leon-p: are you sure? I can't reproduce on the current master
how exactly are you reproducing it?
ah I think I see
leon-p: fixed now :)
I was too focused on handling move/resize modes properly when I wrote that commit that broke it again
leon-p: as for how distributions build packages with submodules, I've usually just fetched the sources for the submodules as tarballs as well
ifreund: did you saw my implentation of river -version and the one by leon-p, do you have a preference?
I was thinking, does it really makes sense to have -verion for riverctl and rivertile too?
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novakane: I haven't taken a detailed look yet, if you think it's ready feel free to go ahead and open a PR
and I think we definitely need -version for riverctl and rivertile as well, someone is going to end up with mismatched riverctl and river versions eventually
ifreund: ok no problem, do you want riverctl version command in a version.zig file?
I have some trouble to make it works for riverctl https://zigbin.io/36d46d -> 'err: Error: unknown command'
novakane: I don't think it should be anywhere near enough code to justify a new file
novakane: oh, this needs to be implemented in riverctl not river
i.e. in riverctl/main.zig
otherwise it's pretty useless as a version mismatch might mean riverctl can't communicate with river
oh ok
and since we talking about that, the help command should be implemented like that or in a help.zig?
it should also be in riverctl.zig
there's no reason to implement that in river
allright, well I'll implement riverctl -version and it should be good for a PR then
cool, probably best to keep the -help thing in a separate PR
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huh, just discovered that my plans for river-toplevel won't really work: All our commands need to be able to have no target view, so that river knows to use the focused view
probably the best approach is to have all the view commands in an upcoming version of river-control take a foreign toplevel handle that can optionally be null
leon-p: couldn't we just use null to indicate that the focused view should be used?
ifreund: It isn't really idiomatic to have requests of an interface allow that interface ptr to be null
but I think it could work
btw, finally submitted that issue about soft-locking river
also if we want to keep river-control atomic as we have discuseed a few weeks ago, having those commands be part of a different protocol might make that more complicated
leon-p: oh I meant requests in the river-control protocol, though it seems like you also reached that conclusion
I think river-toplevel should only give information not allow control
yes, that is my conclusion as well
and should probably replace river-status
AFAIK foriegn-toplevel already takes care of some of those information already, so this is a good solution I think
yeah, though I would really like to get the split version of that protocol merged in wayland-protocols before merging river-toplevel tbh
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f.e. I don't think we really need to communicate which client is focused for a seat: foreign-toplevel handles already expose whether a client is focused and I don't think there are any plans to let river seats focus more than one view
agreed on the split protocol
btw, do you still need more implementations for that? I easiely could port lswt
leon-p: um, it's been a while since I looked at it. I think I needed to make some changes based on the review to the management protocol but the info one was pretty much complete
there are wlroots and river patches that probably need to be rebased
I ported the wlroots foreign toplevel management example as a client iirc
I could have sworn the policy was to have multiple clients, but I guess I was wrong.
would be great to have that protocol standardized
leon-p: I think for the ext namespace it's less strict
well, I ported lswt anyway. can't hurt
nice, feel free to drop a comment on the wayland-protocols MR with a link
I never miss a chance for shameless self-advertisement :P
by the way, I just looked at that again and was considering whether we should get rid of the minimized state
river doesn't have any such concept and I assume other compositors might not either
oh, I guess xdg shell does though
even if river doesn't use it
Tiling compositors do not have that state and I personally also think it is nonesense, but stacking compositors may implement minimizing views and are commonly used with windows-esque task bars which need to know that state
ah I see how I confused my self, minimized isn't part of the xdg_toplevel.state enum
but there is a set_minimized request
guess the xdg_shell client doesn't actually need to know if it is minimized
I think the ext-toplevel-info protocol is fine as-is then
as an example, if KDE wanted to port their window switcher in their panel to that protocol, they definitely need to know the minimized state
I do need to update the naming scheme though
and having one of the "big" desktops embrace such a protocol could be seriously great for the ecosystem
for sure
kde already supports layer shell doesn't it?
kwin does, although not the newest version AFAIK
they are generally one or two versions behind for the wlr protocols when I tested it
not sure about kwinft
to be fair river doesn't either, never got around to implementing the keyboard interactivity focus thing as I don't have a use-case
looking at the layout thing you reported now by the way
to be fair, I still think keyboard interaction is broken, as you can't just get the keyboard-modifiers without being focused. Control-clicking something is a valid use-case, but pretty damn annoying to do with the layer shell
don't you need to prepare for an exam? I don't want to use up all your time today if you have more important things on your agenda :D
uuuuh, yeah I should probably be doing that
leon-p: fixed it, or at least I can no longer reproduce
well I think -version should be good now
really love the direction and pace river is currently moving at. I am as excited about my current setup as I was back when I discovered tiling window management for the first time :D
now I only need a better shell and everything is perfect
same, these last days with all the cleanup, it really looks good, and it's cool to saw a project you love growing like that :D
leon-p: you use bash right?
novakane: yes, I am usually a bash user. I have tried fish and zsh, but they did not really impress me; all their features are not things I particularly care about.
well for me zsh it's mainly for the completion system, I could live without the others features
the problem is POSIX or not POSIX
I am currently trying elvish, which has two things that intrigued me: a build-in file navigation mode when pressing control-n and a build-in fuzzy finding directory switcher when pressing control-l. THe interactive parts are the most important parts of a shell for me, so I find this really helpful. But something feels a little off about, not sure what yet.
I don't care much about POSIX vs non-POSIX. I script in pure sh anyway, so as long as the language works well in a REPL I am fine with it.
yeah I would move away from a POSIX compliant interactive shell if I found a great one but I tried some of them but not too long
I found they often lack some basic features
leon-p: What I want is an interactive shell that doesn't care at all about scripting and a separate scripting language for what I use shell scripts that doesn't care at all about interactive usage
I think trying to support both uses well with one language is fundamentally flawed, there are too many tradeoffs
realistically all I want in an interactive shell language-wise is the typical `command | command` pipe syntax as well as a way to do a for-all on all files in the current directory
that's neat!
probably will start contributing to it at some point, I've already spent a good bit of time talking with marler about the design
but yeah, I have a TODO list a mile long
and I agree that I really don't need much from an interactive language
does not even need to be turing complete
some math stuff could also be nice, but just opening qalc isn't an issue either
well, it probably will be unless you make an effor to avoid being so
would definitely be a cool project, maybe I'll give it a try someday
the scope of the language itself should be kept absolutely tiny IMO
stitch looks interesting, I'll keep an eye on it
I would really like to see a shell with some file-manager functionality, the lines between those are pretty blurred already anyway
the complexity budget should be invested in fuzzy completions and niceness
like 90% of my commands use fzf it would cool to have something like this in a shell
novakane: see elvish for an example. it remembers all dired you cd to and when you press control-l gives you an fzf like selector to switch to the top 10 most visited dirs.
leon-p: I've been using nnn as my only file manager for a while. have you tried it?
ifreund: I tried, but I miss previews
as in images?
nope, text files
leon-p: I will try elvish, I think I already did but it was a long time ago
just seeing ~10 lines from the top of the file is really helpful IMO
yeah nnn is great I use it since a long time, but I dont care much about preview
iirc there is some plugins for preview
what I really need in a terminal file manager is that when you exit it, the shell cds to where you last where in the fm. elvish integrates a simple file manager for that purpose. Not sure if it is the right approach, but it works better than any external FM I have used so far for me
that's what nnn do
you can have a cd on quit function in it
what I like about the elvish FM is that you are still in a shell, meaning you can type commands and use alt-enter to fill in selected file names
novakane: I remember that not really working when I last tried it
leon-p: really? I use it all the time without any problem
elvish looks neat, I should try it out sometime
but yeah, nnn's cd thing works fine for me
then I should try out nnn again
I even use nnn with kakoune and neovim when I can't fuzzy file because I'm not in the right folder
interestingly in an editor I barely ever use a FM or fuzzy finding. I usually just have the exact path in my mind anyway
same, but typing 3-5 characters is faster than typing the full path
I only use nnn when I don't know where something is/need to browse
I don't think I could live without fuzzy file in a editor now
what I mostly use fzf for is as a dmenu replacement. I use it for opening files, books and browser bookmarks
fuzzy for openning file and for grep with preview is really something I use everytime
"grep with preview" is something I have never thought about, but it makes sense
yep it's really great to see the code around when you search something
ah well I see I can close the `-help` PR and I was looking at the log level too but I see you're too efficient ifreund :D
novakane: oh shoot, I should have communicated that I was working on those. Didn't have a web browser open for the past few hourrs
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there's still some more to do on logging, I want to make the wlroots logging integration better
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no problem, even if writing all description for riverctl wasn't great :p
oh yeah, I just said to rtfm
I don't like programs which have 1000s of lines of --help output
yeah how does it works currently, because there is the zig log and the wlroots log, it's kinda confusing
it's a good solution yeah
what we need is to define our own wlroots log handler, but that requires using va_list which you can't do from zig without hacks currently
so the idea is that we'll have a C function compiled into river that handles the va_list stuff and then calls into zig code to do the actual logging
then we can have wlroots log messages formatted the same
huh, that's the inverse of what I proposed a few months ago :P
leon-p: If we were to do it the other way around, we wouldn't be able to do scope-based filtering
which I intend to do for debug logs at some point
ah yeah scoped is really useful
to search in the 5000 lines of keysym :/
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novakane: pretty sure the xkb keysm warnings come from XWayland
leon-p: yeah I wouldn't be surprised if that was XWayland that bother me
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