ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<pltrz> my bad - I was setting up my matrix client and faced an issue.
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<pltrz> I must say `river' has come a nice way since I tried it last time.
<pltrz> it is a great `dwm` alternative using wayland.
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<pltrz> I wonder if anyone has put together some behaviour resembles the `scratchpad` from sway.
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<pltrz> something like a tag that is not visible but could be toggled, and is by default a centred floating window that can be cycled
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<leon-p> pltrz: look at the wiki, I wrote an entry there about exactly that
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<mon_aaraj> Hello, I've been having problems with River currently while trying to change the scroll-method from 2 finger to edge scrolling. Trying to run `river input <name> scroll-method edge` does not print anything, nor does it change my scroll method. Trying to prefix it with sudo fails with the following error: https://termbin.com/xns3, and I'm quite unsure whether this is a bug or if I am missing
<mon_aaraj> something.
<leon-p> mon_aaraj: it's not meant to print anything. CLI tools usually only print something when something went wrong.
<leon-p> also this does not need admin privileges. All the riverctl command is doing is sending a message to river, which already has the right privileges to do the libinput stuff
<leon-p> so no sudo
<leon-p> you probably just used the wrong name for the input device
<leon-p> use `riverctl list-inputs` to get a list of all input devices river knows about
<mon_aaraj> Yes, I did gather that it wasn't meant to print anything, thank you for confirming, though. I tried sudo because trying to scroll using the edge method didn't work, yet the 2-finger mode still did.
<mon_aaraj> I think I realised the problem; I copied only the text part rather than `2:7:text_part`, and now after testing it out, it look like it works. Thank you for helping!
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<Guest50> hey guy. i need layout per tag feature. can i get this this feature with some existing custom layout or whaterver?
<ifreund> not that I know of, you can look at rivertile and the example layout in C in contrib/ to get started though
<Guest50> To be honest I'm not good in programming
<Guest50> I just like to use tiling wm
<Guest50> I'm used to use different layouts per workspace in sway and dwm and whatever I used
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<leon-p> To get good, you need practice. This is great practice. :)
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<leon-p> I'll give you a starting point: You'll want to have a list of a struct conataining all possible values for the layout generator. Whenever one of the values is changed, you add a new entry to the list for the current tag set. When a layout demand is received, look up if you have a list entry for that tag set and use those values, or if there is no entry, fall back to defaults.
<ifreund> which also shows why I don't want that feature in river itself, you need up to N! memory for N tags
<ifreund> though I think the dwm patch did that differently
<leon-p> ifreund: yes, if I remember correctly the dwm patch handled the case of multiple active tags not as a new tag set. It kept the layout of the first tag that was focused alone.
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<Guest50> so what do you guys do when you need to have different layouts on different workspaces?
<leon-p> nothing, because I don't have that need
<ifreund> That's not a feature I need
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<thelinkin3000> Hi guys, ifreund
<thelinkin3000> I've been trying river but encountered crashes while resizing windows
<thelinkin3000> Is this a good channel to ask for help?
<yyp> Yep
<ifreund> thelinkin3000: did you manage to get a backtrace? Pipeing all the output of river into a file can help with that
<ifreund> river -l 7 > out.log 2>&1
<Guest50> looks like `wlsunset` doesn't work as well...
<Guest50> isn't it?
<ifreund> Guest50: I don't know why it wouldn't
<yyp> Guest50: works for mew
<yyp> *me
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<Guest50> I dunno. Just invoke it from terminal and it doesn't work
<yyp> You need to have correct sunrise/sunset times, otherwise it won't do anything
<yyp> See wlsunset -h
<Guest50> no looks like it had conflict with another instance which was invoked from sway
<Guest50> sorry for disturbed
<Guest50> now works
<yyp> cool
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<thelinkin3000> That's the trace I could gather
<yyp> What's your version of wlroots?
<thelinkin3000> Basically I opened an instance of alacritty, then an instance of chredge and pressed Super + h a few times
<yyp> I had similar issues, the solution was to use wlroots 0.14.x instead of a git checkout
<ifreund> thelinkin3000: yeah, could you confirm that you are using wlroots 0.14.0 or 0.14.1 and river master?
<thelinkin3000> I can confirm I'm using river master, pulled the latest version a minute ago and no changes since I compiled it
<thelinkin3000> I'm checking which wlroots version I have since I remember I had to jump through some hoops to get it installed
<thelinkin3000> Which version should I be running?
<yyp> thelinkin3000: 0.14.0 or 0.14.1
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<thelinkin3000> Ok I installed wlroots 0.14.1, checked out the tag from git, built it and installed it as per the readme
<thelinkin3000> Still crashes, I have a new trace
<thelinkin3000> Maybe it's Chredge?
<yyp> It shouldn't crash the entire compositor
<yyp> Looks like Xwayland server died, no idea why though
<ifreund> how did you install wlroots?
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<thelinkin3000> That's the history of my shell
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<thelinkin3000> I think that's the correct way of installing the library
<kennylevinsen> thelinkin3000: that output prints that it installs to /usr/local, right? can you give output of `ldd river` to ensure that you're linking against it?
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<thelinkin3000> Ok that's the problem
<thelinkin3000> It's linking against a version in /lib64
<thelinkin3000> Is that a compile time problem?
<ifreund> thelinkin3000: probably you need to add /usr/local/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<kennylevinsen> uninstalling the one you don't want to use is usually a good idea
<thelinkin3000> That's what I've been thinking about, uninstalling the older version
<thelinkin3000> I only need that lib for river
<thelinkin3000> I don't remember how that got there in the first place though
<thelinkin3000> I didn't use my package manager
<thelinkin3000> Will simply deleting the library work? I think that could break something though
<kennylevinsen> if it's not handled by your package manager, you can manually remove the things - but that implies that you were naughty and installed things manually in package manager folders
<kennylevinsen> but yeah, having multiple versions of a library generally leads to massive confusion later.
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<thelinkin3000> That did it guys, it's working fine now
<thelinkin3000> Thanks a lot!
<thelinkin3000> Now to spend some time to configure it
<thelinkin3000> For the record, I installed wl-roots-git from the aur
<thelinkin3000> Was probably a somewhat broken commit
<ifreund> thelinkin3000: glad it's working, and no problem!
<ifreund> if you're on arch though I think you should be able to just get wlroots 0.14.1 from the main repos
<thelinkin3000> I'm on manjaro actually
<thelinkin3000> pacman -Ss wlroots gives me a 0.13.0-1
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<elshize> I think I saw a discussion about this error here: https://pastebin.com/vm7pZHZG do I remember right? was it resolved?
<ifreund> elshize: usually when a commit fails with permission denined it's due to VT switching. Are you notice any unexpected behavior of river?
<elshize> no, didn't notice anything unusual. just restarted the system.
<elshize> actually, slack couldn't connect to network even though browser could, but not sure that's relevant here.
<ifreund> to be clear it's normal to see atomci commits fail when switching VTs if I understand correctly, it might be nice if there was some way to avoid logging the error for those in wlroots though to avoid confusion
<ifreund> so if you don't notice any unusual behavior of river I wouldn't worry about it.
<ifreund> and yeah slack networking issues sound totatlly unrelated, I just use slack in firefox
<elshize> oh, sorry, I misunderstood, and didn't explain well
<elshize> I didn't see anything unusual prior to restart
<elshize> now it doesn't work :D
<elshize> I didn't do much investigation yet, as I had to start some work so logged into kde for now, but waybar wouldn't load, my terminal wouldn't start, etc. can't say if that's related to the error or not
<ifreund> oh, as in river doesn't start at all?
<elshize> but I remembered someone talking about it so wanted to ask first
<elshize> but if it's not an obvious error, I'll do more investigating tonight and come back with more information if can't resolve myself.
<ifreund> ok re-reading now: you were in kde then exited kde and tried to start river which failed. Then you rebooted the system and river worked?
<ifreund> or is river still failing to start after a reboot?
<elshize> not quite, I was in river, restarted, and river started acting weird
<elshize> so now in kde because I'm at work, can't look into it deeper at the moment.
<elshize> thought it might be something obvious you would point out.
<elshize> I assumed it was related to that error.
<novakane> the atomic commits failed when switching VTs is not Atomic commit failed (modeset) though iirc
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<ifreund> ok no worries, I haven't seen this reported before. It kinda feels like it's related to logind/seatd though
<elshize> ok, then I'll try again tonight, thanks
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<turdlord> hello, does anyone here use river on archlinux?
<turdlord> if so, how do you launch it with dbus session
<turdlord> i do not understand why i have to launch application with dbus-launch even if i start river with "exec dbus-run-session river" for xdg-desktop-portal-wlr to work
<yyp> turdlord: simply `dbus-launch river`
<turdlord> does xdg-desktop-portal-wlr work for you?
<yyp> I don't use it
<turdlord> ok
<turdlord> if i launch sway with dbus-run-session or dbus-launch, i do not have to launch apps with dbus-launch in the terminal for xdpw to work
<yyp> Same should be true in river, dbus-launch just sets a bunch of environment variables that the compositor should propagate to child processes
<turdlord> hmm okay
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<turdlord> okay i got it working
<turdlord> it seems i should not start xdpw with systemd
<turdlord> rather use riverctl spawn "dbus-launch /usr/lib/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr" in river config init
<turdlord> and then dbus-launch river to get it working
<turdlord> thanks ttp
<turdlord> *yyp
<turdlord> i think systemd env variables were somehow causing the issue
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<ifreund> systemd causing problems, what's new?
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<leon-p> someone asked about per-tag layouts some time ago. My own layout generator now has individual config values per tag set as an experimental feature: https://git.sr.ht/~leon_plickat/stacktile
<leon-p> TBH i am not sure if I'll keep it, it might annoy me, but it works
<snakedye> I've implemented per tag layouts a while ago
<snakedye> I tried per tag padding. Bad idea. The rest is good
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