ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<Erik58> Hey, I’m trying to install river on void Linux but after buillding river I’m not sure how to launch
<yyp> You should just run river from a TTY, or add `exec river` to .profile/.bash_profile to do this automatically
<Erik58> It says command river not found
<novakane> is it in your $PATH?
<Erik58> Is there anyway I can send pictures here?
<Erik58> And how do I add it to path sorry?
<yyp> curl -F'file=@yourpicture.png' https://0x0.st
<novakane> what's the command you used to build river?
<Erik58> zig build -Drelease-safe --prefix ~/.local install
<Erik58> From the git page
<yyp> Maybe ~/.local/bin is not in your path?
<yyp> echo $PATH
<Erik58> Mine is /use/local/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
<yyp> Oh, you don't have it
<Erik58> Should I change it to bin then
<yyp> export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" <- add this to .bash_profile/.profile
<novakane> or you use `zig build -Drelease-safe` so it's in /usr/bin
<novakane> as you prefer
<yyp> novakane: without prefix it will install into zig-cache/bin (zig-out?)
<novakane> though it good to have .local/bin in your $PATH
<yyp> I prefer to install into /usr/local just to make sure I won't have to do any tricks to make it work
<novakane> yyp: oh yeah it needs the install at the end of the command
<yyp> Like this: sudo zig build -Drelease-fast -Dxwayland --prefix /usr/local
<yyp> novakane: no, install is the default command
<yyp> You must specify a prefix
<novakane> oh really did that changed recently it works like that before irc
<novakane> I install it in ~/.local/bin too so I don't remember tbh
<yyp> Yep, it goes into zig-out/bin/river by default
<Erik58> I added it to my path but it still won’t recognise the command and building it gives exit code 1: then a bunch of directories
<yyp> Hmm, can you send the output to some pastebin?
<Erik58> I’m working in a tty since I’m on a fresh install
<Erik58> I’ll set something like i3 up quick and do it
<novakane> maybe you need to reboot to update your $PATH
<Erik58> I have
<yyp> Ugh
<yyp> Maybe send a picture from a phone or use fbgrab?
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<Erik59> hi its the same guy with the problem
<Erik59> on i3 now
<Erik59> how do i output a command to a file since doing zig build install > output.txt isnt working since there is an error i think
<Erik59> anyway there is the error
<Erik59> wait
<Erik59> sorry
<Erik59> thats the right one
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<novakane> have you installed wayland, wayland-devel and wayland-protocols?
<yyp> Also wayland-scanner
<Erik59> Seems i didnt have devel, and wil wayland-scanner since im using void i couldnt find the package
<Erik59> but i downloaded devel
<novakane> no on void the 3 pkg I said are the only one needed
<Erik59> the pastebin is the latest output after installing wayland-devel
<yyp> You need a C compiler as wel
<yyp> *well
<yyp> I don't know what's the package is in Void, perhaps just gcc?
<Erik59> cmake?
<yyp> No, just the compiler
<novakane> yes just gcc
<Erik59> whats cmake then?
<Erik59> installed gcc
<yyp> Erik59: Zig serves as "cmake"
<Erik59> ah ok ill read on the wiki what cmake actually is when this is working
<yyp> You need evdev and evdev-devel
<Erik59> also thanks for the help
<novakane> for info on void all header for package are in <pkg-name>-devel, so you always needs it to build something
<Erik59> downloaded libevdev-devel
<Erik59> idk if tahts the right thing
<Erik59> evdev wasnt a thing
<novakane> it is
<yyp> You also need libinput
<yyp> *and it's -devel version
<Erik59> libinput was already installed
<yyp> Then you only need libinput-devel to get C headers
<novakane> libevdev libevdev-devel libinput libinput-devel pixman pixman-devel libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-devel
<Erik59> installed all of those
<yyp> + wlroots and wlroots-devel
<novakane> yes you need wlroots and wlroots-devel too
<Erik59> looks like it worked ill logout of i3 and try
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<Erik59> building seems to have worked
<Erik59> but cannot launch it
<Erik59> do i just type tiver?
<Erik59> river*
<yyp> You need to get elogind or seatd
<yyp> (also don't forget to start elogind service)
<Erik59> how do i enable it in runit?
<Erik59> ive only ever used systemd before
<yyp> iirc you need to symlink some files
<novakane> sudo ln -s /etc/sv/<service> /var/service/
<Erik59> alrighty lets give this another go
<Erik59> thanks for all the help
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<yyp> sudo sv up elogind?
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<Erik59> Same error
<novakane> hmm i thinks elogind need dbus
<Erik59> any o ther packages related to dbus?
<Erik59> or should i restart again
<novakane> then try to start with exec dbus-run-session river
<novakane> not sure, I use seatd
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<novakane> you need to start dbus service though
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<Erik59> same error
<novakane> did you start dbus service?
<novakane> enable I mean
<Erik59> oh
<Erik59> lol
<Erik59> one sec
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<Erik59> Same error lol
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<Erik59> sorry if you said something could you say it again i accidently closed firefox
<novakane> hmm maybe you need libseat and libseat-devel
<Erik59> [ef@eriks-pc ~]$ sudo xbps-install libseat libseat-devel
<Erik59> Package `libseat' already installed.
<Erik59> Package `libseat-devel' already installed.
<Erik59> [ef@eriks-pc ~]$
<novakane> hmm what's the output of `sudo sv status /var/service/*`
<Erik59> [ef@eriks-pc ~]$ sudo sv status /var/service/*
<Erik59> run: /var/service/agetty-tty1: (pid 805) 601s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/agetty-tty2: (pid 699) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/agetty-tty3: (pid 698) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/agetty-tty4: (pid 697) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/agetty-tty5: (pid 696) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/agetty-tty6: (pid 704) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/dbus: (pid 705) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/dhcpcd: (pid 701) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/elogind: (pid 703) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/pulseaudio: (pid 706) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/seatd: (pid 702) 620s
<Erik59> run: /var/service/udevd: (pid 695) 620s
<Erik59> [ef@eriks-pc ~]$
<novakane> oh wait you have seatd and elogind at the same time
<novakane> disable seatd
<Erik59> how do i do that sorry?
<Erik59> i need to remove the symlink right
<novakane> yep
<novakane> sudo rm /var/service/seatd
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<novakane> damn I no more idea right now
<novakane> have*
<Erik59> yeah I really want to use a wayland window manager just for a change but Ive tried it on 2 fresh arch installs and void and it doesnt work
<novakane> well if you my setup is seatd and rundird by ifreund https://github.com/ifreund/rundird, if you want to try, disable elogind, enable seatd and follow the readme of rundird
<Erik59> ill give it a go
<novakane> you also need to enable rundird service
<Erik59> kk
<Erik59> lets give this another go
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<Erik59> Same error
<Erik59> idk
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<Erik59> ill just find a new X11 window manager
<Erik59> river looked fun though
<novakane> damn if you stick around maybe ifreund knows the solution
<Erik59> is he online?
<novakane> well he is always here but he could be busy right now
<Erik59> ill keep this open then and hopefully he pops up
<novakane> there is a chat log in case you miss something
<Erik59> kk
<Erik59> im gonna try this quickj
<Erik59> oh nevermind i dont have the old versions in cache
<novakane> hmm I'm thinking do you have polkit?
<Erik59> nope
<Erik59> jsut downloaded it
<Erik59> do i need to enable it as a service?
<novakane> maybe try and enable the service
<Erik59> kk
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<Erik59> Nah didnt work
<Erik59> same error
<novakane> damn :/
<novakane> Erik59: oh I was thinking maybe you need mesa-dri too I don't know if you already installed it
<Erik59> yeah already installed
<Erik59> thansk for the help though
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<emersion> novakane: sounds like your logind setup is busted
<emersion> err
<emersion> i meant Erik59 but they left
<novakane> yep maybe they'll join later or read the log
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<ifreund> Erik59: if you read the log, the last error message you send here means that you don't have either seatd or elogind properly installed
<ifreund> nice, wlroots release
<ifreund> elshize: there's a chance wlroots 0.14.1 might fix the issue you were having that was worked around by setting WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS=1 by the way
<emersion> re Erik59's questions, there are some pointers in #sway
<emersion> apparently installing polkit helps with elogind for some reason
<ifreund> great, I'm so glad we have seatd now
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<novakane> is there anything to update in river for the wlroots?
<novakane> new*
<yyp> novakane: for 0.14.0 -> 0.14.1?
<novakane> yyp: yeah
<yyp> Nothing
<novakane> cool, didn't check the changes yet
<yyp> It's a bugfix release
<novakane> allright thanks
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<leon-p> perhaps just the wrong user groups, but now they are gone
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<novakane> oh you might be right, it was something to do for seatd, don't know for elogind
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