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<J24k10> #5281  that really took over 2 min to extrude - how strange
<J24k10> but it is the offset ..
<J24k10> seems to consume exponential time with size - offset 50 = 20sec   55 = 29 sec  80=90 sec 100 = 125 sec
<J24k10>  offset(-40)offset(40) import("plain.svg",center=true);   // 12 sec for 2D operation is weirdly strange
<J24k10> probably all the intersection with itself needs time to clean
<J24k10> while the result is more or less just a circle
<J24k10> pca006132 didn't you changed something here?
<J24k10> (as stated in the issue version 2020 needs only seconds )
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<pca006132> no, at least I did not change the clipper related code
<pca006132> the slowness is in the clipper part, not polygon conversion, which was the focus of the previous cleanup effort
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<kintel> As mentioned in the ticket: It got slow somewhere between 2021.11.15 and 2023.01.29
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<J24k33> seems it happens between 2021.11.15 and 2021.12.07
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 edited issue #5281 (Slow 2D Offset) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5281
<J24k33> pca006132 ok sorry i just remembered that you fixed some odd triangle things but this happens long time before that.
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<pca006133> nvm, it is fine
<J24k33> haha so we didn't use $fn which was why it was faster ? .. so maybe it never was faster when using the correct parameters
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<pca006133> sounds likely, the complexity of offset seems to be quadratic in the number of vertices
<pca006133> so if $fn was a small value in the older version, it makes sense to be much faster...
<pca006133> still need someone to test if the number of vertices were as expected though
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<J24k33> between $fn 40 and 50 are already 170% increase
<J24k33> pca006133 you want to run this with scale(10) before the offset?
<pca006133> no, just remove the offset and see how many vertices are there in the imported svg
<pca006133> just ignore scaling for now, just see how many vertices we have in each version
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<J24k33>    Triangles: 26396 for slow
<J24k33> with $fn40    Triangles: 52716
<J24k33>    Facets: 26396  for fast ($fn doesn't change that)
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<J24k33> after the offset around 3000 ..  with the same facets/triangle counts i can't see a big time difference between old and new
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<J24k> $fs and $fa also seem to not change the import, only the $fn
<J24k> hm with a curve (svg) the triangle change - but not on the example - if that is not a curve but just a polygon - why does $fn change the number there can't be a benefit ( except subdivision from linear_extrude when twist/scale)
<J24k> It seems there is a difference handling a polygon and straight curves .. while a straight line that is a Bezier will change with $fn but not $fa/$fs like a curve does - $fn also doesn't simplify only increase polygon count by subdivision
<J24k> so what bothers me is that the plain.svg which consist of bezier points - is only changed by $fn and not $fa/$fs like an imported circle is -
<J24k> Oh ok as soon as there are straight segments - $fa seem to prevent $fs from working - is this not per segment calculated?
<J24k> oh $fs /$fa doesn't work on Bezier - only if the imported svg object is not a path but a circle .. well how unfortunate ..
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<gbruno> [github] pca006132 pushed 5 modifications (updated manifold to latest version) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/018a30c00eebd5a1e40be594e684d14a08d785ee
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<gbruno> [github] pca006132 opened pull request #5282 (updated manifold to latest version with double precision floating point) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5282
<pca006132> I should probably try to go over other issues with manifold and see if this update fixes them
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<gbruno> [github] UBaer21 opened issue #5283 (Thumbnails for 3mf export) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5283
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<pca006132> kintel: do you want manifold to expose the parallel APIs? kind of similar to parallel stl, but uses tbb which is supported across compilers. we only implemented some very commonly used APIs, but they are extremely simple: https://github.com/elalish/manifold/blob/master/src/utilities/include/par.h#L621
<pca006132> so it can be used as an alternative to thrust
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<pca006132> and I was cleaning up the manifold tag, some issues tagged with manifold are actually fixed by manifold
<pca006132> so I changed the tag
<pca006132> and somehow I am now able to render a spiky ball with 180*360 spikes with only several GB of RAM, pretty crazy... https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5282#issuecomment-2332118137
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<pca006132> one interesting approach to using clipper2 would be to use it through the manifold API, which can be a bit simpler to use
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<pca006132> if we will be move manifold out of experimental soon
<pca006132> and clipper2 has hull, so https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/3791 can be fixed
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