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<roleroz> I just realized that the newest version of OpenSCAD was released on Jan 2021. I see that there is still code being merged in, but I see no releases since then. I checked my installed version and it says 2021.01, which makes me think that OpenSCAD hasn't actually been released since then. Is this the case?, if that's the case, why?
<J24k87> roleroz use the snapshots
<J24k87> download!
<J24k87> snapshot!
<J24k87> damn
<roleroz> Will do. I have always used OpenSCAD through the version I installed through apt install, I assume a lot of people do that. Should we have releases at all if they are that old?
<kiba> I assumed it's a do-cracy
<kiba> no one's getting paid to do this
<roleroz> Fair enough
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<J24k87> roleroz you have up to date dev releases - but making an official release is done around every 2 years as this is some extra work and we have major changes in the pipeline that needs thorough testing - would be bad to make a release and not to include these new features - would be bad to include them if they are not stable
<J24k87> the dev releases have very good automatic checks so they work exceptionally well
<J24k87> And we are close to a RC .. when using the snapshot, enable "edit↦preferences↦features⇒manifold"
<J24k87> and you get 10× faster rendering
<J24k87> The dev Team done a great job and putting so much work in it - so it is not so much about "getting paid" - it is a resource problem, either getting a official release or improvements.  So the wise man choose to improve, then release
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<pca006132> and there is the potential of getting another 30% speed improvement in manifold: https://github.com/elalish/manifold/discussions/928
<J24k87> wow that is a lot
<pca006132> yeah and the 30% is overall, including things that doesn't benefit much from this change
<pca006132> so for actual complicated boolean operations it should be better than 30%, probably
<pca006132> but it also depends on how bad the previous geometry was, as this is changing the collider to make it better towards things that are not axis aligned
<J24k87> i guess more complex designs are less axis aligned
<J24k87> or probably even a sphere
<pca006132> yes
<pca006132> well, technically it also has to deal with triangle size etc.
<pca006132> hard to summarize in a few sentences how this is improving performance unless you are familiar with the algorithm inside
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed pull request #5279 (Add interactive visual feedback when selecting object using the rightClick menu in the 3D view) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5279
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 5 modifications (Merge pull request #5279 from CRIStAL-PADR/pr-add-scintilla-overlay Add interactive visual feedback when selecting object using the right-click menu in the 3D view.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/7c77badb54142abe6b2b871f4680ba194305359a
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* t4nk_fn merges openscad ;)
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #5271 (Reduce Clipper precision by one bit. Fixes #5253) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5271
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 4 additions 4 modifications (Reduce Clipper precision by one bit. Fixes #5253 (#5271) * Unify Polygon2d creation * Reduce clipper precision by one bit * Safer handling and assertion of vertices inserted by CGAL's triangulator) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/df9595dea1811407812624b1eaa74ffe43c28e11
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #5253 (Openscad crash in polygon2dToPolySet) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5253
<teepee> haha
* teepee sets t4nk_fn on repeat
<t4nk_fn> hehe
<t4nk_fn> well, nothing too exciting, right.. but I remember I had a look a while back into how the interaction with the code editor takes place
<t4nk_fn> I was interested in those keyword thingies, like starting to type 'tr' and autocomplete will add translate
<t4nk_fn> however, I was looking to see how I could change that to 'translate([0,0,0])' for example
<teepee> there's also code snippets
<teepee> not quite the same but those allow multi-line templates
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<teepee> the ALT+INS templates can be added/overwritten as user already
<gbruno> [github] kintel reopened issue #5253 (Openscad crash in polygon2dToPolySet) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5253
<teepee> it's not well documented though
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<teepee> kintel: do you have some pointers for the issues linked in the description of https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5279 ?
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<gbruno> [github] kintel opened issue #5294 (Manifold "zebra" triangulation issue is back.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5294
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<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #4825 (Move manifold out of experimental) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4825
<kintel> I read the PR a couple of weeks ago (https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5272) but haven't had time to dig into it.
<kintel> I'm a little bit worried that mixing HW z-buffer and SW z-buffer may cause tricky issues in the future
<kintel> I looked into SW z-buffer a long long time ago, when implementing OpenCSG in WebGL, and I couldn't get it to fly 100%, so I had to go back to HW z-buffer (i.e. all z reads and writes done using the fixed pipeline)
<kintel> I think the issue was that when moving z values into textures, the values are converted from a proprietary 24-bit value into a 32-bit float, and comparison are no longer the same
<teepee> that's a bit worrying as the fixed pipeline seems to get more and more broken in newer systems
<kintel> Even in modern opengl, z read and writes are done using the fixed pipeline, but the vertex shared is responsible for generating the clip space values
<kintel> that's OK
<kintel> *shared
<kintel> *shader (hag)
<kintel> The issues arise when you _read_ a z value and make comparisons inside a shader and use that to second-guess the HW z buffer
<kintel> ..and the issues may surface differently on different GPUs, since the actual z buffer implementation isn't standardized, AFAIK
<teepee> right, if there's some internal conversion going on that makes things difficult
<kintel> Of course, It's possible that the proposed solution is good enough, but it's very hard to tell from just reading the code
<kintel> I guess the question is also: Will this make it better or worse? More clean or more messy? :)
<teepee> the examples certainly look great, but that's of course sample size 1
<kintel> The PR also have a handful of TODO items
<teepee> I'm not sure how critical those 4 PRs are for the general "interactive viewport" topic
<kintel> I can dig up my old OpenCSG patch and if we could find a cleanish way of hiding the details, that could be very interesting
<kintel> How urgent is this btw.?
<teepee> I hope it's not, I guess it's mainly usefule giving *some* sort of feedback so the interactive stuff does not get tossed due to no feedback at all
<kintel> I think the pick shader has the same issue as the wireframe shader. I don't know how badly it behaves though
<kintel> One related thing:
<kintel> What determines z buffer precision is the near/far clipping planes. Some software recalculate near/far based on camera position and bbox, but OpenSCAD has as fixed near/far. Not sure if that will cause certain types of objects to be more sensitive to the proposed solution
<kintel> The time consuming approach: Pitch the existing solution against the proposed solution vs. patching OpenCSG
<kintel> Collect a representative collections of designs, and perform some careful manual testing, look for issues both in rendering and in click behavior
<kintel> ..and hide the implementation behind a reasonable internal API to make it possible to change
<InPhase> How close to complete is the color render work?
<teepee> the PR author seems to know opengl well enough it might be worth asking :-)
<InPhase> All sorts of preview issues can be tossed into the trashcan if we can transcend the need for preview.
<kintel> InPhase Do you mean the current color render, or the "volumetric color" stuff?
<InPhase> kintel: Volumetric is my ideal feature, but if we just had comparable functionality to preview color in render color, that would largely obsolete the need for preview.
<InPhase> I guess we'd lose thrown together, but I don't think that's a huge loss for a codebase simplification.
<kintel> I did test that pretty carefully, and my understanding is that these two issues are left: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5218 https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5216
<kintel> ..plus 3mf support
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<kintel> and there may be some other I/O opportunities
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<InPhase> That's not bad as remaining issues.
<kintel> In terms of killing preview, see the above discussion on picking, as that relies on OpenCSG output I believe
<kintel> We could probably do world-space picking too, but we'd need to implement that
<InPhase> Ah, I didn't realize that currently relied on that path. I missed the start of the above discussion.
<kintel> (e.g. shoot a ray through the CSG tree and keep track of intersections)
<teepee> yes, the code relation picking is preview, the measurement one is in render
<kintel> I did an extremely simple world-space picker to track intersections here, as an experiment: https://codepen.io/kintel/pen/eprzyx
<InPhase> Nice.
<teepee> hmm, that does not seem to work
<teepee> the silver should be the selection?
<InPhase> It does seem to have two parts backwards.
<InPhase> The middle cube and the rings.
<kintel> The silver is the selection, but the rendering is "throwntogether"
<kintel> ..so it's a bit confusing
<InPhase> Oh, the errors change with different orientation. Maybe a trivial bug somewhere.
<kintel> it's the wikipedia CSG example
<InPhase> I guess that makes it somebody else's trivial bug. :)
<kintel> it works if I use a proper CSG renderer, but I don't have that as a codepen
* InPhase nods.
<kintel> (well, I do using CSG.js, but it somehow broke)
<teepee> ah, I see
<t4nk_fn> mmm, yes, those templates aren't quite the same, but they're sure handy indeed
<t4nk_fn> never knew about them
<t4nk_fn> the translate in there even already has ([]) ;)
<t4nk_fn> but you could surely put some stuff in them to save you a good deal of work
<t4nk_fn> reoccurring modules with some variables perhaps.. mm, nice
<t4nk_fn> it needs te ability to hot-reload the templates though
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #5282 (updated manifold to latest version with double precision floating point) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5282
<t4nk_fn> euhm, but this all sure is an opening for me to really do some damage to the code ;)
<t4nk_fn> "didn't look long last time" is a poor excuse for 'it confused me', like always
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #5281 (Slow 2D Offset) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5281
<teepee> the data for a more dedicated autocomplete is there, the challenge is wiring this up so it's accessible from the context menu trigger
<kintel> gotta run. Been lagging behind lately, trying to dig myself out and re-establish some OpenSCAD context; just a lot of things that need love. I'm prioritizing manifold as that's the largest release blocker
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<t4nk_fn> (fyi, I already had it locally in my 'thoseFrenchThings' branch :b)
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<Guest8> pip install solidpython
<Guest8> sudo apt-get install openscad
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<t4nk_fn> regarding https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4997 I think I know why this happens..
<t4nk_fn> personally I'd never use the mouse button in combination with the wheel, but use the alt
<t4nk_fn> however, I too have found that the alt modifier will only increment, regardless of the direction of the wheel movement
<t4nk_fn> this is because, presumably, here on linux, using the alt modifier turns the scroll movement from y into the x direction!
<t4nk_fn> so in that case the "if (wheelEvent->angleDelta().y() < 0)" doesn't work anymore
<t4nk_fn> "if ((wheelEvent->angleDelta().x()+ wheelEvent->angleDelta().y()) < 0)" would still work in both cases
<t4nk_fn> but I don't know if this is desirable at all, or using that alt modifier is... but it does fix 'the issue' in any case
<t4nk_fn> ------
<t4nk_fn> also; this was the kind of behaviour ( the 'previewAfterUndo' thing) that I was sort of looking for before. turns out it was already in there ;)
<t4nk_fn> it beats editing the numbers and then previewing by hand
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<gbruno> [github] amatulic opened issue #5295 (Daily build icons scale badly on low-res displays compared to 2021.01) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5295
<gbruno> [github] amatulic edited issue #5295 (Daily build icons scale badly on low-res displays compared to 2021.01) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5295
<gbruno> [github] amatulic edited issue #5295 (Daily build icons scale badly on low-res displays compared to 2021.01) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5295
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