ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<leon-p> ifreund: yes, I read the logs :D
<leon-p> and parsing the command client side is exactly the reason I prefer a single event.
<dnkl> ifreund: I tested the "new" resizing state; works great!
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<randolf11> Hello. I've used river a couple days and it works really well. I have question though: Can I use something like the rofi window mode to switch windows (called views in river?)
<randolf11> I'm thinking about something like this: https://github.com/AdrienLeGuillou/sway_window_swithcher_dmenu for sway. Basically it uses swaymsg to get a list of windows and then switch to one.
<leon-p> randolf11: rivers support for activating xdg-foreign-toplevel handles is currently a bit lacking, so not yet.
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<randolf11> I see. Thanks for the info. Cool that it is planned for the future.
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<ifreund> leon-p: do you see the disconnect between what the user passes on the riverctl command line and what then gets sent to the client as an issue?
<ifreund> (if I do switch to a single event with a single string arg)
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<ifreund> either we force users to type `riverctl send-layout-cmd rivertile "whole command as single arg"`
<ifreund> or we join the trailing args wtih spaces `riverctl send-layout-cmd rivertile many args here` which sends "many args here"
<ifreund> the second is obviously nicer to use in simple cases, but will almost certainly cause confusion if the user passes something like `riverctl send-layout-cmd rivertile arg1 "arg2 with spaces" arg3`
<novakane> I like with quotes around personally
<ifreund> yeah, maybe I'm overthinking this and we should just go with option one
<ifreund> it's the most explicit
<novakane> I think so yeah, it doesn't really is a big issue adding two quotes in a command for a user and sounds like it would be much easier to handle in river
<ifreund> I wonder if we should do the same thing for the spawn command
<ifreund> currently river joins the args after spawn with spaces and then passes them as the argument of `sh -c `
<novakane> just need to be explicit in the man page and I think it's the best solution
<novakane> yeah I always use quotes around spawn command, though there is the difference in ' and " in shell
<novakane> would it changes something
<ifreund> I think changing the behavior of spawn would make its behavior strictly more predictable
<ifreund> and I think predictability is an important design tenet for river
<novakane> I agree, I'm totally for quotes around
<novakane> for both command
<ifreund> more breaking changes \o\
<novakane> well better now than after 0.1 :P
<ifreund> for sure
<novakane> just be ready for a lot of issues :P
<ifreund> I feel pretty good about the direction river is going, things feel like they're starting to gel
<novakane> I'm not going to disagree, I don't miss anything personally, it's already good for my daily use
<ifreund> the main thing I want to change right now is how multiple outputs and tags interact, aside from that it's mostly just polish I want
<ifreund> oh, other thing part of me wants to remove before 0.1: opacity animations
<ifreund> does anyone here use those? I did for a bit but decided that I found them annoying eventually
<ifreund> and I think they belong in the double borders fork (which is adding shadows last I heard)
<novakane> well I'm not gonna use multiple output before I can get an amd card on my windows pc so I don't care about that :P
<novakane> I hate opacity
<novakane> if it was me I would remove everything with opacity on a WM tbh :P
<leon-p> +1 for removing opacity. My implementation was a bit naive anyway.
<leon-p> I am not against eye-candy, but I think for now the focus should be elsewhere
<ifreund> cool, I'll rip that out after I finish up river-layout-v3
<novakane> btw I still didn't find how to not send a layout_demand after sending a "border-width" "0" to remove the border :/
<snakedye> ifreund: I use the opacity animation. It's quite nice
<ifreund> novakane: I think you should not respond to the first layout demand which causes you to want to set the border width to 0
<novakane> hmm I see if I can do that, I'm not even sure my implentation works since I can't test because of the infinite loop
<ifreund> snakedye: noted
<ifreund> novakane: what's the infinite loop?
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<novakane> ifreund: when I send the command to remove the border it send a new layout_demand in loop
<novakane> like when the border size change the layout generator receive a new layout_demand and so it resend a border size change and so on
<ifreund> novakane: why does it resend the border size change?
<ifreund> that's your bug
<ifreund> add a bool that says "We set border size to 0" and check that before sending it
<novakane> well now that you say it, it's sound obvious... I need to move but I'll try that after
<ifreund> cool, I'm curious to know if you often see imperfect frames while using it
<ifreund> hmm, I think now might be a good time to s/main-factor/main-ratio/
<ifreund> dwm's naming leaves a bit to be desired
<ifreund> PR up for river-layout-v3 if anyone feels like reviewing the changes
<ifreund> I'll probably wait till next week sometime before merging
<ifreund> 666 commits :D
<leon-p> 🤘
<leon-p> ifreund: I can update the contrib layout, if you want
<ifreund> leon-p: sure, that'd be nice, I forgot to include it in that commit
<ifreund> you can open a PR against my branch
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<novakane> so glad you changed set/mod command it was so confusing
<lgflorentino> Will it work with rivercarro?
<novakane> lgflorentino: It gonna break some things of course but I'll update it once it merge in river master
<lgflorentino> awesome
<lgflorentino> ty
<novakane> hmm yeah I'm gonna already make a branch for layout-v3 so I'll be ready
<novakane> ifreund: I'll uppdate the completion if you want, should I open a PR?
<ifreund> novakane: sure, feel free to send a PR against that branch
<novakane> no problem that's quick that just two command to remove and one to add if I'm correct
<novakane> most of command change are on rivertile
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<ifreund> and there's another breaking change up as a PR