teepee changed the topic of #openscad to: OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller | This channel is logged! | Website: http://www.openscad.org/ | FAQ: https://goo.gl/pcT7y3 | Request features / report bugs: https://goo.gl/lj0JRI | Tutorial: https://bit.ly/37P6z0B | Books: https://bit.ly/3xlLcQq | FOSDEM 2020: https://bit.ly/35xZGy6 | Logs: https://bit.ly/32MfbH5
<kintel> DamienMarchal (if you eventually read this): The VBO creation in OpenSCAD is still a bit too messy. I want to cleanup/simplify it a bit, but I haven't been able to dedicate more time towards it since my first batch of cleanups... I've queued your PRs for review. I'm a bit swamped at the moment, so I'll get to it, unless someone else beats me to it.
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* t4nk_fn slaps kintel around with a large VBA orsth :b
<t4nk_fn> nice to see some comments about the subject in the chan!
<t4nk_fn> too bad they already left
<t4nk_fn> I'm immersed in other stuff more than usually myself
<t4nk_fn> but I'll be having a gander to see if I can understand some of the code later on for sure
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<Scopeuk> Kintel will be back and also reads logs
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<DamienMarchal> Hi
<teepee> hi DamienMarchal, did you see the message from kintel?
<DamienMarchal> no,
<DamienMarchal> where was it.
<teepee> 8 hours ago, if you check the channel title, there's a link to the channel logs
<DamienMarchal> Ok I got it.
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<f0lkert> anyone tried https://github.com/moehriegitt/hob3l ? I've created an scad that takes about an hour to render and am looking for something faster
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<J24k10> f0lkert did you use the nightly 2024 with manifold?
<f0lkert> i used the one from ubuntu
<J24k10> which version?
<J24k10> download!
<J24k10> snapshot!
<J24k10> snapshots!
<f0lkert> I'm using 2021.01. will try a snapshot.
<J24k10> activate manifold in preferences↦ features
<f0lkert> wow!
<f0lkert> that sure is faster!
<f0lkert> J24k10: thanks
<J24k10> u're welcome .. let us know if you find any issues with it
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<pca006132> manifold now use double precision floating point
<pca006132> we can try to see if this solves those precision related issues
<teepee> so just update to latest commit?
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<pca006132> yes, probably need some changes here as well as there are breaking changes
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<Scopeuk> I've seen qr is scad but that's always been through python rather than pure scad
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<J24k10> teepee what is the best way to find the latest commit?  I checkt PR but that is 5day old.  then i checkt https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/openscad/openscad where i find a master 2day old and something from yesterday - i am now on 2024.09.03 (git a9f194ca9) - no idea what this is
<J24k10> pca006132 i noticed that BambuStudio is telling me that my objects are different height lately - as they should be at z=0 .. i assume some micro deviations.. or maybe just BS
<teepee> J24k10: what do you mean by find the latest commit? normally the latest build should be on the website, synced every day about 6 UTC (IIRC)
<InPhase> J24k10: If you export as ascii stl, this trivial perl script will output the stl bounding box: https://bpa.st/2X2NC
<J24k10> teepee ah ok that would be 5days old
<J24k10> (last closed PR i assume)
<teepee> yep, what it says on top of the table at https://github.com/openscad/openscad/ : "dbd7d4f - 5 days ago"
<teepee> that version should be on the download page latest morning next day
<teepee> PRs have different build, directly accessible from the PR page only
<J24k10> InPhase i checked the triangles and some are quite a bit off z="0.006971"  ..
<J24k10> hm no i think BS is mistaken something here - can't locate any object at a different height
<pca006132> no idea, manifold should not change the vertex positions
<pca006132> it may introduce rounding error during conversion to and from 32 bit float
<pca006132> but generally this should not move something at 0 to somewhere else
<pca006132> However, it can do mesh simplification to remove very small features and that may cause the minimum z coordinate to change
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<InPhase> J24k10: You know, it took me a while to figure out BS meant BambuStudio...
<Scopeuk> other interpretations remain valid
<InPhase> They do.
<InPhase> Except the other BS is rarely mistaken, according to insightful philosopher Harry Frankfurt
<J24k10> BS is BS .. i can't count the issues i have reported
<InPhase> Maybe they should release a 3D modeling program and call it Physical Designer, so they can have PhD making the designs for BS to slice.
<InPhase> Perhaps integrating it with a Model Storage cloud service in between the two.
<J24k10> I have to admit the idea of the Bambu ecosystem is great - you find something on your smartphone and single tap - and 20min later it is in your printer.  But I use custom profiles custom printer custom filament custom processes and nothing works with those as they get stripped when uploading.
<Scopeuk> yeh I think Prusa took a crack at it and they have send to slicer and then the slicer has send to printer. I suppose what 10 years ago Tiko put the slicer on the printer so you could upload and stl. I think for a while there was an octo print plugin to do similar, no idea if it is still active
<J24k10> If you use 0.4 nozzle and PLA - everything is fine .. but not if you print e.g PETG as now you need a new process and then you need this for every nozzle size too and as every nozzle size means a "new printer" all your gcode modification needs to be there too - such a pain ..  and then some settings are in the filament so now i have a PETG
<J24k10> filament for 0.6, .4 and for 0.2 nozzles
<J24k10> Prusa tried that with "upload gcode" which is great if you have that printer and doesn't want to change anything - so the 3mf profiles from bambu doing that but with the option to change
<J24k10> And there is no slicer that allows coloring (maybe orca which is i think a bambu fork)
<Scopeuk> orca is a bambu fork. prusa slicer can do multi colour as well
<Scopeuk> if nothing else they have support to work with the prusa xl
<J24k10> https://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/issues/2494  but you can't upload orca projects into makerworld
<J24k10> Scopeuk yes but like cura (which can only select colors/material)  prusa painting is rudimentary compared to BS
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<Scopeuk> I've not tried it my machines are both single colour
<Scopeuk> quite possible
<J24k10> i wonder when we see multi nozzle (like 1000) in consumer printer
<Scopeuk> as in one head with loads of micro nozzles for things? or multiple tool heads?
<J24k10> maybe color resin printer .. or fdm that have a nozzle line instead of Y - axis
<Scopeuk> ahh right, so mimaki style
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<J24k10> afaik those printer still have a moving print head
<Scopeuk> quite likely
<J24k10> but also something like the 24needle printer but for FDM
<J24k10> while the needles would act as valves for the micro nozzles
<J24k10> so printing 2mm stripe but with 0.2 sharp corners
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<teepee> Ah, distributing the library manager as Snap was a neat idea, but it turns out it's complicated :/
<guso78k> Hi Devs, right now I am trying to load , parse and instanciate into the python world a module, which is defined in an scad file. somethign like use<file>, but in python world.
<teepee> Snaps have no way accessing any dot folders in the user home directory, and that includes all the XDG Spec defines ones :(
<guso78k> I came up with this code, but it appears wrong: https://bpa.st/4LD6A
<teepee> I assume it's not doing anything, it looks like an empty file declaring a magic dependency
<guso78k> :') at least it found my module defined in my library file. It does not find, when i misspell and it does not find when i disable the handle-dependencies .
<guso78k> but it has some memory issues(disturbs python) and only works when i turn some protected members into public members, So I am sure its not quite right, i just dont know yet, whats the right code.
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<gbruno> [github] hackwin opened issue #5281 (Slow SVG extrude rendering) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5281
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