ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
<leon-p> I wonder if the bug with Qt applications is something similar to that one time I managed to "bleed" a window from weston on TTY2 to river on TTY1
<ifreund> you what?
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<leon-p> bloody connection issues :(
<leon-p> ifreund: I tested something on weston, switched back to river and the window was still there. at least the image of it.
<leon-p> At the time I suspected weston put it in a hardware overlay and wlroots did not flush it (is that how it works?), but I am not sure weston actually uses hardware overlays, so no idea
<ifreund> leon-p: I've never heard of anything like that happening before. It sounds like some bug much lower in the graphics than river
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<leon-p> found a LAN cable, hopefully my network is a little more stable now...
<leon-p> ifreund: yeah, I think so as well.
<leon-p> turns out this router can't handle an IMAP, 480p video playback and IRC at once over WiFi. Probably should have checked that out /before/ moving here...
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<dnkl> anyone else seeing river crash when you exit firefox?
<novakane> dnkl: never happened to me
<novakane> quiting with ctl-q or river close command
<dnkl> C-q
<dnkl> can't reproduce right now, but happened like 5 times in a row
<novakane> weird, I usually quit firefox with C-q too and never had this
<ifreund> dnkl: I've never seen that either, if you get any more information or a stack trace that would be much appreciated
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<dnkl> ifreund: if it happens again I'll try to setup a debug build of river and enable core dumps
<ifreund> thanks!
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<elshize> ifreund: this is the crash I was experiencing, now I can see that it's when I close firefox
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<elshize> the same happens on rivertile
<elshize> also, it crashed without a layout manager running, here's a full log of that: https://pastebin.com/wK14MT7b
<ifreund> elshize: I can't seem to reproduce, if you could manage to get a stack trace with symbols using gdb that could be very helpful
<ifreund> the best way to do that is by running a debug build of river in gdb nested in some other wayland session
<elshize> ifreund: I'll try doing that tonight after work. gotta earn the paycheck first :D
<ifreund> that be great thanks, no rush
<ifreund> I'm taking a look at that QT issue now
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<dnkl> ifreund: I have a gdb session with a river SIGSEGV (firefox-close issue mentioned above)
<ifreund> dnkl: awesome, could you paste the bt somewhere?
<dnkl> ifreund: https://0x0.st/-W9c.log
<dnkl> ifreund: I'll try to keep the gdb session alive, if you want me to check anything
<ifreund> actually I might see the problem already, if a view is destroyed before a subsurface unmapping the subsurface will cause a use-after-free
<ifreund> I probably just need to iterate and destroy everything in the surface tree when a view is destroyed
<ifreund> though I thought wlroots already did that...
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<tsujp> I have xdg-desktop-portal-wlr and xdg-desktop-portal installed but obs doesn't capture my screen unless I manually run both, and with xdg-desktop-portal passing the -r flag
<tsujp> why is that?
<ifreund> tsujp: because dbus sucks most likely
<tsujp> can I make dbus suck less?
<tsujp> or use something other than dbus?
<ifreund> wlr-obs worked great for me last time I tried it
<ifreund> if you invest the time you can probably figure out why dbus isn't working though, I don't have much patience for it myself
<ifreund> are you starting river with dbus-run-sesion river?
<tsujp> I would have no idea how to even begin diagnosing why :( any tips in direction for how to?
<tsujp> wlr-obs? we're both on void I did a quick search and I don't see a package providing that
<tsujp> I am yeah re dbus-run-session river
<tsujp> tasty.. now I need zoom to work too :(
<ifreund> just start xdp and xdpw with a script and screenshare with zoom in firefox
<ifreund> there was supposed to be an "I" at the beginning of that sentence :D
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<tsujp> hold up, I can use zoom in firefox and don't need to run the flatpak or system version?
<tsujp> can it record any part of the screen?
<tsujp> im also dumb and don't know what xdp or xdpw are ifreund :(
<ifreund> xdg-desktop-portal and xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
<tsujp> true, saves having to type them constantly lol
<ifreund> and yeah anything that uses webrtc in firefox/chrome can record the entire screen with xdp/xdpw/pipewire
<ifreund> assuming your browser version is recent enough
<ifreund> but you're on void so it should be
<tsujp> so next question.. how do you use zoom in the browser? I've only ever seen it force me to download the zoom client
<tsujp> and im looking again now but dont see it
<ifreund> there's some smaller link that says "join from browser" or similar
<tsujp> wow I think that works..
<tsujp> holy smokes
<tsujp> time to nuke system zoom
<tsujp> thank you ifreund my woes are (mostly) solved
<ifreund> :)
<tsujp> holy smokes that firefox sharing indicator
<ifreund> yeah, I haven't tried to get rid of that yet. I just close it right away
<tsujp> what is it even meant to be if I was on say windows or macOS
<tsujp> I dont recall another window coming up for stuff like that
<ifreund> no idea
<leon-p> I think you can remove it by setting media.navigator.permission.disabled to false in about:config
<leon-p> I haven't been in a call since finding that out though, so no idea if it actually works
<leon-p> *set to true
<leon-p> the indicator is supposed to be attached to the top of the screen, but on Wayland firefox just kinda dumps it onto the desktop as an xdg view
<ifreund> so what you're saying is that someone should go teach firefox how to speak layer-shell?
<leon-p> a reasonable idea in theory, but the execution is a bit lackluster, as usual
<leon-p> yes
<leon-p> (I am not volunteering)
<leon-p> although maybe they can be convinced to get rid of it entirely and do it via dbus
<leon-p> I think everyone would agree that the indicator would be better if handled by the desktop, not the application
<tsujp> right so you could have the status in a bar or something hey?
<leon-p> and maybe standardize it, so we can have a universal indicator for when something records, but that is pretty much utopian
<leon-p> tsujp: that's my idea, yes.
<ifreund> that would be far better
<tsujp> rightio lads, it's late here time to go to bed
<tsujp> thanks for the help again
<tsujp> when I finally get off my ass and setup my irc bouncer again I'll be lurking 24/7
<leon-p> I have no idea how to propose and standardize a dbus interface, but maybe it would be simpler to just create a Wayland protocol for recording indicators.
<tsujp> ACTUALLY I have 1 more q before i go
<tsujp> is there any alternative to dbus out there?
<tsujp> or is dbus _the_ system messaging bus?
<leon-p> tsujp: Wayland is a good alternative to dbus for a lot of situations. It however has the disadvantage that all communications needs to go through the compositor, not client to client
<tsujp> I see
<tsujp> ill be back to pick your brain on that
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<leon-p> note that with "good alternative" I mean it /could/ fill the same niche, but in reality the necessary extensions and client support do not exists
<ifreund> dnkl, elshize: Thank you both for the bug reports, I've got a fix in progress but won't have time to finish it today. Should get the crash fixed tomorrow
<ifreund> unfortunately the bug has been around for quite a while, so reverting back to an old enough commit wouldn't be much fun
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<leon-p> I have proposed doing it over DBus in firefoxs bugzilla. It'll probably be ignored, but at least I tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<elshize> ifreund: thanks, I'll just avoid firefox for now ;)
<dnkl> ifreund: no worries, I'll just have to remember to not quit firefox :)
<dnkl> ifreund: I'll kill that gdb session then...
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<novakane> leon-p: so you have some good thing in your rc.elv?
<leon-p> novakane: just some custom completion functions
<leon-p> and a few qof functions
<leon-p> *qol
<novakane> leon-p: cool thanks, I try elvish a bit, it sure has some interesting interactive features
<leon-p> novakane: if you are looking for some interesting things it can do, look at the river-issues function, where I query api.github.com for all issues on the river repo and use pure elvish to turn the json into something readable
<novakane> leon-p: well you know what, that's exactly what I was looking at
<novakane> and wow that's so cool, plus foot url mode and it's amazing
<leon-p> yes, I wrote that with the foot URL selector in mind. :D It's about five seconds faster than navigating on the website
<leon-p> foots URL selector is one of those tiny quality of life things that so massively improve how well your tools integrate.
<novakane> thats really make want to look more at elvish, you're a good seller :P
<novakane> yeah like for mail and rss it's so great I can't live without foor url mode now
<novakane> s/foor/foot/
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