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<pca006132> I am revisiting my previous faster evaluator project... it seems that there are many variants of if comprehension in openscad
<pca006132> curious if the more complicated variants are really widely used out there
<teepee> only lists
<teepee> there's some overlap with the chaning of functions
<pca006132> *list comprehensionn
<teepee> or what do you mean with "more complicated variants" ?
<pca006132> hmm, seems not as complicated as I thought, just many variations
<pca006132> reading the wiki about the language, it seems that people consider "let" part of the syntax of list comprehension, but shouldn't it be the syntax of an ordinary expression (instead of specific to list comprehension)?
<teepee> it's available in both contexts, like echo too
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<kintel> pca006132 If exposing the parallel functions is something you want to support going forward, exposing and using them would be fine, and we already depend on TBB so that's ok too
<kintel> In terms of clipper2, we probably need more of the API surface than Manifold offers, so not sure if it's worth chasing that. We want to port to clipper2 in general though, but I ran into some issues
<kintel> Also note that clipper2 is 32-bit while clipper1 was 64-bit, so we need to be careful about precision
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<Xowap> Hello there, quick question regarding keeping exports: I've seen various tickets, I've seen colorscad, but none seems to be working. Is there a "safe" commit/version of OpenSCAD that you can use to export colors into OrcaSlicer (I don't care the format as long as I can import it). For now I've tried with 2021.01 and the latest develop commit, I
<Xowap> can't seem to understand how to make that export: colorscad either gives me everything the same color (stock openscad) or an empty geometry (develop).
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<J24k> Xowap you can try https://ochafik.com/openscad2/ and OBJ export ( as BS can import colors only from obj .. so probably orca)
<J24k> oh just noticed BS can import 3mf color models  ..  and this works
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<Xowap> nice, thanks
<Xowap> I'll try this out
<J24k> It seems to me that there is some special 3mf multi color export added on the WASM website to make this working
<J24k> color rendering is working in the snapshot but afaik not color export so far
<Xowap> well the color-assimp2 branch isn't compiling on my machine
<J24k> also multi color faces are not working so well
<Xowap> right, which is exactly what I'm attempting to do
<Xowap> so no OpenSCAD for this project I guess :'(
<J24k> just keep the objects single color - as you already have because you can't color faces in openscad
<Xowap> well basically I've made a negative of my text (- small delta) and put back the text in the whole with the surface at the same level
<Xowap> so idk how it counts, but in effect it's a multi-colored surface
<J24k> not with lazy union
<J24k> you also don't need the negative for a multicolor print as BS will calculate the overlap
<Xowap> right
<Xowap> well, the 3MF is completely fucked once in OrcaSlicer
<J24k> try this test cube https://file.io/E4QlCDl3FaEL
<Xowap> well, my other option is to put ifs everywhere to be able to render colors individually and then use that as a mask in orca
<J24k> that worked well in BS
<Xowap> indeed, that worked
<Xowap> I must have done something wrong
<J24k> did you use the WASM website?
<J24k> did you set the colors for the 3mf multi color export?
<Xowap> yup, I use the wasm website
<Xowap> and yes I set the colors
<Xowap> but orca got confused with units or something
<J24k> I also tested with MS 3d builder but assigning colors there is not accepted by BS
<J24k> but else just export the objects als multi part with lazy union and color in orca
<Xowap> all right, got it working now
<Xowap> thanks
<Xowap> just needed to find the right answers to orca's questions
<Xowap> still complaining about non-manifold edges and stuff but I got my objects aligned
<J24k> repairing causes color loss (at least when i tried)
<Xowap> I can't even repair, I'm not on Windows
<Xowap> right, time to sleep, I'll see what I do tomorrow
<Xowap> thanks for the help :)
<J24k> ure welcome
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<stealth_> can you not do .step using openscad?
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