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Is it actually working to float undocket widgets between the main window? Testing on macOS indicated that it doesn't actually work, but perhaps it works differently per platform?
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on Wayland it's pretty broken as the windows don't get decorations
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The docking stuff is pretty annoying in general, but we don't really have a better/easy mechanism to deal with tool windows: (
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Hi all. Today discovered the measuring tool, but I cannot for the life of me get it to work :(
I've read that I need to be using a rendered model, and in manifold mode
I have a rendered model, but I'm having issues with using manifold mode
At least, I read that you can find it in Preferences -> Features -> Manifold, but it isn't there
I went to Preferences -> Advanced -> 3D Rendering, and selected manifold there, but with that the measuring tool is still not working
I'm using the latest weekly image (2025.02.16), but also had the same behavior with 2025.02.01
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Joso IT only works after F6 render
Manifold has to be Set in Backend Option
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joso: not sure it's that useful, not always one can mark exactly wished place/edge .. and i hate that after use it cannot be "disabled", with selected model elements distance or angle measured staying highlighted forever. Meanwhile manifold render by itself, by it's 10-100x perf increase, is more then worth it
hmm, somehow google didn't return me useful examples of "manual" by segments rotate extrude analog, can someone point me to such, to adapt? :) (hit need to hull together few rotate extrudes, concavity/relative spacement/and "all points must be on single axis" prevents 2-d hull & rotate-extrude it)
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We should probably clean up the measuring tool before the next release. How to use it is a recurring question on the mailing list as well. I feel it's mostly about tuning the UI + some way of discovering why it doesn't work in certain situations
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kintel: my suggestions: 1) have measuring tool buttons not in toolbar or greyed out, if for some reason they cannot be used, 2) have them as radio button, that can be left switched on and CAN be switched off w/o reloading app/model anew. Like eg. show axis buttons and alike, to not annoy for staying on after use ... P.S. as for req. of manifold + F6 render .. there might be also short popup to remind to switch manifold in options on and render at least
once, if not yet
or not popup, maybe text echoed in log
Yeah, sounds reasonable.
taking out buttons after f5 and adding after f6?
perhaps greyed out, with a tooltip or smth. explaining why?
church_ you can disable the selected edge by pressing "Escape" . this is the most logical key to exit a command
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Guest57: LOL. Most logical, maybe .. but i didn't think of that, when used "mouse UI" :). Also inconsistent with those other widgets, that can be switched on/off and also show state that they are "on" (show axes/scale markers/edges)
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Looking for a best practice for notifying a user that their inputs in the customizer are incompatible with reality. Ideally it would be something noticeable in the preview panel. Echo doesn't really cut it as this message is too easy to miss. I know assert is more noticeable and shows a banner in the preview window, but it also displays a stack
trace which is unnecessary in this context. I thought to use the $vp variables to create some in your face text, with code shown below, but I don't seem to have a way to control for the size of the panel, so sometimes it's not an optimal size:
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
module notice(text) {
lines = is_list(text) ? text : str_split(text, chr(10));
suggestion, no, but I suppose some sort of warning style info might be doable
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teepee: you mean as an added function in the client to display a message in the preview window similar to this?
probably not in preview, more likely similar to the popup above the viewport
difficult to add even more variations of info
I suppose that would do. I've been improving the notice function though and I think I would still like that better -- if only I could adjust to the window size.
I don't suppose there's a way to script adjusting the preview to "view all" like the toolbar button does?
not sure, if you know the bounding box, it might be possible to do the same calculation
easy way: no
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Shouldn't ONE of these numbers change when the window size changes? What use it the $vpf if it doesn't reflect what's actually visible?
Like it currently says FOV is 22.5 degrees... if I make the pane half the size, it doesn't resize the contents, just lets me see less of them. Am I not now at 11.25 degrees? Why doesn't FOV change?