ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<ifreund> snakedye: that's cool, but I don't think that use-case has to do with the layout protocol
<ifreund> rather, river-status should be extended to provide that informatin
<ifreund> or even better, the river-toplevel protocol leon-p started sketching out
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<randolf11> Hey :) I have I small issue and I wonder if anybody else experiences this: Firefox has these "hover-popups" appearing when hovering over tabs or buttons. When I have such a popup on the screen and then switch to other views or tags, the popup is still visible. This can be annoying when I switch from my Firefox tag to my editor Tag and the Firefox
<randolf11> popup is exactly on the spot where I'm going to write something :D
<ifreund> randolf11: are you using wayland-native firefox?
<randolf11> I was just wondering If somebody has an idea if this could be mitigated somehow in the config or if I should open a Github Issue about this.
<randolf11> To be honest I am not sure.
<ifreund> you can launch with `MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 firefox` if you have a somewhat recent version
<ifreund> I think it's default enabled now though
<ifreund> Anyhow, I can't reproduce on wayland firefox, but imagine that such a problem might be present when using xwayland
<randolf11> I'll check this. Thanks!
<ifreund> no problem
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<randolf11> Yeah Firefox was running in X and the env variable fixed my problem. Awesome, thanks a lot!
<ifreund> nice :)
<randolf11> Another question: Has anybody got screensharing (eg. in zoom or jitsi meet) working with river?
<randolf11> (I hope this not necessary anymore but who knows...)
<randolf11> ifreund: Do have paypal or something and can I support you with a few bucks?
<ifreund> randolf11: yes, it works fine with zoom/jitisi in firefox
<ifreund> you need xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
<ifreund> randolf11: hmm, I don't really have anything set up right now but if you're really motivated you can send me an email at ifreund@ifreund.xyz and I'll get back to you
<ifreund> gotta go now o7
<randolf11> Cool. Thanks again :)
<randolf11> I just installed the flatpak package on archlinux and pacman asks to provide the xdg-desktop-portal-wlr mentioned above. This is really cool :)
<randolf11> I think the bits to make things work with wayland/river are really made progress over the last months. That's my impression at least...
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<frankieFoo> Is it possible to set different layouts for tags? According to the manpage, outputs can have different layouts but I cannot find something for tags. Any help on this is appreciated!
<novakane> frankieFoo: it is not possible with rivertile, you need to look at other layout client like kile or stacktile iirc
<novakane> or write your own layout generator
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<frankieFoo> Thank you, I'll try out these programs!
<frankieFoo> I am not able get kile to work. Would somebody using kile share the configuration?
<waleee> also you need to supply a layout-file, https://gitlab.com/snakedye/kile/-/blob/main/contrib/layout
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<pltrz> I am having trouble customizing my `bemenu` colors when I put it in my river's `init` file... running the same command alone works just fine it seems
<pltrz> can anybody spot my mistake?
<pltrz> I can run the exact same command inside a `#!/bin/sh ...` script - and it runs as expected
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<leon-p> ifreund: have you had some time yet to review the contrib layout update?
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<ifreund> leon-p: sorry, I've spent this weekend at 9 concerts and an open air rave. I'm totally dead now but I plan to get all the pending river stuff merged tomorrow
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<leon-p> ifreund: no need to apologize, that is definitely a great way to spend your time :D
<ifreund> for sure, I'm recovering from covid induced concert withdrawl :D
<leon-p> I have the same. Had to cancel a few concerts and events as well. Was planning to attend wacken and wave-gotik for the first time and was quite annoyed to post-pone that
<ifreund> :/
<ifreund> yeah I had to cancel some festivals last summer too
<ifreund> was hoping to make it to something this summer but looks like it'll have to wait another year
<leon-p> I am just hoping the small venues open up again. Göttingen has a decent live music scene. Used to go out every weekend.
<ifreund> yeah, aachen's music scene is pretty decent as well. Currently the city is putting on a ton of free one-hour outdoor concerts that are limited to ~100-200 people cause of corona
<ifreund> there've been some pretty sweet bands though across all kinds of music genres
<ifreund> night o7
<leon-p> night