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<Esmil> Did anyone actually run Jisheng's patches for the TH1520/LicheePi 4A? My first attempt with 6.4 + the patchset didn't work as well as i'd liked:
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<conchuod> Esmil: I would have hoped the other guy who resent it & sent the clock driver would have!
<Esmil> Yes, I mailed both, but no reply yet
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<palmer> do you guys have any sort of setup that boots on it? I just took mine out of the box yesterday, but that's as far as I got ;)
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<muurkha> jrtc27: related to yesterday's discussion of "independent standards bodies", CORBA and SOAP were just as disastrous as ACPI (and possibly UEFI, we'll see):
<muurkha> "The Internet had no time for multi-company, political garbage like SOAP and CORBA."
<Tenkawa> CORBA was a nightmare for me in the 90's
<mps> and XML
<Tenkawa> I used it extensively in the telecom industry
<muurkha> whatever the failings of XML, we can't blame them on XML being multi-company political garbage
<muurkha> XML was three dudes
<mps> I still have to use SOAP on $day_job but I rewrote all to plain XML
<muurkha> the spec is 40 pages, you can read it over a lunch break:
<mps> I did long ago but still don't like it
<muurkha> hmm, I shouldn't erase Eve Maler from the history of XML, I guess, and apparently some guy named François Yergeau also has his name on the spec
<muurkha> so five dudes and dudettes
<muurkha> I think CORBA was almost universally acknowledged to be a nightmare
<Tenkawa> muurkha: indeed!!!
<Tenkawa> I know my entire group hated it
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<muurkha> I think that's pretty much par for the course for software designs from "independent standards bodies"
<muurkha> independent standards bodies are pretty okay when they're standardizing a design that is already known to work
<muurkha> reconciling the appalling hacks in Cray C with the appalling hacks in Burroughs Large Systems C, things like that
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<muurkha> or, relevantly here, clarifying the ambiguities in Waterman's dissertation and making enough minor political concessions that dozens of companies declare that they're going to support "RISC-V" instead of making up their own incompatible instruction set
<muurkha> but structurally, an independent standards body originating a reasonable spec instead of an interoperability-nightmare monument to incompetence like ACPI or CORBA? it can happen but the chances are slim
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<dh`> what you want isn't a standards body but a steering committee, or something like that
<dh`> which is not necessarily a big difference, but the words you use to describe things matter
<dh`> independent standards bodies also got us C++
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<muurkha> yeah, C++ is clearly in some sense workable, but surely you would agree it's also an interoperability nightmare
<dh`> it has always teetered on the far boundary of workable
<dh`> or something like that
<muurkha> and we can expect whatever replaces it to be much simpler
<muurkha> during the lifetime of the C++ standards committee I think we can sort of argue that it's been largely replaced by C
<muurkha> well, and by Python, JS, etc.
<muurkha> Java
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<sorear> I suspect it's less of a 501(c)6 problem and more of a "trying to be all things to all people" / "uncontrolled scope creep" problem
<sorear> I don't think I've ever seen a large project go C++ -> C, and the reverse has happened a couple times
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<sevan> is the ability to report CPU speed on Linux SoC specific or this functionality is currently missing? (tbh I'm actually on a release kernel on Ubuntu rather than stock upstream) that lack of reporting speed on the Allwinner D1 causing me problems
<Tenkawa> sevan: I haven't trusted cpuinfo on anything non-x86 in 15+ years
<Tenkawa> typicly I would use the /sys nodes like
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<Tenkawa> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0
<Tenkawa> ie
<Tenkawa> ls cpuinfo*freq*
<Tenkawa> cpuinfo_cur_freq cpuinfo_max_freq cpuinfo_min_freq
<Tenkawa> thats the ones for my Star64 SBC
<Tenkawa> 375000
<Tenkawa> 1500000
<Tenkawa> 375000
<sevan> Tenkawa: thanks, that node doesn't exist for me
<Tenkawa> it will likely be a different name per device
<Tenkawa> first thing I tell people to do is try a find /sys | grep cpufreq and see if you have one
<Tenkawa> you need both device tree and kernel entries to back it too
<sorear> wouldn't cpufreq only be present if your board supports linux-controlled dynamic frequency scaling?
<Tenkawa> sorear: not sure what its "called" but I just showed you a Starfive JH7110 running 6.3
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<Tenkawa> that one was running 5.15 actually.. my other one runs 6.3
<sorear> right, I'm looking at the d1 & nezha dts and there's nothing cpu clock related in there
<Tenkawa> They dont have "any" frequency scaling?
<Tenkawa> Ahh cpu
<Tenkawa> er old cpu
<Tenkawa> one of the first Risc-V's
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<Tenkawa> cheers all.. time to go fix a machine.... This should be.... interesting.
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<muurkha> sorear: yeah, I've never seen a large project go C++ -> C, and I have seen the reverse happen
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<muurkha> but it's quite common for a large C++ project to be replaced by a somewhat smaller project in C, Java, Python, Golang, JS, etc.
<muurkha> Rust!
<muurkha> Microsoft Windows getting replaced by Linux is probably the best example of this
<muurkha> also Symbian, Windows CE, and J2ME have been largely replaced by Linux, though iOS has made inroads at the high end
<muurkha> and lots of places where the JVM has been replaced by Python or PHP, whose interpreters are written in C
<muurkha> but no, you can't take a C++ project and port it to C, or to Rust or Python or JS, and it's usually pretty easy to port a C project to C++
<sorear> the NT kernel is/was C
<sorear> XNU is C++ though
<muurkha> a lot of times it's more a piecemeal thing. I mean any Java program has C++ in it, right? because that's what HotSpot is written in! and commonly what happens is that an increasing fraction of new development is done in other languages, but without replacing the C++ parts of the project
<muurkha> I didn't know that about the NT kernel! I thought it would have been C++, but I've never looked at it
<jrtc27> who's replacing NT with Linux?
<jrtc27> Microsoft sure aren't
<jrtc27> people might take their projects to a totally different OS, but Windows is still NT
<sorear> i personally beleive linux would be more maintainable if they used a properly defined c++ subset instead of YOLOing vtables and raii in C
<sorear> this would be a harder sell a few years ago back when gcc could be built with a C compiler
<jrtc27> I imagine they'd want a C++ that doesn't force you to cast from void *
<jrtc27> because that drives me nuts
<jrtc27> struct S *p = malloc(sizeof(struct S)); not compiling is just silly
<dh`> we do need a new C, and it doesn't seem that rust is it
<sorear> absolutely, because rust is the new C++
<muurkha> jrtc27: most of the internet that was using NT replaced it with Linux
<jrtc27> most consumers haven't
<muurkha> most consumers have
<muurkha> the number of Android users is larger than the number of Windows users ever was
<sorear> i want someone to figure out what the C equivalent for Rust is, unfortunately there's a bit too much crosstalk between the lifetime inference and the rest of the type system to make a clean separation
<jrtc27> they didn't replace a windows phone with a linux phone
<jrtc27> they just bought a linux phone
<jrtc27> most consumer PCs remain windows
<jrtc27> hell most corporate PCs remain windows
<muurkha> they replaced their consumer PC with a Linux phone, or never had a consumer PC
<muurkha> it's true that most corporate PCs [that aren't phones] remain Microsoft Windows
<muurkha> sorear: there's been a bunch of interesting academic work recently on minimalist Rust follow-ons like Koka
<sorear> android phone but it's SBBR compliant
<dh`> I keep wanting to do something about this (new C) but I don't know where the time's going to come from
<muurkha> Golang is another source of inspiration, and it's what ken did when he decided it was time to build a new C
<dh`> yeah and it's fine for some things but with a GC you can't use it for a kernel
<muurkha> yeah, agreed
<muurkha> and in the 30 years since C or C++ was the language all serious software was written in, pretty much everything that can tolerate a GC has abandoned C and C++
<dh`> that's not quite true, but it's close
<muurkha> so the Gophers are mostly ex-Python hackers or ex-Java hackers
<muurkha> rather than "fat [gender-neutral informal term]s who know C++"
<muurkha> (obligatory PC note: when I showed this to my friend Andrea she correctly protested that it was erroneous to exclude her from the guild on the basis of gender)
<muurkha> anyway Koka, Zig, Nim, etc., are shaping up to be interesting
<sevan> When you say Gophers, are you referring to people who work on the language, or just programmers in that language, in general?
<muurkha> and if you can tolerate C++ you can probably tolerate Rust more easily, but it definitely doesn't appeal to the C crowd
<muurkha> sevan: I meant people who are enthusiastic about programming in Golang
<muurkha> so sort of in between
<dh`> the problem I have with rust is the apparently toxic ecosystem it's spawned
<muurkha> heh, yes
<muurkha> lots of high-school clique drama
<muurkha> people whose fundamental approach to life is based on hate and fear
<dh`> also it's one in a long line of "you should use this because (evidence we don't understand what's wrong with either C or C++)"
<sevan> There are various talks about the history of Go / decissions by Rob Pike. In the early days, one of the motivators was to get away from C++ because it was such an uphill battle for things that should be easy, I think the example he gave was fighting some template things. Organisationally, the drive was to have a language which they could give to the kids fresh out of college but they found it took several
<mps> to rephrase "those who don't understand C are doomed to reinvent it, poorly" ;-
<sevan> years to undo the damage from academia and for them to become safe in programming C++
<muurkha> I think Graydon is probably pretty clear about what *he* didn't like about C++
<mps> s/;-/;-)/
<muurkha> but plausibly the current crew is a little less clear
<muurkha> and Graydon has explained at some length how he would have taken a drastically different approach to evolving Rust
<muurkha> can we get an F in the chat for Don Lancaster?
<sevan> "Lancaster was an early advocate and developer of what is now known as print-on-demand technology. Lancaster produced his self-published books by re-purposing the game port of an Apple II to transfer PostScript code directly to a laser printer, rather than using a Macintosh running PageMaker. This enabled continuous book production using an inexpensive Apple II, rather than tying up an expensive Macintosh
<sevan> until the print run was complete."
<muurkha> (context: Macs didn't have multitasking and therefore a print spooler)
<sevan> how about those Apple IIs? :)
<muurkha> I think in a sense his most important invention was the Apple I
<sorear> what, no print spooler as a desk accessory?
<muurkha> Lancaster went a bit further than using his Apple ][ as a print spooler
<muurkha> he just wrote his markup in PostScript
<mps> isn't postcript some kind of forth language
<muurkha> more like Lisp, but yeah
<dh`> yes
<dh`> no, it's a lot more postscriptish than lispy
<dh`> er
<dh`> a lot more forthish
<mps> I liked forth long ago, even wrote one for Z80 embeded board
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<muurkha> I don't think so. Forth is a statically-scoped, untyped language whose only dynamic memory allocation is a stack. PostScript is a dynamically-typed language with garbage collection, anonymous functions, dynamic scoping, and dictionaries
<dh`> it is nonetheless based on stack ops like forth
<muurkha> and interned symbols
<muurkha> all they have in common is that they both use RPN syntax instead of conventional infix syntax
<mps> dictionaries are also in forth
<muurkha> Forth only has one dictionary
<muurkha> in PostScript they're dynamically created, like dicts in Python or hashtables in Common Lisp
<mps> well, one dictionary in time, but could have more of them
<muurkha> (of course you can *implement* a hash table in Forth. you can implement anything in Forth)
<dh`> idk, I think the stack-oriented semantics are the important bit
<muurkha> that's just syntax
<dh`> not really
<muurkha> I guess another thing they have in common is that in both cases you can extend the syntax, as you can in Common Lisp
<muurkha> by writing code that reads from the input stream
<dh`> anyway, postscript is usually described as being from the forth family
<muurkha> not usually, but occasionally, and in my view erroneously
<dh`> usually IME
<muurkha> from my point of view it's the same sort of mistake as thinking that Dylan is from the C family
<mps> to me it also looks more forth than lisp, but I'm bad with lisp
<muurkha> with respect to syntax extension, you have significantly less freedom to do this in PostScript; you have to do your metaprogramming old-Lisp-style at runtime by slinging around anonymous functions, not Forth-style (or Common-Lisp-style) by running code at compile time
<muurkha> you can usually translate a PostScript program directly into Common Lisp with only surface changes, or vice versa. that is very much not true of Forth
<mps> I can't comapare this, because I don't understand lisp much
<mps> I trust your conclusion because you know both
<dh`> I don't know enough about postscript
<dh`> have tangled with it some, but mostly not in anger
<muurkha> I'm no Lisp or Forth expert, but I have written a Scheme compiler in Scheme and a couple of crippled Forths, and although I've never implemented PostScript, I've written something you can charitably describe as a parametric CAD system in it
<muurkha> PostScript used to be my favorite way to make simple graphics before I got hold of SVG
<dh`> the reason an explicit value stack is not just syntax is that it exhibits behaviors you don't get with function application
<muurkha> mostly bugs, but yes
<dh`> like you can push stuff on the value stack and forget about them
<dh`> s/them/it/
<dh`> which is a bug yeah
<muurkha> you can build up a list on the operand stack though
<muurkha> the PostScript operators [ and ] (and << and >>) exploit this
<dh`> also it seems like it would be hard to typecheck calls, but since the value stack is unique maybe session types would wor
<dh`> k
<muurkha> yeah, there have been some statically-typed languages using RPN syntax: Joy, Cat, and Kitten
<dh`> ... yeah, that should work fine, n/m
<muurkha> but in general in PostScript you can [, run a loop to generate items, and then ] to package them up into a heap-allocated array
<muurkha> you can't do quite that in Forth because you don't have a heap
<muurkha> that is harder to statically type check
<dh`> not really as long as they're homogeneous (same as lists anywhere else)
<muurkha> I mean, your stack types have to take the variable length into account somehow
<muurkha> you can do similar things in Forth if you add a heap (there's an optional vocabulary for this in dpANS FORTH) or if you're producing some values and then consuming them
<muurkha> but it's not idiomatic the way it is in PostScript
<muurkha> in Lisp you build up the loop directly on the heap
<muurkha> *the list
<muurkha> but from my point of view garbage collection and dynamic typing are two enormous differences that put them in different language families
<dh`> yeah, but you can do that (have the stack type include a state "accumulating values of type T")
<muurkha> Forth is in the same family as 386 assembly language, and PostScript is in the same family as Python
<mps> muurkha: agree
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<mps> afaik forth was intended for simple and real time apps, not for big complicated software
<muurkha> or, attempting to be less offtopic, Forth is in the same family as RISC-V assembly language
<dh`> when people talk about language families it's usually about some notion of style
<dh`> and the value stack business is a very strong stylistic imprint
<mps> actually there is RTX2000 CPU where forth is machine language
<dh`> go and C and pascal and modula-* are all genearlly considered to be in the algol family even though they differ widely on a lot of things
<muurkha> mps: Forth was intended for all apps, but the Forth belief system is most advantageous for simple and real-time apps
<muurkha> I feel like the differences between C, Pascal, and MODULA-[23] are pretty minor
<muurkha> except GC!
<dh`> yeah
<muurkha> it took me decades to appreciate Pascal's var parameters and procedure parameters, though
<dh`> are there dynamically-typed languages commonly included in the algol family?
<dh`> (wasn't algol itself dynamically typed?)
<muurkha> Algol-60 definitely isn't dynamically typed
<muurkha> I don't think even Algol-68 is
<muurkha> Maybe you could argue that Perl5, Python, PHP are Algol-family?
<sorear> postscript versus gather, discuss
<sorear> *postscript versus factor, discuss
<dh`> I don't know much of anything about algol, before my time
<muurkha> well, Algol-68 was the version nobody used
<dh`> just have a vague recollection that some aspects of it were dynamic because nobody knew how to statically check them yet
<muurkha> Wirth abandoned the efforrt and wrote a dissenting minority report called ALGOL-W
<muurkha> well, I guess that chronology is backwards
<muurkha> Naur and Hoare also abandoned it
<muurkha> to this day it is common for textbooks and CACM papers to present algorithms in pidgin Algol-60
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