ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<anon12> hello guys - how can I list outputs? such as `swaymsg -t get_outputs` ?
<anon12> I would like to set up `kanshi` (https://github.com/emersion/kanshi) but don't know the correct output names / configurations
<leon-p> anon12: you could use wlrandr
<leon-p> *wlr-randr, always get the name wrong
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<Guest14> Is there any way to switch to the next/previous occupied tag?
<leon-p> Guest14: not internal. But you probably could write a client that does that.
<Guest14> How would I do that?
<Guest14> sorry, I don't know zig at all and just have tried out river
<Guest14> loving the little animations here and there
<leon-p> Guest14: you don't have to use zig. Any language with Wayland bindings will suffice
<leon-p> what you want to do is write a client that uses river-status to get the currently focused tags of an output and then river-control to set the new ones.
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<Guest14> is there any documentation on that?
<leon-p> Guest14: if you have experience writing Wayland clients, the protocol XML is self-explanatory.
<leon-p> If you don't have that experience, you could start by taking a simple client apart.
<leon-p> anyway, I am gone for the next few hours; have to sleep.
<Guest14> Have a good sleep :)
<Guest14> Have a good sleep \:)
<Guest14> Oh damn a wayland client isn't easy
<Guest14> :(
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<novakane> yep lot of things to learn for sure
<dnkl> Firefox appears to use CSDs. How do I disable that? All I've done in Sway is "for_window [...] border pixel 0". But how do I do it in river?
<dnkl> ah, looks like that's #24
<dnkl> found the "customize toolbar" -> "title bar" checkbox. All good now :D
<novakane> I wish gtk would merge ifreund patch
<dnkl> the trick is to not use gtk 🙊
<ifreund> I would have to rebase my gtk patch before they could merge it
<ifreund> don't have much energy for that though atm, I don't like that code :/
<novakane> dnkl: right I wish, not always easy though :P
<novakane> ifreund: well it's not really a priority it would just be the cherry on the cake
<novakane> I think it only pissed me off in zathura
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<ifreund> novakane: yeah zathura is the only one that really annoys me to
<ifreund> you know what though, it's probably easier to patch zathura to disable it
<ifreund> and I also don't want to be using zathura forever, I want a better alternative for reading pdfs and displaying images
<ifreund> leon-p: you were working on something like that at some point right?
<novakane> well I never found a better alternative yet
<ifreund> yeah, zathura's the best option that currently exists afaik
* dnkl wants a terminal based pdf reader based on the sixel/kitty image protocols
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<novakane> oh yeah sixel could be great
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<elshize> what is exactly the problem with zathura? it's interesting that the titlebar is off even under gnome. like it doesn't use the system font for example
<elshize> the whole csd thing with gnome and gtk is just depressing
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<novakane> weird this CI hack
<ifreund> yeah, I don't know what's up with github, that used to work
<ifreund> should be good now though, if you'd like to rebase your open PRs against master so that CI runs on them that would be great novakane
<novakane> sure no problem
<novakane> hmm though would these test would be enough if tinywl doesn't use the new binds?
<ifreund> tinywl doesn't use a submodule for wlroots iirc
<ifreund> s/wlroots/zig-wlroots/
<ifreund> you're right though, it won't catch everything because zig is lazy in semantic analysis
<novakane> well you know what let me try to make an error in one of the bind file and see
<novakane> oh
<ifreund> I tried to solve this on this branch a while back, but got distracted: https://github.com/swaywm/zig-wlroots/tree/ref-decls
<ifreund> and my recursive thing caused the compiler to enter an infinite loop due to a bug in stage1
<ifreund> building tinywl is already a good step up over nothing though
<novakane> hmm yeah I tried with a typo in presentation_time and tinywl still build anyway
<novakane> yeah that's hard to find a great alternative
<novakane> would some zig test help? not sure what we would test though
<ifreund> that's kinda what my ref-decls branch was doing
<ifreund> if you were to introduce a depth variable to limit the recursion to say depth 5 it might work great
<novakane> yeah I missed the test part reading it the first part
<novakane> what's the bug in stage 1?
<ifreund> I don't know, comptime is super messy in stage1
<ifreund> probably not incrementing the comptime eval branch somewhere
<novakane> well I'll see if can make something with this
<novakane> ifreund: can I link libc with a lib build like this https://paste.sr.ht/~novakane/e6c771106bd50ed155e7ea47b2f9197b10a0045c
<ifreund> novakane: you don't want to build a static library, you probably jsut want to do b.addTest()
<ifreund> in other news, someone seems to have finally reviewed my xdg-decoration gtk PR so I should get to work on fixing/updating it
<novakane> oh so we just needed to talk about it this morning to make them review it :P
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<leon-p> ifreund: yes, I worked on something like that. But I could never get mupdf to cooperate with me, so I lost the motivation. I might pick it up again sometime
<novakane> ifreund: looks like for testing just using `std.testing.refAllDecls(@This());` already find some errors
<novakane> I do have this though `./src/types/pointer_constraints_v1.zig:8:27: error: container '.wayland.server' has no member called 'zwp'`
<novakane> is it true?
<ifreund> novakane: that's probably because you haven't told zig-wayland to scan the pointer constraints protocol
<ifreund> (see river's build.zig)
<novakane> oops yeah I missed this one
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<novakane> I think I'll open an PR once I fixed the errors found in the test, imo it is already a better way than building tinywl
<ifreund> let's do both
<novakane> of course
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<ifreund> heh, my 11 month old gtk PR isn't even on their last page of PRs
<ifreund> it's on page 4/8...
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<novakane> so we just need to wait like 3 more years that's cool :P
<novakane> well alright test PR done, it's a starting point even if we imporve later I think it good to have it now
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<novakane> ifreund: so I tried this, looks like it works if I remove the `std.debug.print`, what was is purpose is your function? https://zigbin.io/b716e1
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<novakane> hmm I fixed some errors found by the test in idle.zig, but now I get an LLD errror https://paste.sr.ht/~novakane/646325532db0b5409e48ac511502729dd9dd9ce6
<novakane> anyway I stop for today if anyone has some answers I'll read the log
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<ifreund> novakane: The debug.print was probably just there for debugging purpose, I don't really remember writing that code any more
<ifreund> it was at least 6 months ago
<ifreund> novakane: the lld error caught a typo I made in zig-wlroots, thanks
<ifreund> I lost a 'c' in icccm
<ifreund> (pushed a fix)