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<muurkha> jrtc27: does seem like it
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<ardb> conchuod: i am getting tired of that thread
<ardb> but thanks for digging up those references - that really helps
<conchuod> ardb: ye, I think I'm probably done with responding, other than to the dt-binding. It's gone well beyond being productive.
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<bjoto> Really tiring... :(
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<la_mettrie> here we see clk_set_parent() calls on lines 586 and 594. the comments mention about setting parent to clocks osc_clk and pll0_clk. but linux's clk.h file suggests that actually the second parameter is the parent (and thus code seems to set parent to cpu_root twice with just one other call between). are the comments misleading or is the code wrong?
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<jrtc27> meowray: ITYM "I am fortunately not familiar with Mips" :P
<meowray> jrtc27: feel free to comment on ("MIPS: setMaxAtomicSizeInBitsSupported to 0 for MIPS I") :) i think the author is from the last company that investigates in mips...
<dh`> I am perhaps regrettably familiar with mips but not familiar enough with llvm to read the patch intelligently
<meowray> jrtc27: more fun about binutils mips maintainership:
<jrtc27> :eyes:
<jrtc27> :popcorn:
<jedix> does mips not believe in new lines as well?
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<sorear> has anyone systematically tested RVC HINTs on shipping hardware / do they execute as noops or illegal instructions?
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<muurkha> I spent a few hours the other night looking at the Cortex-M0 instruction set, and it is pretty disappointing
<sorear> how so?
<muurkha> I feel like a tiny RVC (maybe RV32EC) would be a much more reasonable thing to program
<muurkha> even if full ARM3 is a lot more pleasant than RV32IMAC
<muurkha> it's just... all the little conveniences and orthogonalities that ARM gives you? Cortex-M0 says, "Fuck you, no."
<muurkha> mov r0, #0? fuck you, you can only movs from an immediate
<muurkha> but I can mov r4, r1! yes, but that's not an immediate
<muurkha> why the fuck would I want to movs from an immediate? I already know if it's negative or zero, I don't need to test that at runtime?
<muurkha> ldr r3, [r0], #4? fuck you, we don't have that fancy postincrement shit here
<muurkha> what the fuck is pop then? pop is an ldm, not an ldr. ldm can totally postincrement, dumbfuck.
<jrtc27> tone it down please
<muurkha> sorry
<muurkha> just trying to convey the attitude I was getting from Cortex-M0
<muurkha> RVC is 110% fuzzy lovebunnies by comparison
<jrtc27> well the difference is that RVC-without-RVI doesn't exist
<jrtc27> but the M0 is T32-without-A32?
<jrtc27> IIRC
<muurkha> yes
<jrtc27> so it's not really comparing like with like
<muurkha> someone did a design recently (on FPGA) that was basically RVC-only
<muurkha> with a few extra instructions, and trapping on two-parcel RVI instructions
<muurkha> which he implemented in the trap handler using the extra instructions to do the things RVC can't do by itself
<muurkha> it was pretty small but I don't think as small as SeRV
<muurkha> I think SeRV is smaller than Cortex-M0 but also a lot slower
<muurkha> maybe someone who has an ARM license and spends their days in Vivado can comment on that. gurki?
<muurkha> is the RVC-only design, "Minimax", by Graeme Smecher
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<sorear> SeRV and M0 sit in very different parts of solution space
<muurkha> yeah, SeRV as an actual solution is kind of competing with something like Picoblaze, isn't it?
<muurkha> or a dumb state machine
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<muurkha> Smecher says Minimax uses "116 FFs, 398 CLB LUTs" which I guess is on some kind of Xilinx
<sorear> I wasn't impressed by minimax's cost-benefit analysis when I saw it; I'd like to see a serious comparison with a non-expanding rv32ic using a 16-bit instruction bus
<sorear> the 32 extra GPRs is going to suck for asic implementation
<muurkha> M0 is fast enough to do things like bitbang PAL color or significant amounts of DSP, I'm just dismayed at its rebarbative limitations. the opposite extreme from ARM!
<muurkha> you could do RV32EC rather than RV32IC
<muurkha> or am I misunderstanding you?
<sorear> the tiny rv32[ie]c implementation I want to see is one with an 8 or 16 bit datapath and 4 or 2 cycle instructions
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<sorear> you're not misunderstanding me, but there's no difference in control complexity between E and I