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<drmpeg> 6.11.0-rc2 for VF2.
<drmpeg> mainline plus 6 patches.
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<mps> drmpeg: thanks. (I had a hope that 6.11 when released will not need any patches)
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<conchuod> Esmil: What's the story again with the clock patches from drmpeg's link? Was Xingyu told to implement it differently?
<drmpeg> But no replies.
<Esmil> conchuod: i'm not a big fan of hardcoding cpu frequencies in drivers like this
<Esmil> there are standard device tree entries for setting clock frequencies. i'd think it makes more sense to use those
<Esmil> ..but i think that's what he did in v5
<drmpeg> Yes.
<drmpeg> But then the concern was it didn't match u-boot.
<Esmil> but the kernel is the upstream for device trees right?
<drmpeg> There's this OF_UPSTREAM thing that seems to cloud the issue.
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<davidlt> Esmil, I think (but didn't check) OF_UPSTREAM is still WIP.
<davidlt> Not to mention that most folks will probably not updated U-Boot with a new kernel (or at all).
<Esmil> so that means we shouldn't worry about u-boot's copy of the device tree right?
<Esmil> hence v5 should be fine
<davidlt> That means you shouldn't expect U-Boot (on the SPI-NOR flashes with OF_UPSTREAM).
<davidlt> I cannot talk for all the distros, but we don't really use DTB from firmware (i.e. U-Boot) to boot Linux. We always boot with DTB from the same kernel version.
<Esmil> right. so that's why we'd want to encode the cpu frequency in the kernel device tree
<davidlt> I kinda recall some emails mentioning that PLL0 has to stay 1.0GHz in U-Boot.
<Esmil> sure, and then when the kernel boots it'll load its device tree and change the frequency
<davidlt> yeah, but once OF_UPSTREAM work is done it's the same DTS for Linux and U-Boot.
<davidlt> (+ U-Boot overlay bits)
<davidlt> Back in May:
<davidlt> It is not apply to U-Boot. In the U-Boot, the PLL0 rate should be 1GHz to for GMAC
<davidlt> and PMIC to work. But now the PLL0 rate should be 1.5GHz in the Linux.
<Esmil> ..but then they should fix their drivers before importing the new device tree
<davidlt> They are doing that (OF_UPSTREAM support)
<Esmil> ok, then there is no problem then
<davidlt> I didn't check, but if the same DTS nodes are used for PLL0 on U-Boot and Linux side there has to be a hack in Linux or U-Boot to set to 1.0GHz or 1.5GHz.
<davidlt> If it's not in Linux, then it's in U-Boot to keep that 1.0GHz for PMIC and GMAC to work.
<davidlt> Just an assumption.
<Esmil> ..or they could fix their drivers to work with 1GHz as you said they would
<Esmil> *1.5GHz
<davidlt> Well, that basically means the same hack 1.5GHz -> 1.0GHz on U-Boot side.
<Esmil> that doesn't make sense. if linux can drive ethernet with 1.5GHz why can't u-boot?
<davidlt> They said it has to be 1.0GHz (don't know why) for PMIC and GMAC work. So if OF_UPSTREAM is used, and PLL0 is set to 1.5GHz, then U-Boot driver must detect and force that to 1.0GHz.
<Esmil> right, and that's probably because they don't have a working clock driver and just hardcodes certain frequencies
<Esmil> ..which they should fix
<davidlt> I don't know. I am just working on with their statement with no details.
<Esmil> before importing the device tree
<davidlt> Esmil, you are a better expert here, but they are waiting for your reply :)
<davidlt> This probably needs a bit more details/clarification from their side.
<davidlt> Esmil, I chatted with them on July 4th, and they said they are waiting for you reply on that patch.
<conchuod> Ah I forgot they were working on the U-Boot side of it too.
<conchuod> Is the crpyto driver still not in good shape?
<Esmil> it completely crashed the kernel when i wrote that patch, but maybe it's time to try again
<Esmil> there was a thread with a bug report, but now I can't seem to find it
<davidlt> I don't think we enabled crypto on JH7110 since it was causing kernel crash a long time ago
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<conchuod> A year ago almost :/
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<conchuod> Wonder why it didn't go anywhere? Or maybe just difficult to debug and a low priority.
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<davidlt> is it still crashing? We simply never enabled it again to try.
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<Tenkawa> davidlt: ouch what happened?
<davidlt> It's JH7110 crypto stuff, see the link Esmil posted.
<Tenkawa> ack.. I was going to work on JH7110 today too... I better go look
<Tenkawa> got a timeframe I should look in irclogs?
<Tenkawa> yeah I've seen that crop up
<davidlt> I pinged aurel32 on debian-riscv (OFTC) to see if they enabled it since then
<Tenkawa> I'm going to be working on a VF2 1.3B today so it will be interesting to see
<Tenkawa> a Mars CM too but I think it still needs work
<mps> iirc jh7110_crypto works if it loaded later when machine boot or at least doesn't crash kernel
<Tenkawa> mpe: what about in an initram?
<Tenkawa> er mps
<mps> Tenkawa: didn't checked but even if it loaded later initram is read it crash. Alpine have hwdrivers load init script and also with it it crash
<mps> I noticed only loading 'by hand' is safe
<Tenkawa> ouch... yeah that is a toughy to track
<mps> though I didn't tested this exhaustively
<Tenkawa> I'm still hoping to see the Spacemit-K1 supported down the road then I can start throwing more debugging in.... I am a bit out of date on the JH7110 currently
<Tenkawa> (Losing my VF2 to dead board for a few months slowed me down a lot)
<Tenkawa> I have a new one now but playing catchup now
<davidlt> There was a video 3-4 days ago from Framework showing and talking about mainboard with JH7110.
<davidlt> Spacemit K1 and M1 are quite popular because of their ISA extensions.
<davidlt> If you are working on anything ISA related (kernel, glibc, toolchains, etc.) you kinda want it.
<davidlt> MilkV Jupiter is kinda cool (mini-ITX, M1, M.2, 16GB of RAM).
<davidlt> At it comes at a similar price point of VF2 IIRC.
<davidlt> Yeah, this one gonna be used for a years for sure.
<davidlt> Btw, to my understanding K1 vs M1 is 200MHz difference. I was surprised that M1 has different SoC packaging. It has a metal heat-spreader like SiFive/StarFive SoCs.
<davidlt> Tenkawa, confirmed, Debian also has it disabled.
<Esmil> it's definitely popular because of the extensions, but i don't know about used for years. it's not faster than the vf2 that is already used for years
<davidlt> Yeah, ST is the same running RV64GC, but it's double the cores and memory.
<davidlt> You have to assume price too. For this price it's gonna stay here a long time.
<davidlt> Oasis/SG2380 will not be cheap.
<Tenkawa> I do like the 8 core speed of this Banana PI F3
<Tenkawa> Its actually fairly speedy
<Tenkawa> (for a low end board)
<Tenkawa> Mine is a bit short on ram (I only ended up with the 4gb version)
<conchuod> The spacemit soc means noone is gonna care for the k230 at all, doesn't it?
<davidlt> I don't care about K230
<Tenkawa> conchuod: problem is the spacemit needs a lot more documentation... it is "lacking" so far (at least from what I have access to)
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<drmpeg> I turned the crypto unit back on. It doesn't bomb, but I do get an error.
<drmpeg> kernel: jh7110-crypto 16000000.crypto: error -ENODEV: Error requesting tx dma channel.
<Esmil> drmpeg: for that error did you enable CONFIG_ARM_AMBA and CONFIG_AMBA_PL08X ?
<Tenkawa> Which kernel source repo is the most preferred/up to date if I want to try some mainline testing?
<Tenkawa> (for VF2)
<Tenkawa> I'm about to build a new kernel for my Ubuntu unit
<Tenkawa> drmpeg: thanks
<Tenkawa> I'll clone it and build it now
<drmpeg> 6.11-rc2
<Tenkawa> yeo just saw that
<Tenkawa> er yep... will I need to switch out u-boot?
<drmpeg> I didn't.
<Tenkawa> I'm still running Canonical's u-boot
<Tenkawa> ok
<drmpeg> Esmil, yes those configs are enabled.
<Tenkawa> Time to compile (here's where I like my fast compiler)
<Tenkawa> lol
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<davidlt> aurel32, mentioned that the last time he tried: iirc no crash on load anymore, but hanging in the kernel tests
<conchuod> Tenkawa: If you think spacemit is bad, the k230 is worse :)
<conchuod> Certainly for non-Chinese speakers.
<Tenkawa> conchuod: heheh... yeah my Chinese speaking contact tells me though these docs are quite.... sparse
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<davidlt> conchuod, bad in what way?
<Tenkawa> Fortunately not bad.... just sparse/lacking
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<conchuod> davidlt: I tried looking for a register map and a clock tree, but I could not find it.
<davidlt> conchuod, ah, documentation, in that case nothing new :)
<davidlt> I thought there was some silicon issues found :)
<conchuod> davidlt: ye the message I was replying to was about documentation.
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<Tenkawa> yikes....that created a big build output
<Tenkawa> transferring it over now to see if it runs
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<courmisch> conchuod: does anyone care about K230 for anything other than benchmarking vector code in the first place?
<conchuod> courmisch: They must have customers, right?
<conchuod> Right???
<courmisch> do customers care about upstream?
<conchuod> Very few people's customers do :(
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<courmisch> vendor only uses Linux for management, pitching their RTOS for the real work
<conchuod> courmisch: but ye, I don't know what other use case it has for the "enthusiast" crowd that would be likely to work on kernel support for a board like that than benching.
<courmisch> hard to say. I got a grand total of zero patches to my stuff, but it could just be because of the antispam on or the vendor undercutting me
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<conchuod> I made some changes to your stuff, but nothing capable of being contributed back. Was to test Yangyu's patchset with mainline OpenSBI/Linux.
<courmisch> at minimum, we need serial, Ethernet and TF to work, yes
<conchuod> I think the upstream linux/OpenSBI "support" for it is likely to waste away on branches in my and Yangyu's trees, which is kinda a shame cos they got Svpbmt working instead of te MAEE stuff.
<courmisch> graphics and WiFi don't work anyway already
<courmisch> yeah well, I'd love to spend more time on it but nobody is going to fund that
<conchuod> yah, and I need the first two to work if I have any hope of testing it, so the lack of any real interest that'd get people working on that was a turnoff for me sending it to Arnd.
<courmisch> already took 2-3 weeks of free time
<courmisch> conchuod: sounds like a vicious circle
<conchuod> Yeah, I suppose it does.
<conchuod> But if noones cares, it is not worth the effort. Any board I sign up to look after is less time for other things.
<courmisch> I'd do it if I believed it could make me more visible and land me a job, but I don't
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<Tenkawa> drmpeg: thanks again
<Tenkawa> Linux vf2 6.11.0-rc2 #6 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Aug 6 17:30:54 EDT 2024 riscv64 riscv64 riscv64 GNU/Linux
<Tenkawa> uname -a
<Tenkawa> looks great
<Tenkawa> No panic on my bootup.. fyi
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<Tenkawa> I think it might be because the driver was a module in my config
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