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<pca006132> J24k83: I managed to export the 3MF without any issue with the maze maker file
<pca006132> and in general it is easier for me to track things if you comment on the PR/issue :)
<J24k83> oh then it must be the size settings i used
<pca006132> I might miss something on irc
<pca006132> sure, just let me know the specific settings to reproduce it
<pca006132> I am also very curious about this
<J24k83> no worry if something is important i ll put it in the PR
<pca006132> sure
<J24k83> the customizer for gravitrax settings
<J24k83> looking at the numbers i wonder if that already cause an issue  "size": "59.799999999999997",
<J24k83> (those are not the numbers you will see in the customizer when setting them)
<J24k83> pca006132 but i am sure i will experience a better example ..
<pca006132> I tried with ./openscad --enable=manifold --enable=textmetrics --enable=roof ./22-260MazeMaker.scad -p ./22-260MazeMaker.json -o test.3mf
<pca006132> it seems to work fine?
<J24k83> did that select the gravitrax settings from the json?
<J24k83> pca006132 if i open this with git (0e5f5cab7)  render and export as 3mf i get Rendering finished.
<J24k83> EXPORT-ERROR: Can't add triangle to 3MF model.
<pca006132> ah
<pca006132> forgot how to select a certain setting, let me check
<J24k83> i think it is just arg behind -p
<pca006132> ./openscad --enable=manifold --enable=textmetrics --enable=roof ./22-260MazeMaker.scad -p ./22-260MazeMaker.json -P GraviTrax -o test.3mf
<pca006132> still works fine
<J24k83> bit strange that -p is for the set and file ..
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<pca006132> or maybe you can try that locally as well
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<pca006132> (the command)
<J24k83> did the part look like this https://imgur.com/a/c2yTRTo
<pca006132> yes
<pca006132> well the 3mf doesn't have color
<J24k83> i get the same error with your command
<pca006132> ah
<pca006132> weird
<pca006132> I guess you should try to build with MANIFOLD_DEBUG=ON and see if there is anything interesting
<pca006132> btw are you on windows?
<J24k83> did we use the same  git … …cab7
<J24k83> yes windows
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<J24k83> the scad https://file.io/dakAJ3T1nyIn  (maybe i changed something as the upload is from 2023)
<pca006132> just downloaded them, still works
<J24k83> pca006132 so it is windows?
<pca006132> no idea
<pca006132> there are many possible reasons
<pca006132> maybe windows, maybe compiler, maybe floating point precision causing subtle differences in results
<J24k83> build with manifold_debug=on means i need visual studio?
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<pca006132> how do you currently build it?
<J24k83> i just download the exe
<pca006132> or maybe I can just update the PR and let you download the new build
<pca006132> will do
<J24k83> thanks
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 pushed 1 modifications (try manifold debug) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/efdbd7485867a2361807e3c328f0a9cfb190c04b
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 synchronize pull request #5282 (updated manifold to latest version with double precision floating point) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5282
<pca006132> ah weird, we thought that we did test with windows enough
<pca006132> will fix it later
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 pushed 1 modifications (another wrong failure) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/0e5f5cab71d9f9b6c3be077e71741a95b9a8a370
<pca006132> have other things to do now
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 synchronize pull request #5282 (updated manifold to latest version with double precision floating point) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5282
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<pca006132> it is using the mxe docker environment from openscad
<pca006132> and tbb config somehow complained about missing target or something
<pca006132> ah it seems that it is about pthreads
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<pca006132> somehow adding find_package(threads) still doesn't resolve the issue, weird
<pca006132> ah nvm, I somehow got it to work
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<lf94> InPhase: teepee: don't you want to at least review what's being said and maybe take some ideas away?
<lf94> Also I completely agree with you guys, but I think the neat thing is the language itself can be open source
<lf94> The only real proprietary thing is the engine backend
<lf94> But I know; the language is useless without it.
<lf94> InPhase: you consider C# not worthy of brain space also too then right
<InPhase> lf94: I use C# at work for one project, reluctantly, because it was in place before I got here. It is a regrettable thing because the language is minimally portable. There is mono, which makes it minimally portable for things that don't use the standard gui features in C#, and there is Unity (what we use at work) which is portable but has vendor lock-in, and it's basically one of those disaster cases.
<InPhase> So I have both inserted it into the brain space to achieve the objective, and wish I were not doing so. :)
<InPhase> Every time someone asks though, I will advise not choosing C# as a language to start projects in.
<lf94> Gotchya gotchya - thank you, I appreciate the transparency x)
<Scopeuk> mono is now handed off to the open source community and Microsoft are maintaining ".NET" as a portable runtime
<lf94> I'm completely with you on everything
<InPhase> As a language it has downsides and a few merits, but none that stand out from alternatives, so there is no good case for selecting it.
<Scopeuk> doesn't change being stuck in a single host fiefdem
<InPhase> lf94: And what I've been observing is that the information like "review what's being said" is being made intentionally hard to see. Like who presents something publicly but password protects the presentation? People who don't want to share information. But most of the time this happens, companies don't actually have ideas as good as they think they do. For really innovative things you can often just
<InPhase> share descriptions openly because nobody else can catch up to high levels of innovation. :)
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<InPhase> So in principle, I would read a description if they put it up in an easy to read manner, and see if they have insights. But I'm not going to fight for their scraps. I have buckets of my own ideas and insights already to work with. :)
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<pca006132> I saw that kitty cad thing multiple times, but it seems that their webpage is still the same, with not much useful information...
<pca006132> at least the main page is not very useful to me, doesn't say if they are doing brep or something
<pca006132> or what stage are they in, presumably they haven't completed everything (but I may be wrong)
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<lf94> InPhase: fair :)
<lf94> It was from a paid-for conference, but I'm not sure why they password protected the stream, because it was free for virtual viewers.
<lf94> pca006132: yeah could be nice to see "BREP" somewhere on there
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<zingos> hi, I am slightly confused, I am resizing an svg to be exactly 75mm height in inkscape then somehow my openscad import script ignores that, even if I specify dpi
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<teepee> zingos: what's the SVG header look like?
<teepee> hmm, no viewport
<teepee> are there unit on the coodinates inside?
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<zingos> teepee: you mean in the path right? no
<teepee> path or rect or circle, whatever the svg has
<zingos> teepee: let me send you the whole thing
<teepee> the case without a viewbox is not really handled, that needs some more digging
<teepee> I wonder why it's missing
<zingos> ah yes, that's interesting
<teepee> even the inkscape wiki mentions it's needed: "The root width and height may have units, which with a proper viewBox determines an appropriate scale for a drawing. (This sets the "real" world value of the SVG user unit.) This reflect the opinion of the majority of the SVG working group. "
<zingos> yes, thank you for the info, will check
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<teepee> I don't think I've seen an inkscape SVG without a viewbox yet
<zingos> haha :D
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<zingos> teepee: many thanks, sorted it out with properly generated viewbox
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<rvt> My latest little design : https://i.imgur.com/QkBYoU8.png
<J24k83> rvt looks very nice
<rvt> anybody happen to know the ‘ultimate’ box tool for OpenSCAD? O ften make rectangle boxes, but sometimes I need to make them other shapes, for example to fit a GPS antenna in a corrner…
<rvt> J24k83: thanks, the PCB is designed in KiCAD
<J24k83> you know the nophead lib has a lot of parts for those things
<rvt> this is the LID https://i.imgur.com/Q5wxDq6.png
<rvt> J24k83: will check that out, I am now using BOSL2 and NopSCADlib
<rvt> Ahh wait, that’s the same
<J24k83> Ü
<J24k83> for other shapes it is best (imho) to use a 2D profile that can be extruded with multiple offsets for the base lid rim etc
<J24k83> and roof let you chamfer it too
<rvt> I will try that, see how it goes.. this box us using a cuboid, then I remove the inside with a rect_tube… then I provide the anchors for BOLS2 so I can attach stuff to it
* rvt needs a faster 3D printer
<teepee> pca006132: not sure about the pthreads issue, likely another library dependency does the lookup earlier so it's not failing
<teepee> ah, fast is good :-)
<teepee> the prusa mk4 is quite fast, I'm probably going to get the mk4s upgrade at some point which is supposed to be even faster
<teepee> waiting for the lead time to come down, 14 weeks is a bit boring
<rvt> teepee: a collegue of mine has a bambu labs printer, he said it’s a solid build… I still have an ender 3, most, if not all of my prints are working fine and the quality is decent. Just that little casbinet is 5h :s
<teepee> from what I heard they are quite fast too, maybe even faster than stock mk4, but the callback + firmware spying in not so much my cup of tea
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<rvt> teepee: I did not knew that… will remember that if I make a decission...
<teepee> I've not followed things so by now they may have at least support for full offline printing
<J24k83> you can use bambu without chinacloud but you loose some comfort
<J24k83> teepee what is the mk4s upgrade .. can't finde anything about on the website
<J24k83> ah mk4 to mk4s  .. sorry
<teepee> cooling like I had on my ultimaker 10 years ago :-)
<teepee> and high flow nozzle
<J24k83> input shaping is probably the biggest advantage
<teepee> the cooling supposedly makes that possible https://x.com/adnarimnavi/status/1828716770800042440
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<J24k83> cooling is very important .. mostly for high flow and overhangs - we had cooling nozzles with pressured air (aquarium pump)  works like a charm
<J24k83> so coloring the same object with different slices is not visible
<J24k83> ah shit wrong scad version - Ü
<stealth_> how to slice cylinder?
<stealth_> like pizza slice
<J24k83> for(i=[0:10])color(i*1/10)intersection(){cylinder(10,d=5);cylinder(1,d=6);}
<J24k83> for(i=[0:10])color(i*1/10)intersection(){cylinder(10,d=5);translate([0,0,i])cylinder(1,d=6);}
<stealth_> hmm
<J24k83> for(i=[0:9])color([1,.5,.5]*i*1/10)intersection(){cylinder(10,d=5);translate([0,0,i])cylinder(1,d=6);}
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<J24k83> color needs a vector ..pff
<stealth_> brb
<J24k83> only gets visible in or with render()
<stealth_> the one your provided seems like a stack of it.
<stealth_> do i have to create a triangle + cube + cylinder and join it that way?
<InPhase> stealth_: Pizza base? https://bpa.st/LOWS2
<stealth_> InPhase, nice. :)
<InPhase> stealth_: Some slight adjustment will give you a properly raised outer crust. Note that offset positive/negative combos make good outer inner smoothing for the 2D cross-section component, and will work nicely for that.
<InPhase> Left as an exercise for the reader. ;)
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<stealth_> InPhase, thanks, i will have to go through the code and see how to go about doing it myself.
<stealth_> not really making a pizza itself, was just easy to explain.. something like it.
<InPhase> Ah.
<InPhase> Then good thing I didn't add the pepperonis! ;)
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<stealth_> lol true, true.
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