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<ball> Are there RISC-V CPUs or SoCs that should be avoided?
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<drmpeg> ball: There's a pretty big bug with some T-Head CPUs.
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<ball> drmpeg: Thanks, that's probably what I heard about and will influence my choice of RISC-V board.
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<Tenkawa> ball: hey...
<Tenkawa> ball going to get into the RISC-V world?
<ball> Hello Tenkawa!
<ball> Tenkawa: If I can find a board, certainly!
<Tenkawa> ball: I've got quite a few of them sitting right beside my RPI's
<ball> That's the perk of computers small enough to fit in your pocket: pile them up on your desk!
<Tenkawa> I have several of them built into an adhoc rack chassis now heheheh
<ball> I was thinking of a few racked up with a "silent" 60mm or 80mm fan.
<Tenkawa> I use a few JH7110 (3-4), and a Spacemit K1 currently (if I haven't forgot any)
<ball> I should write those down. What SoCs do they use?
<Tenkawa> Mine are on the Visionfive2, Mars Milk-V CM, Banana PI F3, Pine Star64
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<ball> I've heard of some of those. Is Pine Star64 from the Pine64 people?
<Tenkawa> yep
<Tenkawa> This is my primary dev box for RV
<Tenkawa> Linux vf2 6.11.0-rc4 #3 SMP Wed Aug 21 15:32:55 EDT 2024 riscv64 riscv64 riscv64 GNU/Linux
<Tenkawa> [ 0.000000] Machine model: StarFive VisionFive 2 v1.3B
<ball> Tenkawa: What does the firmware (and boot process) look like on RISC-V boards?
<Tenkawa> ball: Once you get the hang of SBI... its a normal u-boot and load process
<ball> What's SBI?
<Tenkawa> (looking up the acronym)
<Tenkawa> Supervisor Binary Interface
<Tenkawa> SBI (Supervisor Binary Interface) is an interface between the Supervisor Execution Environment (SEE) and the supervisor. It allows the supervisor to execute some privileged operations by using the ecall instruction.
<Tenkawa> I like this quote:
<Tenkawa> Examples of SEE and supervisor are: M-Mode and S-Mode on Unix-class platforms, where SBI is the only interface between them, as well as the Hypervisor extended-Supervisor (HS) and Virtualized Supervisor (VS).
<Tenkawa> I haven't quite figured out how the BPI has implemented theirs (their codebase isn't as open and documented)
<ball> Is SBI how U-boot interacts with the firmware?
<Tenkawa> Yep
<Tenkawa> The RISC-V Supervisor Binary Interface (SBI) is the recommended interface between: A platform-specific firmware running in M-mode and a bootloader, a hypervisor or a general-purpose OS executing in S-mode or HS-mode.
<Tenkawa> It sounds overcomplex on paper.... but its not too bad once you start building it
<Tenkawa> It does allow for a lot of flexibility though if you want/need it
<ball> We've come a long way since the PC/AT, that's for sure.
<Tenkawa> Indeed.
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<mps> Tenkawa: BPI have u-boot and opensbi repos on github, I've built locally both from source
<ball> There your code had more or less unfettered access to all the hardware (and the firmware, if you chose to use it) from the moment your boot sector loaded.
<Tenkawa> BSD is still a ways off I think in most varients/platforms.... jrtc27 and others could give a better status on that
<Tenkawa> mps: yes I know but its very poorly documented and it has issues.. we use it in our image builder already.
<ball> Tenkawa: I've been watching blastwave stand up FreeBSD on a (larger, more capable) RISC-V board.
<Tenkawa> mps: we have "several" patches already we've made for it locally
<mps> well, "use source, Luke"
<ball> I learned a little bit there but I would need some more detailed notes, I think.
<mps> I didn't tested beacuse can't even boot my BPI-F3
<Tenkawa> mps: we are using source.. ouch... whats up?
<Tenkawa> why wont it boot?
<mps> Tenkawa: just funny saying, nothing more
<Tenkawa> My biggest issue
<Tenkawa> er
<Tenkawa> lack of a SPI chip soldered on to the board atm
<mps> Tenkawa: it have 2GB RAM and this version can't boot from mmc
<Tenkawa> OH... thats you
<Tenkawa> I remember that now
<mps> :)
<Tenkawa> yeah something is weird about that
<Tenkawa> I really want SPI on mine but soldering isn't happening "by me"
<Tenkawa> (not by the one handed man)
<mps> but I've got new toy - loongarch64 machine so I'm not bored :)
<Tenkawa> oh that sounds fun
<Tenkawa> mps: what board is it?
<Tenkawa> anything widely avail?
<mps> 3A6000 SoC, desktop machine
<mps> ITX package
<Tenkawa> Ahh
<mps> nice one, 32GB RAM 256GB nvme
<Tenkawa> the Morefine?
<mps> TBH IDK exact model name
<Tenkawa> nod
<mps> it is written in Chinese
<Tenkawa> does look interesting
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<mps> compiling kernel on it is easy work compared to riscv
<mps> but I prefer to work with riscv
<Tenkawa> Morefine M700S is probably the unit
<Tenkawa> and its a really nice looking unit
<mps> looks similar but it is not this one
<mps> I may ask loongson exact model next week
<Tenkawa> Interesting... I wondered why loongarch64 was still so active in the kernel
<mps> well, there are other things to improve or add
* ball is so confused
<Tenkawa> ball: oh why?
<ball> Loongson confuse me with their winding pathway from MIPS32 -> Loong64 (mips64?) -> LoongArch (proprietarish?) -> RISC-V
<Tenkawa> Ah
<ball> ...unless LoongArch is RISC-V based and I just missed the memo.
<ball> (which is entirely possible)
<mps> no, it is still mips
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<ball> I'm being told different things by different people then.
<ball> mps: Is yours LoongArch or Loong64?
<ball> mps: ...or something else?
<ball> I could easily have missed a memo on LoongV, for example.
<mps> ball: loongarch64
<mps> though mips is somewhat RISC like so it share some design feature with riscv but ISA is different
<mps> except if all stole (copies) from each other
<mps> and IMO it is ok to do this
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<ball> MIPS is RISC but it's not RISC-V.
<ball> ...and Loong64 isn't LoongArch.
<ball> (I'm told)
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<sorear> I'm pretty sure loongson never touched riscv and went directly from mips64 to loongarch64
<mps> I was not interested much in loongarch64 but someone offered to send me one machine to work on it and I accepted
<sorear> I mostly only hear "Loong64" from people who are confused about what they're talking about. This isn't evidence it doesn
<sorear> 't exist
<mps> I plan to improve alpine linux on it, nothing more
<mps> for now I'm optimizing kernel
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<Tenkawa> I think that might be why the naming confusion keeps showing up
<mps> ah, debian :)
<mps> x86_64 for them is still amd64
<Tenkawa> yeah... naming semantics can cause alot of confusion/inconsistencies
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<gordonDrogon> anyone using pure RISC-V on the new Pi Pico2 yet?
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<mps> Tenkawa: good news, my BPI-F3 started u-boot. now have to make it boot kernel
<ball> That's encouraging.
<mps> after blindly poking it is
<ball> sorear: They went to Loong64 (mips64) and then LoongArch, which is something else.
<ball> I don't think LoongArch64 is a thing.
<sorear> it's a commonly understood name for LA64
<mps> in linux kernel config it is named loongarch64
<ball> Meh... Linux ;-)
<ball> Do Loongson call LoongArch LoongArch64?
<mps> I think yes
<sorear> they do in config.sub
<ball> Hmm... well that's annoying.
<mps> I think there is #loongson or #loongarch IRC channel but forgot where
<ball> There's a #loongson here.
<mps> I've got mail earlier from some people from loongson where they call my machine loongarc64
<ball> I just think it would encourage confusion with Loong64.
<ball> biab...
<Tenkawa> back from lunch
<Tenkawa> mps: well thats good news... should be fairly easy now
<mps> Tenkawa: yes, now have to find how to make alpine image for it
<Tenkawa> mps:
<mps> hehe
<mps> but I'm not in a hurry
<Tenkawa> As long as you can build the boot/root and get u-boot and the dts right the handoff is fairly easy for its supervisor level
<mps> aha (local term for 'yeah')
<Tenkawa> aka... indeed
<Tenkawa> lol
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