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<kintel> kiba InPhase: Sorry, lagging behind on everything... I literally just run /Applications/OpenSCAD.app/Contents/MacOS/OpenSCAD (or rather from whatever dev folder I use). ..and in scripts I just do OPENSCAD=/Applications/OpenSCAD.app/Contents/MacOS/OpenSCAD
<InPhase> kintel: Good to know. At least the answer is in my log. :) I suppose I should have asked kiba specifically what wikibook manual piece they were following which was different from what was needed for this. I suppose something dangling out there in the docs is out of date, but I didn't remember to ask that.
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<stealth_> InPhase, why does `for (a=[0:360/slice:359])` return echo like `ECHO: 0 ECHO: 15 ECHO: 30, ...`
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<InPhase> Did you add an "echo(a)" to your version?
<stealth_> ya, nevermind, brainfart.
<InPhase> lol
<InPhase> It is the wise thing to add. ;)
<stealth_> i was getting confused with `for i in range(0, 359, 360//9):` since step+end is different.
<stealth_> in this case i like the openscad `[start:step:end]` it seems right, not sure why python does step at the end!
<InPhase> Well, it's more natural for parameters to put the more optional ones later.
<InPhase> Although range also deviates from that with the first parameter changing based on how many you provide.
<InPhase> But yeah, I get it flipped around a lot too because I do so much python.
<stealth_> ya, suppose they could have just check if len(value) == 3 to use [start:step:end] way.
<stealth_> if len(value)== 2 would be [start:end]
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Anyone else have a Bambu X1C?
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Anyone have a Bambu X1C or Prusa XL?
<J24k47> P1S
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 pushed 1 modifications (allow find_package for manifold) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/6050af589df49f1f4ad0ed91e8ba8bb387f1414e
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 synchronize pull request #5282 (updated manifold to latest version with double precision floating point) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5282
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 pushed 1 modifications (enable manifold debug for testing) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/9178218d80340e97eeefbeba26936691f8e6252e
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 synchronize pull request #5282 (updated manifold to latest version with double precision floating point) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5282
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 closed pull request #5285 (Use manifold headers relative to path manifold/...) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5285
<UltimateCodeWarr> Hi J24k,   do you have AMS?
<J24k47> yes
<J24k47> (and also rewrote the machine g-code so i can use the printer without it )
<UltimateCodeWarr> I just discovered 'print by object' where you don't have to keep swapping filaments when there are color changes.  I wish the Slicer was smart enough to do this.
<J24k47> just logged a bug that low flush volumes are ignored https://github.com/bambulab/BambuStudio/issues/4738#issuecomment-2342572807
<UltimateCodeWarr> Wow, I hope you are on their payroll.
<J24k47> UltimateCodeWarr but what is your issue - this should be working fine under normal settings
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 opened issue #5291 (Make python venv optional) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5291
<UltimateCodeWarr> The issue was I didn't know about that and I wasted an hour on a print that should have taken under 13 minutes.
<J24k47> if you post models to makerworld - you get free shopping for parts and filaments - quite generous.
<UltimateCodeWarr> That's a nice perk.   I do like that printables.com site
<J24k47> i do like that more too .. but less benefits
<UltimateCodeWarr> I was shocked with the Bambu Studios : "We can't support other 3mf files " or something like that.
<UltimateCodeWarr> So these outposts for 3d prints should contain some more metadata filters [x] Show only Bambu Studio .3mf stuff.
<J24k47> you can import generic 3mf  .. but the 3mf from bambu can't be used anywhere else - BUT this is not bambus fault it is bad implementation of the other software for 3mf support
<J24k47> prusa making also shitty 3mf files and they are part of the 3mf consortium
<UltimateCodeWarr> The Wild Wild West is alive and well.
<UltimateCodeWarr> The other thing I fault Bambu Studio for is there should be a big fat button [Problem With Print] and it should gather the model, date, firmware versions, filament, times, print videos, logs, serial numbers, and the whole 9 yards, lock stock and barrel,  and allow you to put in a notes and other photos and automatic issue creation.
<J24k47> but funny things on makerworld like getting a preview for raw stl (and scad).. but not for 3mf even if thumbnail is in it (and not uploaded as profile but raw file).  - you just need to use their workflow to be fine
<J24k47> well under help you have "report issue"
<UltimateCodeWarr> but does it create a nice fat .zip file and add in all that metadata, or are they going to take you to a DMV form that you got to fill out.
<J24k47> but you can't upload 3mf to github - which is githubs silly restriction as 3mf files are literally zip archives that are allowed
<UltimateCodeWarr> Yeah, I can't stand that google won't allow you to add an a .zip file with javascript in it and send it.
<UltimateCodeWarr> (Google Mail account )
<J24k47> i like to use "submit feature" for my bug reports .. as those don't require all that bullshit to submit
<UltimateCodeWarr> I just wish these guys put their thinking caps on and pulled it all together and made it easier to get what they need in their hands.
<UltimateCodeWarr> If you got an issue on their main side, but no .STL to attach, you aren't submitting a bug.
<UltimateCodeWarr> I tried to get on the Bambu labs discord site, it asked me for my phone num to validate, which I did then it wanted a password?   Which password?  BambuLabs -- you want me to give my BambuLabs password to discord, or my discord password to BambuLabs.
<UltimateCodeWarr> I couldn't get in, and there was no way to get help or talk to the moderator.     I'm like, who Q/A's this stuff?
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<J24k47> we had it too simple and you get submitted stuff that are "RTFM" or without the info you need to solve .. but i agree that bambu makes it to complicated - also when uploading designs .. but if you do this via BS and use their workflow it is working fine (i assume)
<J24k47> You also see the Chinese culture where everything is pre defined and restricted.
<J24k47> So no deviation from the desired path is possible
<J24k47> i also like the overview page for the HMS error codes of their printers https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/x1/troubleshooting/hmscode
<J24k47> UltimateCodeWarr what is your problem exactly?
<UltimateCodeWarr> My problem is not knowing.   I think the Software Should be smarter and let the user know that certain best practices exist, or link to videos, something.    There should be some common printing scenarios that each owner should be guided through show they know how to use the best features.
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Why do you need a Password to get into the Bambu Labs Wiki?
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<Scopeuk> that's new, I've browsed it plenty of times before
<Scopeuk> hmm maybe just that page, others work fine without
<Scopeuk> it browsed to https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/hms/home just fine
<Scopeuk> maybe that is a missing page with a virtual link somewhere that triggers and attemtped edit/create
<UltimateCodeWarr> Lol, it's wonky stuff like that that drives me nuts.   I mean the password reset was broken, then after I reset my password on the main site, it wouldn't take that.
<UltimateCodeWarr> They must have  a skeleton crew responsible for maintaining all this, but ...they are underwater.
<UltimateCodeWarr> It's rough, I'm trying to get up to speed quickly, but every time I turn around there is some nit noid blocker
<UltimateCodeWarr> It's like when I went to print in the Bambu Studio, and the slicer said something about a A1 nozzle selected and it couldn't print.    Like I'm going to know what that is.  For the life of me, I can't figure out why when I selected the Bar code off the Handy App and paired it with the Bambu Studio why it couldn't auto configure the nozzle to be
<UltimateCodeWarr> an X1C nozzle.  Stuff like costs a lot of time and aggravation to figure out.
<J24k47> There are guides how to use BS
<UltimateCodeWarr> I wasn't impressed by the setup guide.
<J24k47> You need to select the machine you own (with the nozzle size) (top left)  then the filaments show up that fit and further down the processes for this printer
<J24k47> Did you downloaded a 3mf profile from someone else?
<UltimateCodeWarr> Right, but if they have you run down with the handy app and need to scan a 3d bar code off the screen of the BambuLab, and the Handy App is in Cohoots with the Desktop App, they should talk.
<UltimateCodeWarr> Right, that might have been my problem is that I loaded something to print into Bambu Labs with a make file meant for something else.
<UltimateCodeWarr> Well, it should have popped up an error message:  Warning, this 3mf was designed to print on an A1, but you have an X1C so ... beware.   But don't change the Nozzle
<J24k47> may i ask if you are around 50yr old?
<UltimateCodeWarr> Correct
<J24k47> the whole bambu eco system is designed by 25yr old tech savvy Chinese nerds  - they don't think about how a "normal" person would like to use this
<J24k47> On the other hand I got requests like " i like your design and want to print this from the app via oneclick - can you please upload the print profile to MakerWorld"
<UltimateCodeWarr> Right, but if people are evaluating their products and want to create a print farm, they are going to be taken back by all these funkadelic issues.  How is anyone supposed to scale, or hire adequate people run these print farms?
<J24k47> So you need the mobile app for using the printer (or it will get hard)
<J24k47> i mean their printer don't have a RJ45 Lan connector - they are not designed for companies or university - they lack user permission settings etc..
<J24k47> You can't update or calibrate them without a smartphone and WLAN access for the printer ..
<stealth_> you can always use the sd card
<stealth_> for manual use
<J24k47> lol .. did you tried this?
<stealth_> using sd card?
<J24k47> the card is not hot swappable and need 15seconds to show
<UltimateCodeWarr> I spent a week watching reviews on printers, not a single reviewer touched on any of the land mines I hit while trying to get this thing setup and printing.   it was like all of them were fake reviewers.   There should have been at least one that said, I'm going to walk you through setup to print your first downloadable model   Nope.  That
<UltimateCodeWarr> would have been too hard.
<J24k47> and mechanically a total pain to remove it
<stealth_> o, i use A1 so its easy to add/remove
<J24k47> it also write tons of video data to that card and f-up your prints if this card is not video fast enough
<stealth_> i don't really use it since i got wlan setup
<UltimateCodeWarr> I just loved it when  it started printing , and it said ... "We can't record without a SD Card".   Why didn't you tell me to get one ready while the bed was heating up?
<stealth_> if you record, sure saves it to sdcard.
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<J24k47> you can't disable recording if not connected via the app via WLan
<UltimateCodeWarr> The the other issue: We need Fat32, max 4 TB card.   Yeah like Fat32 is going to work for that.
<stealth_> when i first got the sytem i could see the video of it printing, with later update that feature doesn't work! or maybe my firewall is blocking!
<UltimateCodeWarr> The Bizzaro thing is I have a computer sitting here with 1Tb drive, just dump the video to that.
<J24k47> yeah format the card with the printer - works - Ü
<stealth_> well the sd card works like internal hard drive. or else it would cost them more $ for actual drive
<UltimateCodeWarr> How big of SD card did you plop in there?
<J24k47> 32GB
<UltimateCodeWarr> But if you are using Bambu Studio, and it's streaming video to it, just save it to your local hard drive.
<UltimateCodeWarr> I opted for 32GB, max Fat 32 size.   I know there is a DiskGenius that is supposed to be able to format  256GB as Fat32, but I didn't want to push my luck.
<stealth_> mine came with 32GB as well
<J24k47> I don't have WLAN
<UltimateCodeWarr> Are you using a mobile hotspot ?
<J24k47> I don't use Smartphones either
<UltimateCodeWarr> You are sending GCOde over Lora?
<J24k47> SD-CARD
<stealth_> that sucks, you are no way to monitor what happens if you are not right in front of 3d printer.
<stealth_> have no*
<UltimateCodeWarr> Smoke Signals
<UltimateCodeWarr> I wanted to get away from ASA when Printing it, so it's about 70 feet away.
<UltimateCodeWarr> I need the camera to work to watch it from remote.  Also, need the AI to stop the print.
<stealth_> if you get a wireless card you might be able to get the 3d printer to connect to it. J24k47
<stealth_> you just need to connect for few second just to send the file over then you can disconnect
<J24k47> there is no need to monitor a printer
<UltimateCodeWarr> JK is probably in an above top secret bunker where knowledge is compartmentalized and can't risk it be compromised.
<UltimateCodeWarr> The Old Sneaker Network Lives
<stealth_> J24k47, hmm.. i use the software to connect, not smartphone.
<J24k47> how did you connect your printer to the WLAN?
<stealth_> maybe the driver for the 3d printer is old, you need to upgrade that to new, so that feature is supported.
<J24k47> "by scanning the QR code"
<stealth_> no
<stealth_> it has a lan only mode.
<UltimateCodeWarr> The Printer asked me for my wifi name/password.
<J24k47> that lan is still WLAN
<stealth_> hmmm ya, wireless lan. not sure what the problem is?
<J24k47> That you need your smartphone to configure the WLAN
<UltimateCodeWarr> Happy Friday 13th guys, I'm going to tap out.
<stealth_> i haven't used smart phone to connect. i added the prinet to wlan in lan only mode and in bambu studio you can select the lan printer and you get to add secret code printer gives you.
<stealth_> laterz
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<J24k47> maybe they learned and improved this an A1 ..  If you want to configure WLAN on P1S you get a QR-code that you need to scan with the BambuMobile App
<stealth_> i see, makes sense, i am sure they will add such features to other printers over time.
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<J24k47> while a Firmware update is only possible via WLAN not SDcard
<stealth_> if you have a laptop you can use a qr-code scanner software.
<J24k47> no you need the Bambu mobile App - you may can use a mobile emulator on your laptop
<J24k47> I guess you are around 25 yr old - Ü
<J24k47> (or younger)
<stealth_> lol thanks! but no
<stealth_> older
<stealth_> i think bambu thinks like how ppl in china think.. like mostly everyone there has a cellpone.. so they think everyone around the world is the same way.
<J24k47> Yes as they can't understand why not everybody will give them their print files and let them monitor everything
<J24k47> Makerworld is not just tracking what you download but what your printer is printing
<stealth_> from what they are saying they dont do that if you are using lan only mode and using sd card.
<J24k47> well they can't if your printer is not connected to BS - and BS is connected to your MW account
<stealth_> only if you are logged in
<stealth_> you can download from maker world site directly and open that in BS without being loggned in.
<J24k47> If you check the size of their logfiles - i would not wonder they transmit that when connected .. like google/android does while in airplane mode .. saving the data for later
<J24k47> I am not downloading print profiles - i also don't use any of them because they are crap
<stealth_> it gives you option if you want to upload printer files or not online.
<stealth_> if what you are working with is that sensitive, its best not to connect online and only use sd card. i suppose.
<stealth_> if bambu really stole ppl's files like that ppl wound find out and boycote their company... it would be a huge issue, don't think their company can afford to messaround like that.
<J24k47> You do know that china companies doing that  - copy designs ..
<stealth_> you could say the same thing about windows doing that.
<J24k47> but i don't attribute malice when bambu choose the cloud printing for comfort of  the user
<stealth_> i am sure some chinese companies do that but you can't say all the companies do that!?
<J24k47> you remember when all bambu printer started to print something by themself ?
<J24k47> As long the gcode is using so many undocumented commands - i don't trust this thing
<stealth_> for normal ppl cloud isn't a big deal since they mostly ppl basic stuff or whatever they download off the net. But i wouldn't use cloud, you never know where the files are saved
<stealth_> no, i just got the A1 never used their product before that.
<J24k47> they are always saved on other ppl computers - Ü
<stealth_> i did watch bambu creator interview and he was saying trust is important for business.. if ppl lose trust in them, they are done.
<J24k47> Also the hardware of the P1 or X1 printer don't have a high Z endstop  - which means they regularly ran the bed into the bottom
<stealth_> i see, i wouldn't trust the cloud, i don't have it connected like that, you can block the printer from connection to the net in router. but their lan only mode disables their cloud as well.
<J24k47> I mean in theory they could detect them but either that is not working or switched off
<J24k47> funny thing the filament runout sensor is not working without AMS activated
<stealth_> i see, its a lot of work to do everything.
<stealth_> i feel ams is a must have... it saves a lot of headache
<J24k47> Bambu did a great job for ppl with no clue to allow simple click↦print usage - which is great .. but if you want more this gets really difficult, starting with printing not just PLA
<J24k47> Well if you have 2.5/10kg spools you can't use the AMS - and you can't deactivate the AMS without WLAN connection
<J24k47> that is why people build switches to cut power on the AMS when filament is inserted on a Y-splitter
<stealth_> well i have used other then ust pla with asm but tpu i had go manual
<J24k47> Also the AMS is not compatible with some materials
<stealth_> i don't see them fixing all the poblems or features, maybe their newer printer in the future will suppose those.
<stealth_> you can move the filament from higher kg spool to the one bambu supports just roll it
<J24k47> solving problems that should not exist in the first place..  but at least the bambu spools have a better design than prusa which just split
<J24k47> I am starting to think buying more AMS just for filament storage - as i don't like to change the spools inside
<stealth_> with material like tpu not working with ams, they need to do more research, its too stretchable
<J24k47> did you tried? where does it got stuck?
<J24k47> But i wrote a nice filament change gcode that allows easy switch without AMS  (just pull the filament, insert new and press play)
<stealth_> ya i tried it to see what it will do. its just matter of them having better firmware/software to match the stretch
<stealth_> well the manual worked fine! so i dono... maybe they are lazy to come up with a solution
<stealth_> ouch https://ca.store.bambulab.com/collections/accessories/products/ams-multicolor-printing you could get another printer for that much $
<stealth_> plus you need to buy the hub since you already have ams! thats extra $. if you are doing this for your business and making $ then ya its worth it or else i dono..
<J24k47> you can print a hub .. or just use the splitter from the A1 for 6$
<stealth_> aww
<J24k47> https://eu.store.bambulab.com/products/ams-multicolor-printing  just 360€ for me (which i can buy with points)
<stealth_> o, are they allowing you to buy stuff with points? thought it was just filament.
<stealth_> but ya if you have that much points to blow, sure why not get what you want.
<J24k47> you can buy kits ,printer parts, maker parts , etc everything the shop offers .. and filament
<stealth_> nice, thats a win win for everyone.
<J24k47> why would i buy another printer - i am not even using my old printer anymore
<stealth_> o, thought you were printing like crazy, :P
<J24k47> besides maintaining two printer in BS is such a pain .. it is already a pain with just the different nozzles for one
<stealth_> i see, i did noticed they had that features to use multiple printers, since i only have 1 can't test it out.
<J24k47> the plan is to design and let others do the printing -  (and a lot using AI images to upload their designs on MW as you are required to have an image of the print)
<J24k47> if you have different nozzles you select a printer with that nozzle (and that requires to have all filament  and process settings new for this)
<J24k47> If i have an A1 i can't copy the gcode as the filament change works differently
<stealth_> hmm.. don't you print demo as well?
<stealth_> maybe if you were running a print farm, you would worry with all that... or else is it really a big deal?
<J24k47> designing is fun .. i don't have use for most prints
<stealth_> this dude got both x1 and A1 for free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4gria9kUt0
<othx> stealth_ linked to YouTube video "Most useful and enjoyable tool in the shop" => 1 IRC mentions
<stealth_> are you talking about image design like this? https://makerworld.com/en/models/108679?from=search#profileId-116046
<J24k47> they have some agressive marketing going
<J24k47> no i speaking of images of a 3d design so it looks better than using an actual photo
<stealth_> you will have to link me, or else i am not going to get it
<stealth_> J24k47, actually i am off, ttyl. :)
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<InPhase> J24k47: Can you clarify, is it: 1) If you have designs posted on makerworld, you always get free shipping on parts and filament. 2) If you post any number of designs, your next part or filament order has free shipping. 3) For each design you post you get a tracked credit for one free shipping order.
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<J24k47> InPhase free shipping over 55€ (EU)
<pca006132> J24k47: btw I updated the RP
<pca006132> *PR
<pca006132> you can try to see what output you can get from there
<J24k47> You can get a voucher for points - that voucher let you buy kits or is a credit note
<pca006132> but I think I already figured out some major issue there regarding epsilon value
<J24k47> pca006132 great let me try when i am back
<InPhase> J24k47: So each design posted awards points, and some number of points can be redeemed for free shipping on subsequent orders?
<J24k47> InPhase posting designs give only a few points iirc - but if they got downloaded and printed or boosted you get the points
<J24k47> free shipping if you order for over 55€   and 540points =40€
<J24k47> else you pay for shipping - which too works with the voucher you redeem https://imgur.com/a/jrEy4mc
<J24k47> so you simply getting a gift card for points (524)  and  you can use multiple when shopping
<J24k47> InPhase the shop itself doesn't care about points .. only the voucher your redeemed.
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<J24k47> so it is neither 1,2 or 3
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<InPhase> J24k47: Okay, I understand. I originally mis-parsed your shopping as shipping. :)
<InPhase> Thanks for making that clear. :)
<InPhase> Essentially, it's gamified gift card or trinket rewards for posted design popularity.
<InPhase> And thus if one wants to play that game, the optimal strategy is to post designs early and in a way that promotes their popularity.
<J24k47> it is copied from the printables (prusa)  but there you don't get free shipping and only 1 voucher per order
<InPhase> I also didn't know printables had a reward program going.
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<J24k47> you can get pay up to 400€ with points but only if you buy a printer
<InPhase> J24k47: Do you know the conversion ratio between downloads and points?
<InPhase> I have a lot of models that got pretty substantial download counts on thingiverse. :)
<J24k47> well prusa and bambu only count dl via verified accounts
<InPhase> Fair enough. But then what are they worth?
<J24k47> on bambu it is bit intransparent on printables https://imgur.com/a/o1eZ48D  and  as they are called "prusameter"  they are meters of filament you get ... 350 per spool
<J24k47> so if you print objects <10m filament .. they are free for you (if you upload an image of your print)
<J24k47> (and you have downloaded them from someone else .. in the beginning i could upload prints of my own designs - think this is not awarded anymore)
<J24k47> https://www.printables.com/model/162682-filament   you get double the filament for free - Ü
<J24k47> but probably you can only get one print counted ..   sometimes i got make uploads that are not my model and if you check the user just printed "chain link" and uploaded that for every model that matches  - but they check those as there are probably a lot thinking they can print just 100× a small screw
<J24k47> and get 3 spools free
<InPhase> J24k47: Okay. I have quite a lot of models that would reach that top tier quickly if habbits on these other sites matched those of thingiverse.
<InPhase> top rewards tier
<InPhase> s/habbits/habits/
<pca006132> wondering if you can just write a message in the old design page to redirect users to the new place
<InPhase> Oh, that chart is per month. I often get like 400 downloads per month it seems, but I don't know how many would translate to logged in downloads.
<InPhase> Or something on that scale. I'd have to go check carefully to do proper calculating.
<InPhase> And that's more like 400 downloads total. I don't think I have individual designs that hit that very often, although they do get weird bursts sometimes.
<InPhase> But worth looking into. A bambu printer was one of the ones on my short list to consider for a next printer.
<InPhase> And I recognize that's the prusa table. Just trying to calibrate a sense for how the scales work. :)
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<J24k47> InPhase just load up a design and see what happens - accounts on both sites are free
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<J24k47> InPhase also check https://makerworld.com/en/3d-models to see what kind of presentation and models are "normal"  MW seems to have a very different users as you don't need any know how to use the printer
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<J24k47> pca006132 so i have git 9178218d8  and got the 3mf error -  what do i do now?
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<pca006132> did you see any error report from manifold?
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<pca006132> if not, you can wait for https://github.com/elalish/manifold/pull/927 to land and we change to 64 bit outputs... will take a few days since I am not working this weekend
<J24k47> where should this be visible - console or only on command line?
<pca006132> should be visible on command line
<pca006132> not sure about console
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<J24k47> pca006132  there is nothing https://bpa.st/OS5FI
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<pca006132> I guess it is something related to loss of precision during the conversion from manifold back to polyset then, manifold will soon add meshgl64 and this should be fixed
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 pushed 1 modifications (allow find_package for manifold) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/6050af589df49f1f4ad0ed91e8ba8bb387f1414e
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 synchronize pull request #5282 (updated manifold to latest version with double precision floating point) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5282
<pca006132> reverting that MANIFOLD_DEBUG commit
<J24k47> I asked chatGPT4o about it .. told me to export as stl and use a different software to convert to 3mf .. Ü
<J24k47> .. that fontconfig error on command line is still there - but seems it doesn't do any harm
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<splud> quick question (hopefully) - say I've got a design and rendered it in OpenSCAD, and have it rotated to a specific perspective. Is there some way I can get the metrics for that and set that in code in the scad script? I want to still be able to move around the perspective, but there's a particular one that reasonably shows some details I'd like it to start at.
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<J24k47> splud there is $vpr $vpd $vpt
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<splud> Yea, just foud them in a wikibooks page.
<splud> Literally, that one.
<splud> thanks.
<splud> Would be spiffy if there were an option to copy the viewpoint as code.
<J24k47> there is a shortcut and in the menu
<J24k47> edit↦ copy viewport
<J24k47> [ 55.00, 0.00, 25.00 ]  and pasting the rotation vector (or what else )
<splud> time for me to update I guess, that's not in my version.
<splud> In any event, immediate needs resolved. Thanks.
<J24k47> and if you like you can make a list/array of those settings and then "preset" the views you like
<J24k47> you also can echo($vpr) which put the current vector out in the console
<splud> I'll need to look into those capabilities.
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<guso78k> Is there a quick way to make all model 50% translucent in GLView.cc GLiew::paintGL() without touching the renderer ?
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<kintel> guso78 Take a look at glBlendFunc(), e.g. v
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<teepee> hi Junxter, what happened to the beetle website?
<Junxter> hi teepee, it's being reworked
<teepee> ah, so no need to change the links in the gallery?
<Junxter> right ... it will be back up
<Junxter> i am moving house (workshop)
<Junxter> so projects are on hold but will resume
<Junxter> i designed powertrains / chassis for various tank models too ... e.g. panzer III, T-26, etc ...
<Junxter> with gear shift, clutch/brake steering , etc ... all designed in OpenSCAD ... I will put these online too shortly
<teepee> wow, gear shift and all that sounds like huge work
<Junxter> yeah ... openscad is great help ... all drawn up, now itching to get to machining stage after completing move :)
<Junxter> there's a Chinese proverb ... drawing a pizza (or the Chinese equivalent) to (unable to) satisfy hunger ... I kinda feel like this now ... lol
<teepee> I can understand that, we moved office the last month, nice new place but very much consuming time
<Junxter> yeah
<teepee> so, lets see if I can render the povray animation created by openscad :-)
<Junxter> povray sounds interesting ... also script based right
<Junxter> i've been experimenting with cycles rendering in blender ... exported from openscad
<Junxter> i draw up parts in openscad, iteratively render into stl, and export into blender by pieces ...
<teepee> I've not found a good overlap in format support between openscad and blender
<Junxter> stl ?
<teepee> no color no separate objects
<Junxter> when working openscad, I also use lots of stl ... draw a part, render into stl, and assemble it
<Junxter> i do the coloration / materials assignment in blender .. with physics based rendering, i.e. aluminum, glass, plastic, etc . rather than bitmap texture
<Junxter> with openscad, i follow the "Solidworks" design approach ... make the parts separately, render into stl, and assemble the stl in openscad ... i find it quicker this way
<Junxter> the parts all have their own local coordinate system ... there's a parameterized assembly file (framework) that specify how given two parts they fit together
<teepee> not bad for just a couple of minutes https://files.openscad.org/tmp/tetris.mp4
<teepee> yeah, the separate part design is very useful
<teepee> it would be great to get the parts exported in a single file like 3mf as distinct parts
<Junxter> teepee, yeah i have that ... all the parts for a project sit in single openscad generator file, alongside a separate file that defines assembly and coloration, and helper scripts (written in php lol) that renders the parts into separate stl files and a shell openscad part file for each part
<Junxter> so for assembly, i just have to do part_a() part_b() and it automatically knows how to assemble themselves
<Junxter> part_b() part_a() would be a separate assembly sequence
<Junxter> and these could be chained together (with branches) to form the complete assembly
<Junxter> branches would be the positional parameters, which kinda correspponds to interface or points of assembly attachments
<Junxter> i.e. an axle can accept firstly a wheel and secondarily a brake disc, etc ..
<Junxter> the assembly file looks to the name of the module, and looks up relevant transforms from a "associative" array
<teepee> yeah, it would be great to extend that style, guso78 created some example with attachment points.
<Junxter> cool
<teepee> interesting challenge to get that into the openscad language
<Junxter> i use this also to parametricly animate "explosions" ...
<Junxter> i have the code, including "associative" array implementation in openscad ... I will put it on github
<Junxter> It all works within the current scope of openscad ...
<teepee> neat
<Junxter> on a different note ... recently experimented with chatgpt. ... apparently chatgpt has some understandings of openscad :)
<Junxter> I asked it to draw me a Volkswagen Beelte
<Junxter> ChatGPT drew basically a sphere, a cube as chassis, and four cylinders as wheels ... hilarious
<Junxter> a half sphere
<teepee> I guess it's progress if the syntax was at least correct
<Junxter> the syntax is correct , and it kinda sorta looks like a beetle
<Junxter> then i asked it to draw an involute spur gear ... it is unable to come up with compilable openscad code