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hey does openscad have a way to open a document remotely, like via dbus, or a socket/protocol, etc?
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there is nothing socket, the dbus interface as far as I'm aware is mostly for camera control (it lets you create custom input devices without modifying the application) but it can trigger actions.
what are you trying to achieve? typically one just calls the application with the file to add it to the open dataset?
Scopeuk: yeah i'm looking at the dbus code now
Scopeuk: i want to be able to open, refresh, and switch to documents
there was a branch at one point with someone working on integrations with external editors which implemented lsp and was then looking at the potential for dbus application control but I believe it dead ended
open and refresh the application can do for you, switching between documented I don't know of an external application
the typical use case with an external editor auto reload is enabled in openscad and it watches the filesystem for changes to the open file
i use vscode as my editor, and i'd like the active document in openscad to track the active one in vscode
I've not tried it but how does openscad react if you just call it with the file name when switching tabs in vscode?
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i dont know. i haven't tried that
so does openscad maintain a single instance, or would i end up with an openscad instance per document?
there is a multi tab editor within the application, I'm trying to remember if there is a way to tell the application at launch to do single instance, it's not a feature I use. multiple copies would be a poor solution for your intended use case
given how vs code works it would probably be relatively easy to embed the wasm build in there now days, but I'm not aware of anyone having tried
hmm, if recessed or rised logo or text is relatively simple to make (just minkowski around with cone (from eg. low $fn cylinder)). I wonder how should i get flush logo(or text), but with recess around by contour? First minkowski around with thicker, trapezze cross-section, then readd back minkowski again with pointy cone? :/
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church_: get nightly and use roof
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use offset to get the contour in 2d
[github] dbyy closed issue #5676 (OpenScad v 2025.01.26 (Snap on Linux Mint) - Save File As: Can't navigate to mounted NAS locations (/mnt/...) (on NAS))
[github] wolfwood synchronize pull request #5683 (test the interaction of svg viewbox with svg_import centering. currently fails)
feep: unionRound? seems working ok on not too complified objects, but on more complified shapes, performance hit becomes too big. minkowski, after all
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oh hey it's fixed, whew
it's always "debug for two hours, dig into the like four different paths for calculating sdfs....... find the bug, it's "you stupidly forget to use the nice clean code you already wrote and instead used a hacky abstraction that didn't work")