's actually arch that renamed it 🤷
<waleee> usually your random -64 suffix appendings
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<waleee> leon-p: (... a hundred irc-years later) are you switching scheme's btw? Weren't you into guile?
<leon-p> I still like guile quite a lot and it's defintely the one I'd recommend for someone getting startet with scheme, it's easiely the most mature and thanks to andy wingo it gets continuosly better (f.e. he's been working on a better garbage collector last year which will be put into guile soon-ish)
<leon-p> however it has some issues
<leon-p> f.e. the default location you are supposed to install third-party libraries to isn't in the default load path, at least on arch
<leon-p> I am still not sure whether shipping pre-byte-compiled guile libraries is officially supported or just works by accident and could break at any time
<leon-p> and at first use of a guile scheme program it byte compiles the entire thing before starting execution
<leon-p> the antares bindings took over 10 seconds to compile
<waleee> gnu project documentations can be on the wrong side of intresting
<leon-p> that would be a horrible first impression for new users
<waleee> erc's haven't been updated in this decade
<leon-p> waleee: guiles documentation is actually high quality, it's just outdated and incomplete
<leon-p> you can definitely tell they were written by someone who wants you to succeed, which I appreciate
<leon-p> but I switched to chicken so that the compiling is ahead-of-time, which grants a better out-of-the-box experience
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<leon-p> chicken is missing quite a lot of QoL things I am used to from guile, so I am slowly re-implementing them myself
<leon-p> and its docs, while complete, are very sparse
<leon-p> I do still think it's possible to make the reference WM usable with both chicken and guile
<waleee> I tried gerbil a bit when it was a language you could use for problems, but they removed it after a while (presumably because it was a pain to build & took ages to compile the compiler)
<leon-p> for mathy stuff I'd user guile
<leon-p> it's numeric tower is quite nice
<leon-p> or honestly julia, which is a scheme in disguise
<leon-p> can't recommend julia highly enough if you work with a lot of data analysis
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<leon-p> hmm... this made me realize all languages I like are either C's (C, Zig) or Lisps (scheme, eLisp, julia)
<waleee> the functional language desert :(
<waleee> to be fair the package situation is a bit abyssmal on eg haskell atm for essential stuff like openssl-bindings
<waleee> I tried to butcher hsopenssl today to force it to build with openssl 3.2, but no luck
<waleee> (a tonne of "low level api"-s have been removed in 3.2 after having been marked for deprecation since 3.0)
<leon-p> yeah, I need to try haskell again, outside of a university course which had the exam on the same day as a mandatory math courses exam :)
<leon-p> but I think I want to give list programming and cat-langs a try first, think APL
<waleee> cat-lang?
<waleee> *langs
<leon-p> cat as in concat
<waleee> ah, I guess you have seen then?
<leon-p> indeed :)
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<bwbuhse> I used Racket for advent of code and really liked it a lot. Was my first Lisp programming other than setting up a riverguile config, which I don't think really counts because I had zero clue what I was doing then
<bwbuhse> Using a Mac for work is painful every time I accidentally press one of my river keybinds and it does something completely different/unwanted. Super+H == hide, which makes sense... but is also not what I'm expecting every time
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<leon-p> Hmm... some windows size flickers when resizing via keybind (rwm branch)
<leon-p> only happens when hitting that keybind repeatedly. Probably a race caused by the window being a bit slow to respond