maybe people are loud enough to limit the effect, but it's not a good move
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I just noticed their point system is not just highly intransparent - it is also arbitrary .. i got suddenly 5× points for the same model (which wasn't downloaded that often in one day)
then you got 30p for 10downloads month ago .. now just 18
and i got for 20 downloads but the model only has 14 ( but they counting the print 2× or so )
however i have more points than the overview statistic says i have ( as far i can fathom)
that sounds very random
even if i only check the "reached 10 downloads" i got 12 , 15 ,18.75 20 and 30 points - they sure have "exclusive models " with different incentive but that wouldn't explain that range
probably some googleeske ranking algorithm
there probably isn't anything you can do about it until canonical fixes snapd
opengl is broken in all non-classic snaps
meh, how did that happen
snapd apparently breaks whenever there is a new nvidia driver version
which in ubuntu happens only when there is a new release
but for some reason they didn't bother to fix snapd before releasing 24.10
they have never actually said what the problem is, but basically the problem is that they have to pass through nvidia's .so files from the host so that they properly match the kernel module
and they do that with a hardcoded list of .so paths that changes whenever there's a new driver
for firefox there is a workaround: change the base snap to core24 (it uses core22 by default)
i note that opencad is still using core20
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need to reboot
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Hey. Does anyone here know the clipper offset code? It seems to spin around the polygon and not sure I understand why. The initial result from DoGroupOffset is good but then it spins it.
kintel is working on the clipper stuff lately, migrating to Clipper2
Thanks. For the extrude module I'm playing with I added interpolation so you can extrude between different numbers of points and the changing of the vertex order effectively adds a rotation.
teepee those images were HTML references to images stored at Google, what Thunderbird calls "remote content". Whether you see them depends on your mail client and its settings.
I had to tell TB "yeah, go ahead and load the remote content".
I know
most people don't obviously
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and there we have it, jan 20th, the day the US of A became US of B