ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<pltrz> I'm not understanding why my `bemenu` colour flags are not being respected in river's `init` script
<pltrz> ```
<pltrz> * ```
<pltrz> * ```
<pltrz> `riverctl map normal $mod+Shift P spawn 'bemenu-run -H 32 --tb $base00 --tf $base05 --fb $base00 --ff $base05 --nb $base00 --nf $base05 --hb $base04 --hf $base00'`
<pltrz> looks like my `-H 32` flag is being respected - but not the other colours (and yes, those variables, ex. $base00 are defined in the beginning of the init script)
<pltrz> such as `export base00="#263238"`
<pltrz> this bemenu invocation seems to work correctly when I run it outside of river's init
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<novakane> pltrz: you should try to quote your spawn command with double quote instead
<ifreund> pltrz: yeah, if you're using a posix shell it won't expand variables inside a single quoted string
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<novakane> I was looking at using river-layout-v3 installed by river and I feel like users would need to use the same install prefix for river and 3rd party program or it gonna be annoying
<ifreund> novakane: this is probably solved with pkg-config
<ifreund> that would be a nice thing to implement if you want to give it a go
<ifreund> see how we get the wayland-protocols directory from pkg-config in zig-wayland
<ifreund> looks like their pkg-config file is generated from this: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/blob/main/wayland-protocols.pc.in
<ifreund> and then with export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${HOME}/.local/lib/pkgconfig"
<ifreund> you should be good to go with river installed to ~/.local
<ifreund> if you see a better way I'd be happy to hear it though :D
<novakane> hmm yeah I don't know much about pkg-config but I'll have a look because currently I don't think it's ideal
<novakane> I mean it works fine if you use the same prefix but I guess it could be better
<novakane> I have a problem to select text with the mouse now
<novakane> looks like selecting anything with the mouse in fact because it doesn't works in pcmanfm too
<novakane> I need to move away but I'm interested if someone else has this issue
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<elshize> ifreund: fyi the fix didn't help with my thing. but still can't figure out when exactly it happens. I'll let you know if I do.
<ifreund> elshize: too bad, please do let me know if you figure out any thing else that might help me reproduce or fix it :)
<elshize> ifreund: sure thing
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<leon-p> so after our talk about shells here recently, I started working on a little experiment. My conclusion is that I changed my mind completely on LISP like syntax for shells. S-Expressions are easy to parse and a pretty good way to handle command nesting, but for shell control flow they are not great. The evaluator would have to be way more complex than a simple tree-flattener and shell stuff like piping and
<leon-p> return values would get weird.
<leon-p> https://git.sr.ht/~leon_plickat/quetzal , should anyone be interested, although It really does not do anything yet.
<pltrz> novakane, ifreund: thanks for the tip! didn't seem to work this way - now `bemenu` does not even run
<ifreund> pltrz: are you on river master? Is anything printed to river's stderr?
<ifreund> leon-p: neat! I'm interested to see where you go with it
<ifreund> S-Expressions seem like they might be slightly verbose/annoying for interactive usage as well IMO
<ifreund> though I can't say I've had the chance to use a s-expr shell yet
<ifreund> actually, I think I saw something like that in janet
<leon-p> It's great for command nesting, like (echo (date) (acpi))
<leon-p> but for control flow it is probably a bit annoying
<ifreund> also if you haven't yet seen this list: https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Alternative-Shells
<leon-p> ifreund: I know that list, I check it every now and then to see if something interesting pops up
<pltrz> ifreund: yes, latest master as of now `[ae871c2]` produces same behaviour - let me check stderr
<ifreund> pltrz: here's a good way to debug actually, set WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 for the riverctl invocation you are having issues with and give me the output of that
<elshize> ifreund: leon-p: what shell are you using for daily work?
<leon-p> elshize: usually bash, currently trying elvish
<ifreund> elshize: I'm currently on zsh for interactive usage and dash for scripting
<elshize> I've been meaning to try some new shells, but I'm not sure which ones are worth looking into for more structured type of workflow
<pltrz> <ifreund "pltrz: here's a good way to debu"> thanks - here's the output (https://dpaste.org/o38r)
<pltrz> I've also been playing around with some of those shells from oilshell's wiki too :)
<leon-p> elshize: for interactive usage, the language is actually pretty irrelevant, as long as you can type it fast. What matters more is the interface. As an example, I have realy grown to like elvish's ctr-l keybind, which oens a prommpt where I can quickly select and cd to any directory I have opened so far.
<pltrz> <leon-p "elshize: for interactive usage, "> I actually found the same for `elvish` - that feature is so neat. little tui file browser is absolute genius for an interactive shell
<leon-p> yup, haven't touched ranger in a week
<pltrz> ifreund: i notice from my paste - `bemenu-run: option '--tb' requires an argument` is bemenu's error
<pltrz> at first I thought the variable wasn't expanded, but looks like it was
<pltrz> `[1321988.268] -> zriver_control_v1@5.add_argument("BEMENU_BACKEND=wayland bemenu-run -H 32 --tb #263238 --tf #EEFFFF --fb #263238 --ff #EEFFFF --nb #263238 --nf #EEFFFF --hb #B2CCD6 --hf #263238")`
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<leon-p> pltrz: that is passed to `sh -c`, which thinks you want to start a comment with the first # and discards the rest of the line
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<leon-p> we /really/ should change the colour format
<pltrz> <leon-p "pltrz: that is passed to `sh -c`"> that would make sense!
<pltrz> ughhhh
<pltrz> maybe I can use backslash to signify literal #
<leon-p> you can also quote them. Just make sure to escape the quotes since the entire command is quoted
<leon-p> i.e. " \"#rrggbb\" "
<ifreund> welcome to posix shell, an exercise in quoting hell
<ifreund> and yeah, I think everything should stop using # for colors, including river
<leon-p> I'll steel that quote
* emersion stops processing the sentence at "using"
<ifreund> :D
<pltrz> <emersion "stops processing the sentence at"> what do you mean here?
<emersion> i mean that i'm posix certified
<emersion> (it's a joke)
<pltrz> lol
<pltrz> i thought might have to do with `mrsh`
<pltrz> btw emersion - did you guys still have plans to work on `imrsh` ?
<emersion> eh :P
<emersion> no plans in the near future, sorry
<emersion> shells are just too annoying to build
<pltrz> no reason to apologize
<pltrz> how I read it: "there are more entertaining priorities" lol
<emersion> pretty much!
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<elshize> ifreund: I keep getting weird crashes now sometimes when I close windows... I accidentally overwritten the log file, I'm waiting for another crash to get the logs.
<novakane> leon-p: I was looking at lisp shell after you conversation, that's cool! Did you forget to include the deps folder though?
<novakane> s/you/our/
<leon-p> novakane: yeah, forgot to add the submodule. You can just clone it into deps/ manually though: https://github.com/joachimschmidt557/linenoize
<leon-p> note that it does not actually execute commands yet, I am only working on the evaluator rn
<novakane> leon-p: thanks, I'll have a look
<novakane> RE: my mouse problem, so nobody has any issue with selecting things with the mouse here?
<leon-p> novakane: selecting things via pointer works in both firefox and foot
<novakane> damn so it could be from something else than river, well time to investigate
<elshize> novakane: I don't have any problems either
<novakane> :/
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<novakane> what's cursor down mode?
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<ifreund> elshize: that's no good, they're definitely new after a recent commit though? A stack trace would be very useful in any case
<ifreund> novakane: I can't reproduce any mouse issues
<ifreund> cursor down mode is when a button is held down as we keep sending events to a client while the button is held down until it is released even if the cursor moves outside of the surface
<elshize> ifreund: can't be sure if they're new, at least I just noticed them today. I'll grab the logs once it crashes again
<ifreund> that'd be great, thanks
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<novakane> ifreund: ok thanks for the explanation, well for whatever reason it works again now, no idea why
<novakane> looks like this line was here but I don't have it anymore
<novakane> `debug(wlroots): [xwayland/xwm.c:1475] unhandled X11 event: SelectionClear (29)`
<novakane> also looks like my mouse was only on down mode when I double clicked but not for selecting something
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<ifreund> weird, well if you find any way to reproduce it please open an issue or otherwise let me know
<ifreund> ok, so since I'm dropping the '#' for colors, do people prefer 0xRRGGBBAA or just plain RRGGBBAA
<leon-p> I use 0x in all my projects, but both are perfectly fine IMO
<novakane> I don't have any preference both are fine for me too
<pltrz> agree, both fine. 0x prefix is kinda nice because 1. it’s explicit in describing the type and 2. is consistent with Zig hex formatting
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<ifreund> 0x is is
<ifreund> s/is/it/
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<novakane> hey we didn't have any issues with the new spawn command, are river users the best? :P
<ifreund> maybe they actually read the commit logs
<novakane> so this confirms that river users are the best then :P
<ifreund> :)
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<elshize> ifreund: I figured out how to reproduce the border issue: https://github.com/ifreund/river/issues/375
<elshize> seems that only qt apps are affected (I don't actually get it with firefox, as I previously said, must have remembered wrong)
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<ifreund> elshize: nice! I'll take a look when I have a minute
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