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leon-p: do you have a complete rwm client written?
I'm at the stage where I could try and get it to render something though input won't work yet
if not no problem, I'll need to write my own sooner or later
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I have one, but I can't remember how complete it was. I'll take a look when I am back home at my laptop
although realisitcally, rivertile needs to be ported anyway
yeah, I started on a rivercompat window manager
I think I can make it a Wayland server as well that provides a very limited set of protocols for layout generator compatibility
right now the goal is just to have something I can use to test the thousands of lines of completely untested new code in river
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Trying to understand how `rivertile.zig` works - interested in modifying it so that new windows are inserted not as the Main window, but as the window after Main / before the rest of the slaves, which function would I look at modifying? Am I in the right direction for looking at `fn addOutput(context: *Context, registry: *Registry, name: u32)
!void` ? Is the `outputs` field in the `Context` struct representing the active windows?
UNIXGUY: the layout generator doesn't have control over where new windows are inserted
you are looking for `riverctl attach-mode <foo>`
also, "outputs" generally refers to monitors/displays/whatever on wayland
"output" as in output of the compositor to your display hardware
thank you! I will check that out.
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helpful info, good to know. thank you
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