stealth_ linked to YouTube video "Using ZIG as a Drop-In Replacement C Compiler on Windows, Linux, and macOS!" => 1 IRC mentions
might help the whole build process, i knew of ppl would have different OS to compile those software back in the day, not sure if ppl still do that.
I doubt that it helps in the difficult cases, like signed multi-arch macos binaries
if it would make windows builds easier, that would be nice
but it's not just openscad that has to be build
i does all of it, you can do it just from your linux system, you can do windows/mac/arm..
check out that video and give it a try! if it makes your life easier by a bit its a win.
The compiler itself is actually written in zig!
first some sleep though, almost 2am
aww night.
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BTW: I've installed the latest OpenSCAD from github and compiled it myself, but why hasn't there been any release since 2021.01? I guess because of that, that's also the latest version available in the debian and ubuntu repositories. If there where a newer official release, packages in debian/ubuntu might receive an update, making it more accessible to users not experienced in software development.
Good night teepee
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oh, right. forgot debian love of "stable, even if ancient" :/
nomike Re. new release: It's WIP, but there is still significant work left to stabilize the features added since 2021.01: https://github.com/orgs/openscad/projects/2
BTW: I tried signing up on https://lists.openscad.org via direct link AND via sending an email to the subscribe address, but I didn't get any response and that was easily more than 30 minutes ago. I tried to sign up for an account to be able to read the archives, but I'm also not receiving the confirmation mail.
My Mail-Address is nomike@nomike.com hosted by dreamhost.com, so none of those gmail shenanigans where there frequently are issues. I also checked my spam folder of course.
So I guess, there is an issue with affinity ¯\_(ツ)_/¯...
Or is the discussion list simply dead?
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You should have gotten an email to confirm your email address. At least such an email was generated by affinity 32 minutes ago
califax has joined #openscad
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Nope. There's nothing so far...
I will check again tomorrow, but if it takes that long already, I don´t expect anything to arrive. I will double check but AFAIK dreamhost is not doing any server-side spam filtering.
Anyway, 3 am, I should go to sleep. Have a nice time.
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teepee: Well I don't know. It works, and I didn't ask how. ;)
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Greetings, I was interested in the GSOC Project regarding getting a windows build to work for OpenSCAD. I was wondering if there's any specific process regarding forms/applications for now, or if it's primarily through discussion in this IRC channel? The issue I was looking at is https://github.com/opencax/GSoC/issues/101
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SparshN: hi
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hmm, is it stupid idea to add enableable option/preference to auto-remove during rendering of all small (hmm, <.003 ?) bits from model to auto-clean z-infighting artifacts? (of course, unless object is 2-D)
mmu_man has joined #openscad
not a stupid idea, it's just not clear if it's possible to do in general
guso78: the branch is getting out of sync, is it possible starting with a new one once the current one is merged?
yes of course. i could make python_pr(5+1)
also what's the next steps? basic features are on in OBS builds, Snap, Flatpak and AppImage - so that should cover all the Linux builds as first step
it would be nice to get a handle on the packamanagement, so maybe pip could be used
but that's just me :)
you wanted to optimize python (forget) everything and i have tons of more functions to implement
there might be other interesting topics
i *do* have a pip package setup and compiling it locally works great!
just shipping is little bit difficult, because
yeah, local build is always easy as you have the consistent setup
pip an sdist: compilation is needed on the target computer and basically all dependencies/header files need to be present
pip as binary distribution: pypi only accepts "anylinux" format which is intentionally created on *very* old distros, which do not even have packages for eigen
I guess the re-init would be nice, but it's also not urgent
the interesting part is getting more feedback from other people
plus: pypi accepts at most 100 MB packages and mine turned out 110 MB, but we can ask for exception
pypi accepts maximum of 100mb for uploaded pip packages
but why so big? the appimage with full python is 75mb
sorry, did not track down the details, i just realized that i have 110mb and i did not further bother
and of course: the pip package does not have any graphical display
maybe stripping binaries or using some other build flags can bring that down?
so that's a headless openscad inside python?
i think stripped would have worked. but key to success is the manylinux format, they offer docker images for that
exactly: headless pip
you can browse the setup.py in the root of my pythonscad repo.its basically a huge list of cc files to consider :')
personally i'd like to get the mxe thing working, because it addresses the biggest percentage of people.
other dreams are getting openscad working as a jupyter kernel. its working 99% for me D: D:
I had a look some time ago using c++ but via python it might be easier
key to work in jupyter is libxeus. libxeus is an adapter library which taslk jupyter protocol
basically its working, but of course you want to 3d view your targets in jupyer. and i was able to copy all relevant code from solidpython
this code works for origininal ipython3 kernel, but not for pythonscad kernel ...
teepee: Well, pip.main is already specified as an internal mechanism that you should not call. ;) And it outputs a warning, "pip is being invoked by an old script wrapper. This will fail in a future version of pip."
interesting, no exit but different output