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<InPhase> Shane: The threads in my library were very specifically designed to do the right amount of tapering by default.
<InPhase> Shane: And there are a few easy parameters to tweak if your printer deviates significantly from what most people are using, but very few people seem to need to do any adjusting.
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<gbruno> [github] dcherrera opened issue #5289 (difference adds module) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5289
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<Shane> So If I load up a SCAD drawing, is there anyway to hit some hot key that will center it the 3D view and render it?
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<J24k4> shane ctrl+shift+v  and  F6 for render
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<gbruno> [github] dcherrera closed issue #5289 (difference adds module) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5289
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<Guest99> I have a simple scad box I am doing.  But I am trying to indent some text and it won't do it.  I have tried indented_text and even using difference()  to no avail.  Can someone help me?  I can post my code when I get home if need.
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<J24k4> Guest99 you can use
<J24k4> paste!
<othx> paste is https://bpa.st for .scad files and other text like long error reports, https://pasteboard.co/ or https://imgur.com/ for images
<J24k4> to show what you have so far
<J24k4> in general text is 2D so you need linear_extrusion(2,center=true)text("text",size=10);  to make this visible
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<InPhase> J24k4: An attempt was made.
<J24k4> left without saying thank you - Ü
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<InPhase> When I see people rapidly connect and disconnect like that right after asking questions, I can't help but imagine them wildly flailing about at the interface of their computing device, struggling to control it as papers go frantically flying through the air.
<J24k4> yeah and probably they left the scene and the computer just went to standby
<J24k4> but i like your style more ..
* J24k4 adding anime speed lines
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<J24k4> ------------------−−−−−−−−−-—————————————…………_____________
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<kiba> hi
<kiba> I am using a snapshot
<kiba> of openscad
<kiba> but I can't seem to run openscad in terminal
<kiba> it's not found
<kiba> I can use the desktop app just fine
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<kiba> I am using mac
<kiba> I tried /Application/OpenSCAD.app/ but it gave me permission error.
<kiba> and then I tried sudo
<kiba> it says command not found
<kiba> I figured it out
<kiba> had to dive in OpenSCAD.app folder more
<kiba>  /Applications/OpenSCAD.app/Contents/MacOS/OpenSCAD
<InPhase> kiba: Sounds like you don't have it in your path.
<InPhase> kiba: But you could also just use a launcher script.
<InPhase> kiba: My most often used versions of OpenSCAD are not even in my path, but I'm always using launcher scripts, so I don't bother adding them into the path.
<kiba> launcher script?
<kiba> I am trying to include OpenSCAD into the path but it's not working
<InPhase> kiba: A shell script in your path that sets up some things for you and then opens up openscad. But what things to setup depend on what you want to do. :) Are you by any chance a vim user?
<kiba> I know how to use vim if that's what you're asking, but I am not really a vim user.
<InPhase> Ok. My most common script supports using vim as my openscad editor.
<kiba> I am making it open source so I figured that it's something that should be universial to other users, and not specific to whatever OS and particular configuration I am using.
<InPhase> Another thing that can be nice to add though to a launcher script is a stack increase, which for macos I think would be ulimit -s 65532
<InPhase> If you set that before starting openscad, you can do deeper recursions, which is fun for some calculations.
<InPhase> That'll let you go I think 8 times farther into recursion than the default for macos.
<InPhase> (For cases that don't tail recursion optimize.)
<kiba> I am not familiar with stack
<InPhase> Okay. :) Then probably you don't care to mess with that. For a path edit, I don't remember exactly what to do for that for macos, but probably you need to log out and back in again after changing it. Or at least close and reopen the terminal.
<kiba> I did that
<kiba> I even echo the PATH
<kiba> OpenSCAD was included in the path
<kiba> but no openscad
<kiba> I think I may need to alias
<InPhase> And what does "which openscad" output?
<kiba> openscad not found
<InPhase> What happens if you type "open" on the terminal and then press tab twice?
<InPhase> Does one of the things found look like openscad?
<kiba> nope
<InPhase> How about if you type "Open" with a capital O and tab twice?
<kiba> yes
<InPhase> Can you run that thing that it found?
<kiba> zsh: permission denied: OpenSCAD.app
<kiba> so I may not need to include it in the path but it still gives me permission denied
<kiba> I have OpenSCAD opened right now.
<kiba> I am trying to use OpenSCAD on the command line to automate certain things and make my life easier
<InPhase> It should certainly work. But is the file set executable?
<kiba> it is set to read and write
<kiba> for me
<kiba> as thee user
<InPhase> Actually, it seems you need to either use the "open" command on macos to run a .app from the terminal (this OS is close, but not quite as terminal friendly as Linux), or you need to treat the .app like a directory and launch it like /whatever/whatever/OpenSCAD.app/whatever/openscad
<InPhase> In which case I bet you could put /whatever/whatever/OpenSCAD.app/whatever/ into the path if you wanted.
<kiba> I can run OpenSCAD if I have the right path
<kiba> it just doesn't show up as openscad in the terminal
<kiba> I included it in .zshrc as one of the path but it seems to do nothign
<kiba> oh, it's OpenSCAD
<kiba> so it does works
<kiba> it's just not openscad
<kiba> actually, I don't need the path
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<kiba> The problem it seems is that the wikibook manual I am using differs from what is actually in practice
<kiba> Thanks for the help!
<InPhase> kintel: If I say your name will a bot magically summon you from the ether to explain the macos issue? :)
<kiba> kintel who?
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<InPhase> kiba: It is possible something changed in how the macos version is packaged up and the documentation hasn't been updated yet. But I'm not aware.
<InPhase> kiba: kintel is Marius Kintel, the guy who made OpenSCAD from a small side project into a major thing. And one of the few macos developers regularly working on the project.
<InPhase> kiba: And he reads comments even when not connected. :) And consequently, sometimes magically appears when his name is mentioned. *waves wand*
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Is there any quick way to reset the viewport control to defaults?    I tried to alter the distance which was like 3billion, and set it to zero and the whole UI locked up.
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<UltimateCodeWarr> I have a Nightly Build of OpenSCAD, just sitting there on an I7 it's pulling 15% of the CPU resources.  Why?
<teepee> UltimateCodeWarr: is Design -> Auto reload enabled?
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<J24k4> UltimateCodeWarr there is a button to reset the view - or you define it with $vpd=100 .. setting the distance to zero is a bad idea the camera would be in the object
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<teepee> hmm, still no snap store response
<teepee> the library manager may still take a while
<UltimateCodeWarr> I guess what I was really after is how do you put the camera to look at the object you are creating in such a way to minimize dead air space around the object, and maximize the object itself in the view.
<teepee> click the zoom fit button
<J24k4> view all..
<teepee> ah, yep, that's what it's called :)
<J24k4> ctrl+shift+v
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Thanks CNTRL-SHIFT-V works!      I don't know what the Zoom Fit Button Looks like, and there is no hover help on Windows showing.
<UltimateCodeWarr> Hover Help = Tool Tip When you Mouse Over a Button it Reveals what it's purpose is.
<UltimateCodeWarr> Would be nice when you create a new drawing if in the comments above it could add a a few useful keyboard shortcuts for noobs like myself.
<UltimateCodeWarr> Or a hyperlink to online docs to where there are some useful keyboard shortcuts, for navigation.    Whenever I click in that 3D window, the thing goes haywire like a broken atari joystick.
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<UltimateCodeWarr> So are there standards as to what constitutes which planes you are looking at when you are looking at front, side, top, bottom?
<J24k4> UltimateCodeWarr what version do you use?
<J24k4> what you describe is already there in version 2024 https://imgur.com/a/mF6n1xE
<J24k4> what windows do you have? if that is not showing
<J24k4> !cheatsheet
<J24k4> cheatsheet!
<othx> cheatsheet is https://www.openscad.org/cheatsheet/ for the release version and https://www.openscad.org/cheatsheet/snapshot.html for the development snapshot versions
<J24k4> tutorial!
<othx> tutorial is The OpenSCAD tutorial is a great place to learn how to create designs in OpenSCAD, and can be found at: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_Tutorial
<J24k4> the views are like on every CAD program - it is what side you see of an object - front facing towards you -  "right" let you see the right side (left side of the object)
<UltimateCodeWarr> Jk, Windows 11 No Tool Tips Unfortunately.
<UltimateCodeWarr> Othx, Thanks for the Cheat Sheet, reminds me of my college days.     I used ChatGPT to create a beginner project, works fairly well :)
<UltimateCodeWarr> J24k4 what I was after is something like   when z is pointing towards you, Y axis is vertical 0-inf,   X axis horizontal 0-inf,  This is called the Top View / Plan View?
<UltimateCodeWarr> Something in terms of of positive X,Y,Z axis representation on your screen.
<UltimateCodeWarr> That Way when I comment the code, I can make sure that I adhere to that coordinate system.
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<J24k4> you have the gizmo in the lower right corner
<J24k4> left ..   if axis are shown ( ctrl +2 )
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<J24k4> it is a default cartesian coordinate system  with Z being up,  X right  and Y away from you (when looking from front)
<J24k4> front view is viewing along Y ..  left view along X and bottom along Z
<UltimateCodeWarr> Are you talking about that RGB XYZ tool?    It's in the lower left of my display.
<UltimateCodeWarr> So there is no $vpr['top'] or $vpr['left'] or anything like that?
<J24k4> $vpr = [0,0,0];  is the rotation vector for your view
<J24k4> $vpr=[90,0,0] ; is your front view  or the rotated [90,0,0] top view
<UltimateCodeWarr> is $vpr=[0,0,0] considered Top or Bottom?
<J24k4> top view you looking  from +Z to  −Z
<J24k4> teepee any idea why win11 doesn't show tooltips? is this a Qt issue?
<teepee> nope, no idea, but Qt would be the first subject as the code declaring the tooltips obviously is there
<teepee> maybe update to Qt6 will help, but that will take some time unless someone has time to jump on the topic
<J24k4> .oO windows shouldn't be supported anymore .. so i have a good reason to switch
<UltimateCodeWarr> Don't know how you are going to get most of the western world to switch off their office PC's over to Mac or Linux.
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<teepee> AI will take care of that ;-)
<UltimateCodeWarr> And if you did ... there would be a sea of Windows PC's out there all waiting to make it to the hands of Starving 3rd world children learning OpenSCAD
<UltimateCodeWarr> Support is Inevitable.
<teepee> support of what?
<UltimateCodeWarr> And, I hate Windows 11 BTW, they Foisted it on me when I was away.
<UltimateCodeWarr> OpenSCAD support of the windows 11 os
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<teepee> it does work on win11, some platform specific issues tend to happen mostly due to missing developers being on that platform
<teepee> also one can alway just use the Snap package via WSL2 :-)
<Guest28> Ok. Hopefully this is the place for this. I can't seem to move around. I am modifying someone else's scad file but the indent doesn't seem to work. I know this has to be something simple yet I can't seem to get it to work.
<Guest28> Sorry. I am trying to indent the text into the box instead of raising the lettering.
<teepee> Guest28: maybe like so https://pastebin.com/CKC4xW3c
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<teepee> negative linear_extrude() does not exist
<teepee> it needs this structure: difference() { box(); linear_extrude(1) text(); }