ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<waleee> bonus points for the Achtung!
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<novakane> I found a river crash in firefox... again, for example go on github, put your pointer on the github logo at the top, but instead of clicking on it start dragging, then river river crash
<novakane> it crash back to tty and after I need no reboot my laptop or river doesn't works anymore
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<novakane> river WAYLAND_DEBUG log https://0x0.st/-WEg.log
<novakane> gdb log https://0x0.st/-WEE.log
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<ifreund> novakane: hmm, thanks for the logs. As usual it seems, I can't reproduce :D
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<novakane> ifreund: damn you have a special firefox without bug or what? :P
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<ifreund> novakane: it's probably some kind of race, and I've got a pretty beefy pc
<ifreund> I'm on firefox 90.0.1
<ifreund> and river master
<novakane> same versions for me
<novakane> I don't have a pretty beefy pc though :P
<ifreund> novakane: oh wait, that gdb trace isn't complete, could you give just the bt so more fits and maybe press <RET> for more a few times?
<ifreund> there's a chance this is a stack overflow
<novakane> sure
<novakane> ah wait I need to reboot because I can't relauch river in gdb now since I already did it and it doesn't work after the crash, BBL
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<novakane> huh I'm like at a 20k lines long log and not at the end..
<novakane> you want me to use some other command?
<novakane> ah the end 26k lines you want all of this ifreund ?
<novakane> I keep gdb open if you want more things
<ifreund> novakane: thanks, so yeah definitely a stack overflow
<ifreund> now I just need to figure out why
<ifreund> leon-p: just read your blog post, very nice!
<ifreund> I may very well steal from it when I next need to use a builtin laptop keyboard as my primary work setup
<novakane> ifreund: yeah, no idea why, you need some other gdb command or it's good?
<ifreund> novakane: what you gave me is probably enough, thanks
<ifreund> the fact that focus_change is true seems to indicate that focus is bouncing back and forth between two surfaces
<novakane> alright then I reboot again for like the 10th time today :P
<ifreund> novakane: oh, I bet disabling focus-follows-cursor will fix it
<ifreund> if you want a work around for now
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<novakane> yes it works with focus-follow disabled
<ifreund> novakane: should work with normal too, I'm guessing you had it set to strict?
<novakane> so I was not sure if it was on image that did this but it is on every link on firefox, text link or image ling if I drag instead of click it do this
<novakane> ifreund: no it was normal
<ifreund> hmmm
<ifreund> novakane: fixed :)
<novakane> ifreund: nice thanks! That was fast
<novakane> works perfectly!
* dnkl was going to test river on aarch64, but archarm is stuck on zig-0.7
<ifreund> dnkl: you can grab a static zig tarball from the website
<dnkl> ifreund: ooh, nice, will try that. Thanks!
<ifreund> novakane: IMO focus-follows-cursor strict is pretty much unusable after the cursor reset state change and this fix by the way
<ifreund> I guess nobody was using it though, as before this fix it crashed instantly the second you moved the cursor over any surface
<ifreund> I think I might just remove it
<novakane> ah yeah not ideal lol, I'm good with focus-follows-cursor normal though
<ifreund> if we were to implement #349 it might be usable, but then it would also be no different from normal
<ifreund> why did we even implement it in the first place, was someone here using it?
<novakane> well not me, it pissed me off :P
<leon-p> +1 for removing it
<ifreund> ok I'm removing it for now. It's possible to implement the way sway does it even with how the cursor reset state stuff works, but unless people are really using it I don't want to as it would be more complex than the current implementation
<novakane> how sway does it?
<leon-p> I /think/ the use case was to refocus a view when your cursor is on a view, you use the keyboard to focus a different one and then you wiggle the mouse to work on the first view again, but I think clicking on it work just as well
<ifreund> yes, clicking on in works just as well
<ifreund> sway probably has it cause i3 has it
<novakane> yep no difference between moving the mouse or click in workflow
<ifreund> or maybe i3 doesn't
<novakane> no idea, I don't know much about i3
<ifreund> well, it's gone now
<novakane> rip
<dnkl> well, got river running on the pinebook pro now :)
<ifreund> nice!
<ifreund> how good/bad is the performance?
<ifreund> we don't have full damage tracking yet so probably not as good as sway
<dnkl> ifreund: I'll need to copy over my configs etc. Will see then. Didn't notice any slowness with a single foot window though 😂.
<dnkl> Need to take a brake for house cleaning first, unfortunately...
<ifreund> that reminds me, my laundry finished like an hour ago and I meant to hang it up to dry but I got distracted fixing a bug...
<novakane> house cleaning time is when I am the most inspired for coding, probably a coincidence :P
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