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<bjoto> That was the quickest PW sync ever! :D
<Esmil> :)
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<mps> I've found that for BPI-F3 board with 2GB RAM some tweaks needed to boot from mmc card but software for this (named titantools) is in chinese which I don't understand and it only work under windows (which I don't have and don't use)
<Tenkawa> mps: dts adjustments?
<Tenkawa> or u-boot?
<mps> ddr_cs_num in eeprom
<Tenkawa> ouch
<Tenkawa> the 2gb has a chip wired in to the spi?
<mps> I don't know
<mps> I understood only that this software works in DFU mode over USB
<Tenkawa> the 4gb doesn't so you should be able to make that change on your media
<Tenkawa> there is no eeprom chip on mine
<Tenkawa> it is a bare socket
<mps> ah
<Tenkawa> you sure you have one?
<Tenkawa> if not you can recompile the u-boot to fix that
<mps> according to their site I have it
<mps> I recompiled u-boot but this doesn't help
<Tenkawa> yeah they must have put it on yours
<mps> anyway I should get another board with 8GB RAM in a 2-3 weeks, I hope
<Tenkawa> and its reading it first it sounds like (unless I'm thinking wrong)
<Tenkawa> I'm just annoyed I can't write anything to spi
<mps> maybe they release new version of this titantools which will work on debian
<mps> strange (and OT) is that I have few arm32 boards from same vendor and all have some hardware design problems
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<Tenkawa> ouch
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<levitating> is it already possible to use an existing cpu with the hypervisor extension, and use it to virtualize using kvm via qemu?
<bjdooks> probably, qemu has a kvm accelerator
<bjdooks> certainly works on x86
<levitating> I am aware that kvm works on x86
<levitating> so far I've seen some information regarding how to emulate a risc-v cpu with the hypervisor extension, and a paper that stated that there's no cpus yet that support it
<levitating> but the new sifive cpu state that the extension is present
<bjdooks> i'm not sure if there's anything commercially available yet
<bjdooks> sifive create generators and the soc vendor can choose what to include or not
<levitating> right, I am specifically waiting for the Sophgo2380 on the Oasis
<levitating> maybe you're right and there are none or close to none cpus with the extension on the market
<levitating> I am especially curious if I can just run generic hypervisor software like incus with qemu as a backend, and get kvm working without too much hassle
<bjdooks> I /think/ so, I was playing with lkvm inside a qemu instance
<levitating> well we'll see, exciting times
<levitating> the sophgo2380 should've been released already but it got delayed
<bjdooks> I worked on the horsecreek, so hah
<levitating> horsecreek?
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<palmer> ya, ~1 month late is nothing for SiFive ;)
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