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<gbruno> [github] wnc2 opened issue #5259 (Crash in opening on Mac Sequoia Beta 15.0 24A5320a) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5259
<gbruno> [github] wnc2 edited issue #5259 (Crash in opening on Mac Sequoia Beta 15.0 24A5320a) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5259
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<InPhase> teepee: Looks like python is being used. Can we get indent=2 added to the json output?
<InPhase> teepee: I see it has one of those wild one-liner json outputs. :) indent=2 is the magic that makes them more nicely formatted.
<InPhase> The github display of the file will get much nicer following that.
<teepee> yeah, I've seen that. I guess that makes sense
<teepee> the minimal file size increase should not make a huge difference
<InPhase> Yep.
<InPhase> Human readability is worth it.
<InPhase> Especially as this gets much larger, as expected.
<teepee> so far I have not managed to get the client packaged, I guess I have to learn poetry a bit
<teepee> or reconsider the idea to start out with snap
<InPhase> Ah, so it requires a local python install?
<InPhase> For the user of libraries?
<teepee> in the first instance yes, either that or the snap package
<InPhase> Is snap even cross-platform?
<teepee> partially as it should work in WSL2
<teepee> the mid-term solution is probably some sort of more general python packaging
<InPhase> I recall hearing some distros have actively rejected it.
<teepee> long term I think a c++ library for a standalone binary + included in openscad gui would be the way to go
<teepee> well, then those people many need to have python installed or help getting things packaged :)
<teepee> s/many/may/
<InPhase> Well I guess every Linux user already has python anyway. :)
<InPhase> I suppose the basic requirements of client side are download of a file and json parse?
<teepee> not as trivial anymore, at least debian now forces a venv when using pip
<InPhase> And then I suppose grabbing all the library files.
<teepee> to get the list of libraries and/or search, yes
<teepee> the client also does the download and version matching for dependencies
<teepee> no complex dependencies though ;-)
<InPhase> nlohmann does json handling nicely for C++, although implementing the grab of all the library files would probably be the more annoying bit.
<teepee> it should not be hugely difficult as the version stuff is using libversion which is C already
<teepee> and download should be ok-ish via boost or curl
<InPhase> I personally do not object to the use of Python for this, and had advocated for that in the past. It just does leave that initial install problem to solve, as you say.
<teepee> as we would like the other python stuff anyway, maybe we just leave it as python
<InPhase> If we're ever to do that python branch merge, then it's a two-birds problem.
<teepee> I'm still very much for merging, it's really just a time problem for me
<InPhase> And afterwards, one could potentially go back and rethink how I had done that python testing infrastructure. Depending on the nature of the final solution this could be integrated as well. But it's fine if that stays separate, since devs can always be expected to be able to get python.
<teepee> yeah, for the dev stuff the setup could be separate
<teepee> but if it helps with the integration, why not
<InPhase> Yep.
<InPhase> Removing a step would be a nice free bonus. But the dependencies of that testing infrastructure are pretty light.
<InPhase> It's particularly unconcerned with versioning.
<InPhase> Assuming no one wildly alters basic library functioning on image loading/saving and numpy math. :)
<teepee> uh, I hope not, that sounds scary
<InPhase> I'm on guard after that random numpy deprecation of np.float and np.int. It is the python way to eventually break things that seem unlikely to break. But it should be fairly rare given the usages.
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<teepee> aha! we have a snap package :)
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<teepee> well, mixed signals... https://imgur.com/pADNmyC :-)
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<teepee> wtf, ubuntu!
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<teepee> and finally it's "released" to the snap store too
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