anyone know if it is possible to pin riscv_clock_next_event() in drivers/clocksource/timer-riscv.c to a single cpu? The idea being that sbi_set_timer() would always get called on the same cpu.
drewfustini: we've gone back-and-forth on the per-CPU clocks for a while, IIRC we ended up in a spot where we can't do that sort of thing
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Thanks... I haven't ftrace'd it yet, but would you expect sbi_set_timer() to be called on a random cpu?
drewfustini: looks like we have per-cpu clock events and a single global clock source, with the coupling being the ISA requirement that rdtime is synced between harts. So I think it should be possible to schedule a clock event on a hart, but by default they'll end up scheduled on arbitrary harts. I forget if it ends up being the same every time.
(there's also some other calls of sbi_set_timer, not as sure about those)
they're all in kernel/sbi.c, though, so they're probably just shims/emulation type stuff
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Thanks for the explanation. It's odd that sbi_set_timer is not in available_filter_functions. It's not "inline". I've just added noinline to be sure gcc is not inlining it.
I wanted to see which cpus call it
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anything left for the merge window? I'm poking through for small stuff on patchwork, but I'm pretty much running out
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re: sbi_set_timer() above, well at least I can trace riscv_clock_next_event() and that shows pretty much even distribution across all harts
OK, I guess then the question would be whether Linux is scheduling events on all harts or just one
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any news of hwprobe in glibc?
I was hoping glibc would wrap the interface up into something less awful
though I guess one could always layer a __riscv_get_extension(3) on top of a __riscv_hwprobe(2)
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I doubt that that will happen, unless you (or someone else with the same strong opinion) submits such an interface rather soon
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there was already a proposal to just wrap the syscall+vdso 1:1, though it was rejected as the kernel ABI was not released then
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and to be fair, having a completely different glibc call vs syscall is a pain of its own, now that the kernel interface is what it is
yes, but the syscall can never be cross-platform and is hostile to vendor extensions
means you can't just fallback to hand-written syscall for old glibc or non-GNU libc
it is the epitome of "works for me" linux development
I won't deny that it's a bit clunky and weird and it wasn't my idea
but I don't see how you can make portable API for an intrinsically ISA-specific thing
across OSes!
clearly "what RISC-V extension do I have" doesn't translate to x86
hmm. well, the aarch64 approach is kind of nice, but it's derived from the ISA. RV has no equivalent
and not all OSes implement the aarch64 ID3 emulation either
on aarch64 you can look at AT_HWCAP for ELF platforms
which isn't universal but gets you most OSes
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AT_HWCAP has long since run out of bits on aarch64
even AT_HWCAP2 is almost full
but a random linux syscall tied to linux notions of cpu sets and data structures is not the solution
hence the TID3 trick
no it's not
not if you are dealing with 64-bit
I'm not saying AT_HWCAP* is a *good* approach, and definitely not one that fits RISC-V
but it has its benefits
and in designing __riscv_hwprobe, those have been eschewed
because linux devs do not care about other OSes
and so when other OSes come and do something else, out of necessity, that's a pain for everyone
because now software needs porting to multiple approaches
and toolchains need to have multiple paths for automatic function multiversioning
did you raise those issues on the ML in time though?
many many times
the linux syscall is nowhere near as futureproof as I'd like since it assumes the set of possible CPUs and their extensions is a boot-time constant, which will fall over if you have hotplug with any degree of inter-generation or inter-vendor electrical compatibility
that is my first email on the subject, on the v2
I'm not terribly fond of the new ULL_BIT(63) proposal either since some chips will have extensions from multiple vendors, or extensions that came from an open-source project and therefore have a 0 mvendorid (Xpulp/Xcv)
plus on IRC and in private communications with RVI people
sorear: I don't really see how the syscall makes that assumption? you mean the current implementation maybe, but what's to prevent changing the implementation without changing the interface
and any software will explode if you remove extension from under them at run-time
Linux arm64 specifically refuses to touch a hot-plugged CPU if it has lower capabilities than the boot CPUs
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are there plans to have mixed-capability riscv-cpus?
(genuine question, didnt hear about these yet)
IIRC, VF1 had a smaller core, but it wasn't used for anything?
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the sifive u74-mc has an rv64imac core alongside the rv64gc cores, yes
(ditto for the older u54-mc)
it doesn't have mmu parts to be able to run your OS kernel, though
it's really intended as a firmware management core
and TH1520 has a C906... for audio, was it?
that *would* have Sv, no?
a couple of the bouffalo chips have separate rv64 and rv32 cores, but the rv32 cores are no-mmu
the cv1800b / milk-v duo supposedly has 2x RV64 C906, only one of which supports (0.7.1) vectors; I think this is the only current case with mixed capability between MMU-capable cores
thanks for all that info :)
"plans" implies you think we know the future, which ???
very few people here work for hardware companies, and none of them are allowed to talk about it, remember that
sorear: well i obv was wrong to begin with since you could already name implementations, even some with mmu ;)
and teach them about RISC-V-the-ISA vs RISC-V-the-platform
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apropos of what?
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some of the requirements in that adoc are bizarre, what's the use case supposed to be for requiring PMP/IOPMP or Zam in 16 byte regions
(last I checked Zam _forbids_ cache-line-crossing atomics from working which seems to make it a net negative)
I remember back in the mid-2010s a lot of people were convinced "the kernel can overwrite the boot loader" was somehow a security hole but I thought we'd moved past that
well, it can be, depending on your threat model
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yes, and it's the responsibility of the platform designers to know if "platform firmware continues to operate regardless of loaded OS" is a requirement, that's not something that makes sense to dictate in an *OS-facing* specification
such a requirement would make sense in a *board designer facing* SoC specification - you can write fan control firmware, say, and know that nothing the OS does will interfere with it
well, I was thinking in evil-maid terms
or rootkit terms
I would very much like to know that if Sony manages to get a rootkit into my kernel they can't keep me from installing a non-compromised OS
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one of my wife's classmates just got malware that installs in his UEFI Flash
but there are plenty of computers where it doesn't make any sense to try to protect boot loaders from maliciously subverted kernels
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again, a useful promise to make to system integrators, not a useful promise to make to OS authors
maybe it's useful for the OS authors to know they can't overwrite the firmware
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you mess with reserved memory (clearly identified by both DT and UEFI) and you get to keep both pieces, that's the OS authors' view
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I think the issue here is it's trying to be all things at once