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<TylerTork> UltimateCodeWarr  having a look
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<TylerTork> I don't understand what you were expecting to happen here.
<UltimateCodeWarr> So when I create the cylinder, it's standing up like a coin
<UltimateCodeWarr>  %cylinder(h=3,r= 25.5,false);
<UltimateCodeWarr> I want to rotate it about the Z axis that's vertical
<UltimateCodeWarr> Rotate it 90 deg
<TylerTork> it's on edge and you expected it to be lying on its side
<UltimateCodeWarr> rotate([0,0,90])  does nothing,  rotate([0,0,45])
<UltimateCodeWarr> When you spin  a coin like a top,   you are spinning it about the Z axis
<TylerTork> It's on edge because you rotate it about the Y axis on line 63.
<TylerTork> But first you rotate it about the Z axis, which does nothing, because it's symmetrical on that axis
<TylerTork> This seems to be working as intended.
<UltimateCodeWarr> Ok, I see your point, but I don't like it.
<UltimateCodeWarr> (I'm not experienced enough with this system)
<UltimateCodeWarr> What I am saying is I don't know If I can get into the mode to think like that
<TylerTork> Sometimes keeping the spatial relationships straight can be confusing. It helps if you construct each part in a standard orientation, and don't rotate or scale the result until you've tested it in isolation
<UltimateCodeWarr> I can see that being the correct dicipline
<UltimateCodeWarr> It's a system of doing things without shooting yourself in the foot early on
<TylerTork> right save your bullets for the end
<UltimateCodeWarr> Other cad systems like Bower put the coordinate system on each part so that you know the transforms already involved on it.
<TylerTork> When you modularize a part, you don't know how many times it may be called to create copies and what their orientations may end up being. You're warring with that flexibility which is an asset of the OpenSCAD approach. It's actually simpler to design things in isolation without worrying about where they're going to end up.
<UltimateCodeWarr> Is there a way to define which plane a cylinder stands up/ lays down in?
<UltimateCodeWarr> Without using any sort of transforms on it?
<TylerTork> No, it's always created with its axis along on the Z axis of the coordinate system. You can use the center argument to control its positioning along that axis: resting on the XY plane versus centered at the origin
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<UltimateCodeWarr> With a cube you can adjust the dimensions of it to orient it to the front view the way you like, but when you have a cylinder with just a radius, height type of thing and it plops it down as it does, then you are forced to start a rotation on it so that it looks right if you want to maintain a proper front/top view of an object.
<TylerTork> If you find it works better with your way of thinking, you can always write your own cylinder module that allows for extra rotation arguments and calls the built-in cylinder, rotate and translate functions accordingly.
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<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: It's really worth getting comfortable with rotational axes. But, if you prefer, I wrote this RotateFromTo module once: https://bpa.st/5472C
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: You can use that to do what you're talking about.
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: In the example there it from [0,0,1] and points it to [1,0,0], meaning whatever was in z, point it in x.
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<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: This is the sort of problem that module was actually intended to solve. Do View, Animate, and insert the FPS and Steps as shown in the comment at the top: https://bpa.st/GSHMA
<InPhase> (If the nightly release, just insert these on the right, as long as animate is not hidden. See under Window, Hide Animation, and make sure it's not hidden.)
<UltimateCodeWarr> Ok, will keep it in mind.   I'm just trying to figure out what OpenSCAD does by default, and what I will have to cope with.       If there were some more hints on screen, for example you hover over a part and see that a rotation/ translation is already applied and what function these were applied in, that would be a bit more friendly for the
<UltimateCodeWarr> noobs.    I know some where talking about clicking on a part and a info window would come up, but it's really flakey in Windows 11 where it's almost impossible to get it consistently.
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<InPhase> The transformations you're talking about seeing get out of hand real fast on complicated designs.
<InPhase> This is something that would be more useful for simple stuff, but the simple stuff gets easy quickly. And then it would get really in your way as you scale up.
<InPhase> You get used to it by working on one piece at a time, which putting things in modules helps you to do.
<InPhase> And then you just preview repeatedly as you build, until it gets intuitive as you add each transformation.
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<InPhase> And then it does like any other programming language, and you start seeing the abstractions for the whole design all at once, and you just write it out like you would any code.
<InPhase> Then you get to the next stage, where you see objects in the real world, and your brain almost immediately translates the shapes into an outline of OpenSCAD code that could produce them. :)
<InPhase> This is why the programming approach wins. Abstraction is powerful for doing rapid reasoning about the patterns in shapes after a bit of training.
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<UltimateCodeWarr> InPhase, I can definitely see the power of this once  a person is able to master it.  It will fit my use case for it quite well.
<TylerTork> Say I have a polygon (points) or an object, and I want to deform it along a curved path. Is there a library for that? E.g. I have a flat "sticker" I want to apply to the side of a cylinder and match the curvature
<UltimateCodeWarr> Tyler, was wondering the same thing myself.  Would be nice when you print a 3d model to be able to personalize it as a Gift.   From So and So, to So and So, 2024
<InPhase> TylerTork: I have two libraries targetting this sort of thing. https://github.com/rcolyer/plot-function and https://github.com/rcolyer/closepoints
<UltimateCodeWarr> To be able to wrap a 2D sticker like hydroforming would be the bomb.
<UltimateCodeWarr> *hydrodipping.
<TylerTork> InPhase, I'm not sure those are entirely on-target for what I want, but it certainly seems like you could tell me the best way to do what I have in mind. Here's an example: https://prnt.sc/BSG6nRQOvjsH
<TylerTork> so in this case the cross-section is a rounded-rectangle, but then for the slanty bits I have to stretch and deform it so that linear_extrude with a twist gives the right eresults
<InPhase> TylerTork: I see a linear extrude with a twist already. What's not right about it?
<TylerTork> The rounded-end shapes aren't exactly right -- they don't bend. So it looks okay here but in extreme cases the deformation is obvious.
<InPhase> You'll have to be more specific.
<InPhase> Okay so that looks more like an epic disaster...
<InPhase> How did you go from the first one to the second one?
<InPhase> And how are they even related?
<TylerTork> I'm approximating the ends with ovals but they are not really ovals.
<TylerTork> So if they're not stretched too much it's good enough
<TylerTork> I'm just fiddling with those parameters in the customizer to get extreme cases
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<InPhase> I cannot imagine exactly what you did to get that monstrosity, but the general category of deformation looks like you tried to do a linear_extrude with twist hoping for the object to be oriented differently from xy-planar?
<TylerTork> I'm attempting to calculate the cross section of the "fat tape" as it bends around the cylinder.
<InPhase> If yes, we know what you did wrong. Now what are you trying to do right? I see one okay example, but don't know the range of what you're trying to do beyond the one right image, as you did not clarify this.
<TylerTork> and linear_extrude that with a twist
<TylerTork> This is a learning exercise. I'm trying to find a technique to apply to cases of this type. The "type" in question is that I have a curved surface and I want to deform things as if I'm bending them around the surface. The libraries you sent me seem useful, but I don't see a way to apply them to problems of that specific type.
<InPhase> Okay then. So yeah, they do apply. If you want to try your hand at solving it yourself without deeper guidance, for good learning, the place I would recommend starting would be the closepoints library files demo_roller_coaster.scad, demo_gear_thing.scad, and demo_wavy_donut.scad, which illustrate well the way you would go about using the included transformations to achieve such a thing.
<TylerTork> In this case I have a rounded rectangle and ideally I want to stretch it into the cross section of a band of the same shape but at a given angle -- which is simple scaling. But then I want to deform it to follow the curve of a surface -- in this case an arc. I don't know how to do that. So I'm approximating it with a segment of arc with ovals at
<TylerTork> the end.
<InPhase> However, I would advise for your particular purpose, that you probably want to consider using ClosePoints as the call instead of CloseLoop, to make those twisted curve risers.
<InPhase> Yeah. It's too limited what transformations you can do in that specific manner by manipulating geometric primitives. It ends up easier to take a mathematical transformation approach like shown in the library, where you can switch coordinates on a whim.
<InPhase> That's the step needed to be able to do things like "wrap" things without it being hard.
<TylerTork> I'll look at that, but I was kind of hoping to be able to do something with the "standard" libraries like MCAD and BOSL.
<TylerTork> thanks
<InPhase> Like in the demo gear, highlighted in the image on that library, the gear thing wraps around a toroidal shape!
<InPhase> Well hey, ClosePoints is on the libraries page too. :-P
<InPhase> It's just down at the bottom of the list, because you have to think a little when using it. ;) But I think it's one of the most flexible ones on there, and when you get your brain wrapped around that approach, it's extremely empowering.
<InPhase> A few times, I've almost brought myself to bundling that sort of functionality into polyhedron. I just never sorted out the last few edge cases for how to do that well.
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<UltimateCodeWarr> So is there any sort of library out there to do a Knurled grip, or radial grip lines for when you want to have some sort of swivel joint, but want to be able to tighten a screw and two plates come together but are surfaced with a grip like texture so they stay put?
<UltimateCodeWarr> https://imgur.com/a/BmvloC4
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Has anyone used the threads library to 3d print a part?
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<Scopeuk> for radial line I would expect to create a series of teeth in 2d and then rotate extrude to create a wave pattern. I have modelled and printed screw threads with one of the threads libraries (I forget which but not in a while)
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<guso78k> Hi Folks, I just realized that OpenSCAD has an "Print with Octoprint" feature and I am considering to test this now as I have an octopi with raspberry for years now sitting idle.
<guso78k> where it the best place to start here ? e.g. i need some information on how to set up the URL correctly in the preferences and configure for slicing engines and slicing profiles.
<guso78k> thx
<J24k> afaik it transfers a stl and octopi doing the slicing
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<buZz> actually, octoprint use to be able to slice
<buZz> but those plugins are now all very old and outdated
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<guso78k> ahh ok, this matches my experience. I am was just wondering , who does the slicing.
<buZz> there -is- some slicer plugin that afaik still works
<buZz> but foosel keeps adding nag screens to it to beg that -anyone but her- can maintain it please
<buZz> :D
<guso78k> Actually its very important to me, to see my model graphically in the slicer and to debug the sliced lines before
<buZz> imho f foosel
<buZz> guso78k: yeah , octoprint's slicer plugin includes previews
<buZz> at least, you can 3D see the stl , but gcode only 2D iirc
<guso78k> buZz, your  rate of understandingf decreased
<buZz> maybe there's a 3d gcode preview now
<buZz> my?
<guso78k> I planned to code a one-button-solution to start cura with the sliced stl but found the octopi thing, then
<buZz> octoprint*
<buZz> octopi is a linux distro
<guso78k> octoprint, thank you :)
<guso78k> i like to keep using cura, (i love its tree support). not sure, which slicer is builtin into octoprint
<buZz> guso78k: last i had it working, it was limited to cura 15
<guso78k> now there is cura 5.4.0. i think there was a version step once cura allowed anybody to contribute
<buZz> that was the last version supported by that slicer plugin in octoprint
<buZz> works fine btw, but its verrrrry old
<guso78k> ahh, i see you were distributing the software
<buZz> yeah i guess
<buZz> 15.04.7 was never released i think
<buZz> i just wanted 'newest version working'
<guso78k> smells like that i would progress with my idea of the cura Button :')
<buZz> :) have at it!
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<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: The UB.scad option has a variety of knurling options in it, mostly for textured hand grips. To make two round pieces sinusoidally shaped like that to integrate themselves as in the image you showed, my first instinct though would be to use the function plotting library and just drop in a radially sinusoidal surface. The PlotPolarFunction option there does most of the work for you.
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: A demo: https://imgur.com/a/JGxHBHD from https://bpa.st/I32KC
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: A slight nuance to it is that it really helps fit on such a thing if the center of the rotating part does NOT have the sinusoidal wobble, so here it is made to flatten in the middle of the circle, by multiplying the amplitude by (r/max_r)^2
<guso78k> InPhase, does this feature have the ability to oversample the given model such more points are added evenly and all points receive this texture effect ?
<InPhase> guso78k: Not sure what you mean by that.
<guso78k> InPhase, a cube has 8 vertices by default and the idea is to add artifical points within every face in order later to be able to wobble also inside the cube
<guso78k> inside the face of a cube
<InPhase> guso78k: The library in question is not modifying geometries. It is plotting a function.
<InPhase> And then the plot result can be used as a component in a model.
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: Here's an example of a part I posted years ago that does have a sort of interlocking bit sort of like that: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3024616
<othx> InPhase linked to "String Trimmer Spool Winder for Ryobi Trimmers by rcolyer" on thingiverse => 5 IRC mentions
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: The key functionality here that made it smooth to use was the structure of the center rod that moves the teeth into axial alignment automatically as one goes to insert it.
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: I used that for years myself before I got a new string trimmer, and found that a pleasure to use. It seemed to pick up thousands of downloads, and feedback was uniformly positive, as it just fits smoothly.
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<guso78k> InPhase got it, this is  one of the weaknesses of OpenSCAD that it cannot modify existing geometry,  but instead having to get it right from the very beginning .so you need to be able to combine every fancy feature with every primitive basically on 1st creation. Brep Kernels might be able to do that better, and I am still thinking, how i get this
<guso78k> func into OpenSCAD.
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<gbruno> [github] pca006132 review_requested pull request #5282 (updated manifold to latest version with double precision floating point) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5282
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Hi All, I'm doing a lot of big threads in my design, and I am flip flopping the threads from the left side to the right side.  Would like to keep threading consistent so that it's lefty-loosey, righty-tighty..      Is there a Modifier of any kind that would show the direct to tighten a thread by default on both the bolts and the nuts?
<buZz> 'the' bolts and nuts?
<buZz> fyi, openscad has no threading library natively ;)
<buZz> if you've added one,you may want to checkout its documentation? :)
<UltimateCodeWarr> I'm using the threads.scad module
<buZz> no idea what that is
<buZz> you're asking me to read it for you?
<UltimateCodeWarr> use <threads-scad/threads.scad>
<buZz> likely that threading library only makes normal threads
<buZz> for inverse ones you'd have to mirror()
<buZz> i'm not sure what you'd like openscad to show then?
<UltimateCodeWarr> I was just hoping that SCAD would have a modifier where you could do something like ~ in front of a cylinder that's threadded, and it it would should you the direction of rotation that thread needs to be spun in order to screw in
<buZz> eh no :)
<buZz> openscad has zero awareness of what your design is -for-
<buZz> regardless of if its threads or not
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: Just don't use mirror on threads... Translate. Life is simpler then. :)
<buZz> totally
<teepee> translate all the mirrors?
<UltimateCodeWarr> A screw is so universal, I would like to believe that there would be many, many others who would drool over that exact functionality.
<teepee> no, why? I have printed quite a number of various spec threads and never needed that
<InPhase> The only reason to mirror a thread is to make a reversed-thread on purpose. This is an exceptionally rare need, and doesn't really need annotation.
<InPhase> Translations and rotations will never change thread chirality.
<UltimateCodeWarr> Ok, maybe there is a best-practice solution.  If you create a threaded cylinder for the left side you would need to rotate it about the X -90, and the right side you would need to rotate it about the X+90
<UltimateCodeWarr> But what you might not want to do is rotate both -90, and translate the right side over, then things get hosed.
<InPhase> No they don't.
<buZz> UltimateCodeWarr: rotation isnt a mirror
<InPhase> Translations and rotations do not change thread chirality.
<buZz> chirality! TIL
<buZz> tnx InPhase
<buZz> :)
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: The only thing you will have "wrong" if you do that, is that my threads.scad library by default puts a nice slightly tapered tip on threads, pointing upward. So if you put the tapered end on the back instead of on the tip, you're going to have a harder time inserting those threads into things.
<buZz> InPhase: ah, its your threads.scad?
<InPhase> Yeah.
<buZz> nice
<UltimateCodeWarr> Chamfered ends?
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: It just narrows slightly, analogously to what chamfering would be, but thread narrowing.
<InPhase> One can enhance that, or turn it off, with various parameters. By default, it's a narrowing so small you'd barely notice it by eye, but just enough to make a mechanical difference.
* teepee pokes UltimateCodeWarr again
<teepee> is that win11 computer around?
<UltimateCodeWarr> It is ubiquitous.
<teepee> how's the axis font looking with the potential fix?
<UltimateCodeWarr> (That's a yes teepee)
<UltimateCodeWarr> Is there a latest version pushed up to openscad?  I saw an email come though, but it was from a link that I didn't recognize, and I worried it might be quite sketchy.
<teepee> no, it won't be merged unless the fix is confirmed - https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5292#issuecomment-2351106846
<teepee> that comment has links to the (hopefully) fixed version
<J24k> InPhase don't say "rare" <https://www.printables.com/model/725918-leveler> i already thought about a parameter for direction - but mirror does the job so .. and negative pitch is not ideal.
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: Oh, I was hunting around for where you actually used the threads. I see you opted to use the RodStart and RodEnd calls instead. :)
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: You'd have a hard time making those wrong, as long as you just don't call mirror.
<InPhase> J24k: Inverted so that right rotation looking up from the bottom raises it?
<UltimateCodeWarr> Looks like the Font is Fixed Windows 11: https://imgur.com/a/ve2abC3
<teepee> awesome
<UltimateCodeWarr> Great job!
<InPhase> Oh good, that looks much better.
<UltimateCodeWarr> the other one looked like me on an Etch-A-Sketch
<teepee> yep, good catch by the patch author without being able to test the fix themselves
<InPhase> I wonder why Windows only there?
<UltimateCodeWarr> Phase, it would be neat if there was an easy way to put tighten directions on the flat ends of the rods, maybe a way to turn it on/off like a modifier.
<InPhase> teepee: Nothing about the fix looks platform specific.
<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed issue #5292 (Axis Font Not Rendering Correctly Windows 11) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5292
<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed pull request #5293 (Fix Axis Font Not Rendering Correctly Windows 11 (fixes #5292).) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5293
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Merge pull request #5293 from openscad/gl-font-fix Fix Axis Font Not Rendering Correctly Windows 11 (fixes #5292).) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/ccf5b328e28b76fdfca1bd77eed31bec016a58b7
<teepee> it's probably not exactly windows-only, more like driver specific
<InPhase> Ah.
<InPhase> Logical.
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: Well you can easily emboss text into things.
<teepee> like poking the huge opengl state machine in the wrong place
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: And arrows are not hard to make.
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: The RodStart and RodEnd modules are likely never getting any updates. Those were just something I needed for a project in 2016, and I thought I'd toss them in the library as a baked-in reference example.
<InPhase> And people have used them a shockingly large amount more than I expected. ;)
<UltimateCodeWarr> I'm gong to use the hell out of them :)
<J24k> just use colors .. green for normal and red for left
<teepee> text("←↑↓→");
<UltimateCodeWarr> That's interesting, that's an industry standard colorization for thread orientation?
<InPhase> I think I only used the rods twice. Once in the thing they were created for, to literally make a rod: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1692539 and once for my filament filter, where I figured, "You know what... that's sort of like a mini-rod...": https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1686846
<othx> InPhase linked to "Twist-on Paper Towel Holder with Rod by rcolyer" on thingiverse => 6 IRC mentions
<UltimateCodeWarr> Not to muddy the waters, but I know they have SAE / Metrics colors, but ... this is all Metric Right, SAE doesn't exist in this context.
<J24k> ↻  teepee
<teepee> actually, lets just merge the font-window with extended search, the only open point is test on macos ;-)
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: Correct, I never explicitly implemented SAE screw size support. Some people have made SAE screws with the library, but by manually inserting the corresponding parameters.
<teepee> oh, no, conflict :(
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: Like most people, I never opt for anything other than metric when working with 3D printed stuff. (Even though I'm American and our machine shops still love imperial sizes.)
<J24k> printing 90° angled threads is cleaner and if you print nut and bolt ... also rounded is nicer for bigger threads if you touch them
<UltimateCodeWarr> I see the benefit of it, but I just don't think in it.   Plus all the dimensional steel/lumber in the USA is still in SAE sizes, and it seems the only place to get Metric stuff is at ACE hardware or Harbor Freight and those threads sometimes are .... hokey.
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Update sample text.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/a5f16cf2b4bb0a6fb541b5be058834e6e14098a6
<gbruno> [github] t-paul synchronize pull request #5114 (Dockable font list window with extended search filter.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5114
<buZz> UltimateCodeWarr: yeah its just global
<InPhase> UltimateCodeWarr: One time I sat down thinking I might add those SAE sizes... I opened up some tables, thought about how one would even start such an interface... and decided I would let that be someone else's project.
<buZz> maybe someday US will grow up and join the world ;)
<UltimateCodeWarr> Cars last at least 20 years, and so it would be a long, painful, phase out.
<buZz> UltimateCodeWarr: BUT; fun fact
<buZz> there are -no- units in openscad or stl
<buZz> you can totally agree with -yourself- that '1' is 1 inch
<buZz> just expect complaints when you share the files ;)
<InPhase> buZz: Hey! We are indisputably first in the world in imperial unit usage! You can't even argue against that fact.
<teepee> old 3d printer firmwares could even be convinced to work in inches too
<buZz> InPhase: quite!
<teepee> not sure if that's still a thing
<buZz> quite sure at least klipper is metric-only
<teepee> InPhase: easy with just 2 other countries as competition
<buZz> teepee: they stopped using it
<InPhase> Units in OpenSCAD are basically, "There are no units in OpenSCAD *wink* and it's millimeters or you're a fool."
<buZz> if you mean belize and burma
<teepee> oh? so it's really just only US now?
<buZz> in fact, US themselves even stopped using it, they define the inch lengths in metric sizes now
<teepee> well, US is a bit strange in many ways ;-)
<buZz> gallons in ml sizes, etc
<buZz> teepee: thats what happens when you let a former colony never return its land
<buZz> :)
<InPhase> I think most schools have finally started teaching metric in the U.S.
<InPhase> So give us 70 years.
<teepee> mush!
<buZz> InPhase: its already been 50 ;)
<buZz> 55?
<buZz> iirc US went officially 'metric only' in the 70s
<InPhase> buZz: My 8 year old describes lengths in centimeters, and I did not push him to do this. He just sort of picked it up at school and seems to stick with that slightly more.
<buZz> InPhase: yay!
<buZz> 'div 10' is so much easier , anyway
<InPhase> buZz: But that's a particularly good school... There's some variability.
<buZz> humans have 10 fingers here, but maybe in US 12?
<UltimateCodeWarr> replacing those spedometers, pressure gauges yet?
<buZz> UltimateCodeWarr: the world didnt need to replace them ;)
<UltimateCodeWarr> Well,the clock has 12 /24 hours,  60 seconds,  60 minutes, 360 deg
<teepee> oh, we had quite some fight over monitor and tv screen sizes :)
<buZz> most people of the world arent in US , hell most people will never visit
<UltimateCodeWarr> **but more people speak english as a second language than as a primary"
<buZz> yeah, and even more mandarin
<buZz> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<buZz> its funny how US doesnt even have their own language :D
<buZz> you'd think they'd make that first priority ;)
<UltimateCodeWarr> Melting pots seldom do
<InPhase> Obviously the solution is 1000 minutes per day, and 1000 seconds per minute.
<buZz> i live in a city of 30000 inhabitants with over 160 nationalities
<buZz> i dont think 'melting pot' means what you think it does ;)
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<buZz> InPhase: oooo 'swatch internet beats' !!!
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<buZz> that has '1000 beats per day' and you can just add decimals to make it more precise
<buZz> also; no timezones!
<UltimateCodeWarr> Yeah, in times past the Kings would bring in slaves, give them a name in their new language, make them bow down to their idols/gods, and speak the common tongue to foster integration.    Basically erase their national identity.
<UltimateCodeWarr> "Reprogram them"
<buZz> alas, no , kings have no relevance to societal growth
<UltimateCodeWarr> "Social Engineering"
<buZz> they can do nothing but adopt what populous already does
<buZz> or they would just not be understood
<UltimateCodeWarr> If you defy the Shogun, you might lose your head.   That seems to be a learning your new profession motivator.
<buZz> ah you're back -that- far, sure then
<buZz> but any wise king would delegate ;)
<UltimateCodeWarr> Nowadays, with Political Correctness, anything goes ... not so much.    It's influencers on TV, Youtube, TikTok
<UltimateCodeWarr> Well, there really hasn't been a world power like in times past, only super powers, so the old brutal way seemed to work in subjigating the masses.
<buZz> either way, praise be to the generation of InPhase's offspring
<UltimateCodeWarr> Are jobs going to be Snatched from the With AI?
<buZz> lets hope so
<UltimateCodeWarr> Most of the higher echelons of the labor pyramid just got obliterated.    Not sure many jobs other than fruit picker or Robot Polisher are going to be around.
<buZz> fyi, if you havent tried yet, chatgpt and others are quite good at writing openscad ;)
<UltimateCodeWarr> lol
<UltimateCodeWarr> Yeah ... rub it in.
<buZz> ah, they cancelled trickle up economy?
* buZz checks paycheck
<buZz> nope :D
<UltimateCodeWarr>  In times past they used to have floors of analysts, data scientists, researchers.   Now, you can ask ChatGPT a question ... in 3 seconds, you get an answer without ads.  They say in a few years 25% of the worlds power output will be powering AI.   That's big.
<buZz> do you think those 'floors' are no longer around?
<buZz> in times past they used to have children in most richer houses responsible for shoveling coal into the furnace all day
<buZz> progress is just progress
<UltimateCodeWarr> I remember in CA, when the .COM era happened, those floors turned into Officer Furniture storage locations for the other Cisco Campuses that shut down.
<UltimateCodeWarr> *Office Furnature.
<buZz> oooo dotcom time was so funny <3 my first job interview at 17 (no drivers license possible legally) 'what kind of car do you want?' 'eh, one with driver' *guy seriously considers it* 'no we dont do that for junior functions'
<UltimateCodeWarr> Surprised he didn't say METRO Bus.
<buZz> in the 90s nobody was metro, they just called it bisexual back then
<UltimateCodeWarr> Relocation program to the Midwest where you could drive at 16 because most kids were operating farm equipment at 13.
<buZz> oh you can drive farm equiptment at 14 here too (netherlands)
<buZz> but , on a farm
<buZz> not on public roads
<buZz> UltimateCodeWarr: either way, if you want to share your files ; use 1 unit = 1 mm , if you're not designing sharables, use 1 unit = whatever you want :D
<buZz> there was someone in #openscad years ago that was designing wooden cupboards in openscad and used 1 unit = 1 feet 'because that makes sense to me'
<UltimateCodeWarr> Well, Bill Gates is investing in Farmland,  and they are bringing Migrant Field Workers in droves in from South America.   I think as NVidia Proved, many high tech jobs are going to be omitted.
<buZz> good riddance
<buZz> retirement age back to 28
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<buZz> UltimateCodeWarr: did you know 'summer vacation' was invented to allow children to help their parents during summer on their farmland to be able to grow enough food to -survive winter- ? :D
<buZz> progress is so awesome :P
<UltimateCodeWarr> They have a saying for the Middle east:   His Great Grandad Rode a Camel, His Son Drove a Car, His Son Flew an Airplane, but His Son Will Ride a Camel.
<buZz> is that 'depression is coming' ?
<UltimateCodeWarr> Boom and Bust are Endemic.     When societies get too Complex, they get unsustainable.
<UltimateCodeWarr> One little change in High Frequency Trading of the Supply Chain, and Poof.... months to recover.
<UltimateCodeWarr> (As Prusa -- had to bring inhouse chip/board making)
<buZz> oh yeah, endphase capitalism is great fun
* buZz does not praise prusa
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<teepee> libreprap?
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* t4nk_fn scratches his head
<buZz> lol teepee :D
<buZz> the tooweirddidntgetit of that design is 'true innovation is shared without profits'
<UltimateCodeWarr> I saw Endphase Captalism at work in CA during the .DOT BOMB era.
<buZz> or without proprietarism
<buZz> UltimateCodeWarr: oh thats just the beginning ;)
<UltimateCodeWarr> You couldn't get a UHAL out of CA for months
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed pull request #5114 (Dockable font list window with extended search filter.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5114
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 5 additions 20 modifications (Merge pull request #5114 from openscad/font-list-window Dockable font list window with extended search filter.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/399551768d5d1eb1c24613af23f43d09df0eafbb
<guso78k> just trying to add CURA next to the existing print Services ...
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<UltimateCodeWarr> I don't get why this chat needs to auto-log people out?    If it was done with node JS, there wouldn't be any lack of threads.
<UltimateCodeWarr> or sockets
<teepee> it does not
<UltimateCodeWarr> I see a ping timeout, and then I have to rejoin
<teepee> which means the low level connection was cut for whatever reason
<teepee> irc is just still very noisy with reconnects
<UltimateCodeWarr> (at least with the web.libera.chat), do you use the IRC client?
<teepee> yes, quassel via ZNC
<UltimateCodeWarr> It's probably doing a bunch of stuff for you automagically
<UltimateCodeWarr> This web chat, seems to auto-kick me every few hours, and I have to rejoin manually
<teepee> it's a hosted service, so that probably makes sense to keep the number of open connections reasonable
<teepee> but ping-timeout and auto-kick sound like they would be quite different things
<UltimateCodeWarr> With Node JS/ Websockets there is only one listening socket open.
<teepee> it will still need to connect to the irc server once for every user
<UltimateCodeWarr> Yes, bind to the listening port, but since there isn't any scarcity of ports introduced, no need to time anyone out.
<teepee> I suppose we could host our own web client with limited access and no time restrictions
<UltimateCodeWarr> Is there any sort of allen wrench / torx wrench socket library?
<teepee> I don't remember seeing one yet
<UltimateCodeWarr> I could probably use a Nut from InPhase thread library and just subtract it.
<teepee> there might be torx in the bolts lib but that has not been updated lately I think
<UltimateCodeWarr> Would be nice if there was a library for ok, this is a #2 philips bit, or #1 screwdriver bit, or 3 mm security torx bit.
<teepee> that is what bolts was supposed to be
<teepee> input specs for bolts, nuts, whatever, out comes the scad code for that (plus also for other cad software like freecad)
<teepee> aww, last commit 2 years ago :(
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Might be able to make a real short screw, but just use the cap.
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<gbruno> [github] gsohler opened pull request #5299 (Add Send_to_Cura option in PrintInitDialog) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5299
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<gbruno> [github] gsohler synchronize pull request #5299 (Add Send_to_Cura option in PrintInitDialog) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5299
<teepee_> guso78: would it make sense to use 3mf instead? slightly more future proof for extended color support
<teepee_> this is missing? qrc:/html/CuraInfo.html
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<guso78k> need to test, if cura can do 3mf, but yes
<teepee> pretty sure it can, I stopped using it but Ultimaker is even part of the 3mf foundation
<guso78k> had some issues to make openscad see the file,  let me check
<teepee> there's a *.in file
<teepee> you need to change that :)
<guso78k>  thanks for the hint. working on an update ;)
<t4nk_fn> is that 'file' in the process accessible in the config? for those who use an AppImage?
<t4nk_fn> or; is 'cura' hardcoded
<teepee> good point
* t4nk_fn only raises good points :b
<guso78k> right now cura is hardcoded, but quite easy to have this flexible
<guso78k> suppose every slicer can be started with <name> <designfile>
<teepee> the temp filename should not need the qdir().temp()
<teepee> I would assume that's the default
<teepee> oh, interesting, it's not
<guso78k> issue is that i have to disable the auto-remove of the temp file as the 2 programs run in parallel and transfer is already done, when cura tries to read the file
<t4nk_fn> and is the qprocess left dangling, or is it disposed of correctly
<guso78k> i believe its still dangling,  need to improve here
<t4nk_fn> might a deleteLater orsth work there
<teepee> yes, remove at exit or so
<guso78k> so if you close openscad, cura is also killed ?
<teepee> for the temp file
<guso78k> ahh :)
<t4nk_fn> mmmzzz perhaps not a good idea to start a process at all then
<guso78k> same is done when selecting to display the Cheatsheet
<t4nk_fn> you mean a browser instance is 'started' or so?
<guso78k> exactly, firefox is also a separate program
<t4nk_fn> but that runs quasi detached, no
<teepee> usually the target program needs to handle that themselves
<t4nk_fn> I don't think cura would behave like that by itself maybe, never tried
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<teepee> e.g. prusaslicer has --single-instance
<teepee> I don't think cura supports that
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<teepee> I guess it would make sense to just call it "send to local slicer" and allow the user to give the parameters
<teepee> there was a PR for that a while ago, but it had issues with generating the command line
<buZz> my 'cura' is called '~/3dprints/cura/UltiMaker-Cura-5.7.2-linux-X64.AppImage'
<buZz> lol
<teepee> what? no "modern"? :P
<buZz> never heard of this
<t4nk_fn> coincidentally I was looking around for a new 'slicer' just tonight, again..
<buZz> oh, not sure if that would work
<buZz> i dont consider 'modern' a feature to strive for ;)
<buZz> so i run debian 12
<teepee> maybe they did drop that again
<teepee> at some point there were 2 versions on "normal" and one "modern" for newer linux versions
<buZz> maybe they figured out a different method that works with a single? hmm , maybe its 2x bigger :D
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<buZz> but, with debian i dont consider my setup 'modern' in many ways, so wouldnt grab :P
<t4nk_fn> there's an option in cura to use a single instance, that works once it's set, even with the AppImage
<t4nk_fn> and in any case, I think using startDetached() instead of start() for the QProcess would probably be better
<t4nk_fn> then you could clean up immediately
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