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[github] damienmarchal synchronize pull request #5630 ([UX] Add of the "Jump to..." navigation method and clean the "Window" menu of its duplicated elements)
[github] damienmarchal synchronize pull request #5630 ([UX] Add of the "Jump to..." navigation method and clean the "Window" menu of its duplicated elements)
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[github] damienmarchal synchronize pull request #5630 ([UX] Add of the "Jump to..." navigation method and clean the "Window" menu of its duplicated elements)
[github] damienmarchal synchronize pull request #5630 ([UX] Add of the "Jump to..." navigation method and clean the "Window" menu of its duplicated elements)
[github] damienmarchal synchronize pull request #5630 ([UX] Add of the "Jump to..." navigation method and clean the "Window" menu of its duplicated elements)
[github] damienmarchal synchronize pull request #5630 ([UX] Add of the "Jump to..." navigation method and clean the "Window" menu of its duplicated elements)
[github] damienmarchal synchronize pull request #5630 ([UX] Add of the "Jump to..." navigation method and clean the "Window" menu of its duplicated elements)
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i was so surprised that rightclick on the 3d render now opens a contextmenu
(in nightly)
and marks the relevent txt in editor :) took me a while to -demark- initially though
oh, and the new autocomplete is really nice, the new placement in topleft really helps to keep everything legible
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Helo togetehr, i have a problem with message "ERROR: The given mesh is not closed! Unable to convert to CGAL_Nef_Polyhedron." Obect is combination of cube and polyhedron. Polyhedron uses corner points of cube, plus one outside point. As soon as i use F6 i get that error message and cant get beyond.
Guest60: Probably your polyhedron is not manifold. Perhaps one face is inside out.
Guest60: Did you examine it in Thrown Together mode?
Guest60: Note that this will only cause that problem once adding the cube, because that forces it to render to evaluate the combination of them.
How to do this? Or, is this the F5 Preview?
Guest60: View, Thrown Together
Check for the miscolored face. :)
I think we're still doing those in bright purple or something.
Is there a key for Thrwon Togetehr, as i'm using the german interface (sorry)
Guest60: The manual describes a right hand mode for orientation. With a thumbs-up orientation, points listed in order of the finger curl should result in the thumb pointing into the design.
Guest60: It says F12 on mine.
F12 brought smth purple, indeed. So, task is, to bring points in right order for each miscoloured face ...
Ok, this helps a lot already
Guest60: Kombinierte Anzeige according to the translation file in the source code.
Your [0,1,2,3] is backwards. Should be [3,2,1,0]
If you do the right-hand rule on the 0,1,2,3 you'll see the thumb pointing out.
Actual, this fixed it, as it seems, despite the fact, that in "F12" it was no longer purple. Many thanks!
It was purple on the back.
That's how I spotted it. :)
Your problem was you couldn't see the back, because the cube was in the way. I removed it to check.
I see; now when i zoomed in with mouse wheel i saw it as well
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But, i.e. next one [0,1,4] is also purple from back, but doesn't cause an error
was a steep learning curve :)
So, the problem is not, that purple surfaces exists, but they have to "look" inside the body, and not outside? Is it like this. Or is it, that no purple areas are allowed to exists?
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when setting an animation in OpenSCAD and recording it with a screen recorder, the result looks quite checked off and it appears that there are "void" frames inside. however, QT documents that all their views use double buffering.