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may i propose to add button to start dialog 'Backups'? (should open appropriate dir, preferably sorted by modification time?) Of course, not that often needed (and due that i didn't remember location (or rather last time i needed was on macos, now - on windows)). It was not that hard to find docs on that path by googling, Help>Library info:Backup Path .. but would be nice to have button in open dialog :)
yeah, we could have "Open Location..." instead of the show library folder
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Also imho "open recent" button is redundant. why not - "if user has clicked on any file in "Recent list", then [Open] would open it, instead of calling open file dialog"
argh, cannot access 'python?.?': No such file or directory
well, yes, the 2nd is 10
that plugin only works for single digits
yeah, looks like the plugin was abandoned 3 years ago
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teepee: i browsed those just once to check out what's that, but usually just google how to do specific stuff / or checking cheatsheet or guide about specific functions. But that's just me, i cannot speak for all. Suggested only that imho quicker finding backups might be useful, and that mostly i use Open Recent, but not sure it needs "separate" button, when one button can serve two roles
Even more so that [Open Recent] is greyed out prior any of files in recent list are selected. And double click in list also works. So - open w/o selecting - file open dialog, selecting, then [open] - same as ex. [open recent], no?
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[github] damienmarchal opened issue #5695 (RubberBand problem when switching windows using the "Next window" menu entry, the window stays "rubberband selected". If I use Cmd-k, it works as expected. This is on macOS.)
Teepee its relevant to Use Same Version which IS Used to Compile and Link Openscad
Use exactly one defined Version all over Openscad. I believe this reduces incompatibility Error sources.
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ooo, i like the idea to have the auto-backups easily visible from a 'open recent failures to save' menu or something :)
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me too. its a little bit combersome to restore backups. was almost writing a script ;)
heh well, i mostly just usually forget where the f they are
or that they exist at all :P
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I forget about them because it's a non-feature when running in external editor mode. The backups are never generated, as nothing ever previews or renders unsaved.
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Is there any standard machinery component library ?
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freetype/fontconfig/harfbuzz for font handling
clearly all those features wont exist in zig since its new kid on the block, but we are talking future here though.
sorry if i upset you teepee
it's 10 years old?
I'm not upset
I just question the wisdom of chasing the new kid that will mean reinventing the wheel without benefit
there is no official 1.0 release yet, so its still in development but the results so far are super good. since it was written from ground up. like no middle man.
like webbrowsers invent operating systems
this will be a good change for the future vs C and its unending problems.
same goes for swift, dart, go
ya, but i wouldn't have recommend if it wasn't that good.
I'm not going to defend C, I agree that should be avoided
all those things I heard about go 5 years ago
now they have all those features they claimed to not need or implement because they make the language complicated
I'm not saying it's bad, I'm very likely going to watch that as I am interested in a general way
i never used go and will use it. so can't talk about it.
but chasing the next thing is not how real work is done
for that, the cppcon fireside chats are pretty interesting
thanks, that's all i was trying to say, just give it a look and see what up, maybe keep it in the back of the mind for years if/when openscad plans a move. you want to actually
know a bit about the language thats out there.
well, if browsers will be your operating system, it's going to be typescript ;-)
after all they just invented threads
they just need to make it as stable as real operating systems
well browser are good for many things but i don't know about using that as your operating system.
those seems like a hype to see something.
wasm + webgpu + webusb is a clear path into that direction
yes/no, its mainly to find compatibility between operating system, since big tech kept rewriting their software for every OS/browser, it was tedious and wasted $$$
You see software like Atom use browser based engine and now I think they moved to using Rust. since the speed difference is huge.
you can get really good speed with wasm but who in their right mind is going to code in wasm? you need language like zig, rust, ...
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"<stealth_> Me and InPhase where just talking about Zig being a good alternative to OpenScad C language to fix build issues, lol" Hey now... InPhase was saying, "No, I don't think so." on that. :-P
InPhase, :p we still "talked"
Not exactly a ringing endorsement, however.
it takes time to learn a language too, so all that factors needs to be considered.
Or more specifically, I was not talking about it being a good alternative.
I just submitted #5698 which is about a bug in the script and PR #5699 which fixes it.
hi! yep, CI already aproved, thanks
Looks good to me, I can't judge the macos cases though
I have a mac lying around somewhere, but it's a late 2009 macbook. I'm afraid that won't do it ;-).
nope, that's not going to work, I have a similar old thing here and that got broken by apple/qt long ago
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I spotted something else though, which isn't a bug, but perhaps something worth thinking about:
I'm on version 2024.05.24 at the moment (currently compiling the latest one) and in the preferences->features, I could enable the "manifold" feature. When I exit out of openscad, and open it again, the feature is still enabled. Rendering a design uses the manifold library. As would be expected.
However, when I now run `openscad -o test.stl test.scad` it doesn't use the manifold feature.
I know, I could add `--feature manifold` to the command line, but the point is, that depending on whether I use the GUI and hit "F6" or I just use the CLI interface, OpenSCAD behaves differently. And I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not.
What do you think?
I think it makes for a more stable behavior on command line but it's also not easy to change as the gui options depend on Qt
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The thing is, if you use the "--feauter manifold" option on the CLI, it's temporary, for this run only, while the GUI setting is permanent. There is no temporary way to set this in the GUI. So I guess the current behavior is good.
I wonder though what happens if you specify `--feature manifold` and use the GUI?
I think it's ignored
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teepee, did you succeed with the AppImage ? Did die AppImage work in your computer ? How can you check in your place, if the appimage would work in somebody else's computer ?
still getting crashes :(
real segffaults ? do they happen once you evaluate(f5) python code ?
maybe start the appimage and use gdb to hook onto the running process ?
nope, already when loading the app in QtCore
it's not even near running the python stuff I think
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but the appimage did definitiely work prior the python pr's . My personal strategy for addressing such unexpected /weird issues is binary search. go back half way to see if app still crashes. maybe just create appimage with ENABLE_PYTHON=0 first ?
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just rebuilding with different appimage plugins changes things already
the python plugin seems to break things even when just installed, so I'm probably messing up something there
i doubt that you actually need the python plugin. i think its sufficient to offer the python stdlib (.py files) somew
somewhere, where python_path points to in the appimage
probably, it mainly does the python compilation which would be nice if it would work :)
you could compare directory trees before and after the python plugin to learn, whats actually changed
funny, I was thinking the difficult case will be Snap and Flatpak and AppImage the easy one
right the user and system/root setup is strictly separate
and I have an AppImage running, but that's with the python init error
okay it's running... now what?
its running, but there is no preferences to turn on python ?
i don't know. where would i find them?
i can see --trust-python on the cli options
guso78: did you install beta?
what is it showing in status bar?
i think so. it it was not beta, openscad would not install .py as file extension
burt preferences is missing in Edit menu
suppose i have to hack qt registry :)
would not *allow* py file extension
no preferences? how did that happen?
preferences works for me
okay this whole thing works for me
hmm, need to try harder
yes, now is see my cube !
so flat
fo flatpak also works outside of your computer
as you would expect, it is completely isolated from the host system
appimages are not
yep, flatpak and snap are container
well, not sure how --classic snap works but we do strict confinement
even classic snaps should never be loading .so from the host
a fundamental difference between snaps and flatpak is the internal container structure
ok, the crash might be an old patchelf from the python plugin
snap apps link against something like "/snap/lib" where as flatpaks link against "/usr/bin"
so you can mount the host /usr inside a snap container, and that is what classic mode does
you can't do this with flatpak because it would shadow the container /usr, which is why flatpak doesn't have a real classic mode
but mounting /usr inside the snap container doesn't affect the snap app, because it doesn't look for its libs there anyway
hmm i mean to write: flatpaks link against "/usr/lib"
you can give permission to a flatpak to access any other folder than host /usr, and you can even have host /usr be mounted in some weird place like /var/host/usr or something, but these are not enough to eg make your C/C++ IDE work properly
and this is why jetbrains IDEs have official snaps but no official flatpaks
yeah, I have codium as snap and that does not work well with c++ debugging
I might go back to NetBeans :)
yeah? my experience is the exact opposite. IDEs installed with snap work flalessly as long as they are classic
when installed with flatpak, everything breaks
hmpf: NameError: name 'openscad' is not defined
oops, my fault :)
hmm, openscad module should be made available internallly
I was messing with the imports
and left an in there
it works
hope you have more than a cube. i can only vary the dimensions ...
i only see cube and show on dir(openscad)
BTW: shall we change the behavior such as multiple show's in the code behave like lazy unions ?
lazy union is bad :)
right now only last show() wins
i think it should update the preview everytime you call show() so you can do animations :)
but currently UI freezes until python finishes
yes, exactly. i am using customizer and static python variables to perform the same
but i think it would be more useful if that didn't happen. you could have interactive scripts that pop up a message box eg "does the preview look okay? y/n"