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<Adrian52> Hi all.  When doing a comparison between two numbers, either directly or indirectly as stored in an array, is there an epsilon or threshold that it uses to check if two number are equal?  Or does it use a binary compare?
<Adrian52> Looking around, I think it just does a binary comparison, right?
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<stealth_> OpenSCAD does not detect other mount directory on my system?|
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<InPhase> stealth_: You mean while file browsing? It uses the Qt file browser, which is pretty standard.
<stealth_> InPhase, ya, its weird
<InPhase> stealth_: What platform, and what kind of mount are you missing?
<stealth_> linux 6.10 manjaro(arch) think its EXT4 for mount
<stealth_> running "OpenSCAD version 2024.07.19"
<InPhase> Well the Linux release is not going to fail to notice ext4 mounts, that's for sure. :)
<stealth_> it sure is weird, i never had this issue with any other software, let me restart! maybe they will fix it, brb.
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<stealth_> restarted, nothing changed.
<stealth_> if you go to `/my-dir/test.scad` and open it that way it doesn't work either.
<InPhase> stealth_: Well I have to start with not believing the accuracy of the bug report, just because the premise is pretty wild. Can you provide more detail on what you have mounted, what the settings are on this mount, what the permissions are for this directory, and what exactly you see inside of OpenSCAD?
<InPhase> Some pastebins to https://bpa.st and some screenshots to imgur.com or similar could help to dump all this information with clarity.
<stealth_> i can open the file in openscad it shows "test.scad" on the top but its empty file. its not empty it has "cube(50, center=true);" in it.
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<InPhase> stealth_: That's also a wild premise. Are you sure you don't have your head turned around about what you're opening or what's in the file you're opening?
<stealth_> no, i been at it for a while and wondering why it was showing empty file.
<InPhase> stealth_: I spent like an hour once trying to find a bug in a piece of code, and it turned out I was editing in one directory, and compiling and building in another, and I only thought I was in the same one. This is definitely a thing that happens, and causes some face-palming. :)
<stealth_> i could try to uninstall the openscad-nightly and install normal one and see if that does anything different.
<InPhase> stealth_: If you put up some fact-check screen shots and terminal outputs showing what you're dealing with, this would clarify the nature of the issue better.
<stealth_> give me a sec
<InPhase> stealth_: You might be 100% describing everything correctly, but if so, something truly exceptional is happening. So all the other possible explanations have to be checked.
<stealth_> see i code that in and try to save it to my drive/mnt that i use and it giving that error.
<stealth_> ok, just uninstalled going to install the normal openscad and see what happens.
<InPhase> stealth_: And can you show: ls -al /data/Files/Test/scad
<stealth_> https://imgur.com/a/I8OBXD4 refresh
<stealth_> i am using normal openscad and it can open that file no problem.
<stealth_> my guess is i used "snap" to install "openscad-nightly" maybe it has some kind of permission issues?
<stealth_> added image, see this save the file no problem
<InPhase> Oh.
<InPhase> Why did you use snap?
<InPhase> That has all sorts of permission issues with accessing files.
<stealth_> cause i couldn't find openscad-nightly on normal distro, i wanted to multiprocess support so it would render faster.
<stealth_> i see, might explain this issue as well.
<InPhase> The local approach to "use nightly" is just grab the AppImage file.
<InPhase> I didn't know snap was even packaging up the nightlies.
<InPhase> I've had all sorts of problems with various snap releases of programs failing to access files all across the file system. They go a little overboard with trying to lock them down.
<stealth_> i tried to use AUR and it sucked and failed install. so tried snap, which was real easy but i guess they need to improve permission issues.
<stealth_> maybe OpenSCAD needs a new release out ;)
<stealth_> appimage works really nice as well.
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<Scopeuk> Snap is sandboxed so it see's a different version of the world
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<TylerTork> When I use union or difference, I may well end up with an object that for proper previewing, will need a higher convexity than the base objects of which the result is composed. However, these functions don't offer a way to set the convexity at that time. Am I missing something?
<J24k78> use render(convexity=10)  to change
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<TylerTork> yhanks
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<Guest95> Will anyone explain why the following openscad line is invalid?
<Guest95> rotatedvector = rotate([45,0,0]) [1,2,3];
<teepee> you got that from chatgpt?
<teepee> it's not even close to any valid openscad syntax
<Guest95> I have tried vaiations, to no avail.  Just trying to rotate a point about the origin.
<teepee> no such feature exists in the core language, there might be libraries doing the calculation, but not with that notation
<Guest95> openscad is rejecting it, but I fail to understand in what fashion it is not valid.  OK.
<teepee> rotate works with geometry, not vectors/lists
<teepee> and rotate results or geometry in general can't be assigned to variables yet
<Guest95> anxious to do better. where should I have read that?
<teepee> I suppose that depends on how much you know about programming
<teepee> if starting out, the tutorial is probably best
<teepee> tutorial?
<othx> tutorial is The OpenSCAD tutorial is a great place to learn how to create designs in OpenSCAD, and can be found at: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_Tutorial
<Guest95> expert in C++ and C only
<teepee> the you may be ok with diving directly into https://github.com/BelfrySCAD/BOSL2/wiki/linalg.scad
<teepee> which is one of the biiiiig libraries with lots of features
<Guest95> thank you for the help.  I go read.
<teepee> and important point is that variables in openscad behave like in math, not in c++ or other imperative languages
<teepee> you can give a value once for a single script evalutation, not overwrite it's value
<teepee> a bit like CSS or hardware description languages behave
<Guest95> I did get the "not overwrite" part.
<teepee> it's a description of a 3d object, not a program running to create a description
<teepee> you can't say a = a + 1
<teepee> it's a description of a 3d object at one point in time, so a can only have one value
<teepee> you can run the script again with a different value and produce a different 3d object
<Guest95> so a 3D vector is NOT a point, so not a 3d object
<teepee> no, currently only 2d and 3d solids are supported
<teepee> it would make sense to have that, but so far it does not exist
<teepee> [1,2,3] is data, a vector, or list
<teepee> functions take data and produce a data result
<teepee> modules take data and geometry and produce geometry again
<teepee> but it's not assigned, just "there"
<Guest95> is there a method to rotate data?
<teepee> so cube(10); produces the geometry of a 10x10x10 cube and implicitely "returns" it
<teepee> not in the core language, I think BOSL2 has functions doing that
<teepee> there may be other ways to reach the same result, I never really missed rotating a point manually
<teepee> I think it would be a nice feature to have, but it's not a very common feature request I believe
<Guest95> I am trying to rotate a 3d polyhedron to place one face flat onto the xy plane.  So started with trying to rotate the points.  not sure how to rotate the Face flat.
<Guest95> well, not sure how to compute the angles that would rotate the face flat
<teepee> where is that polyhedron coming from?
<teepee> it's like the assembly language level of openscad ;-)
<Guest95> I created it from "points" using the polyhedron statement
<teepee> so it's a complicated and irregular object?
<teepee> the default construction for most things is 2d extrusion or 3d CSG (union, difference, intersection)
<Guest95> yes, it is a thick face of a geodesic sphere which has  many faces.
<teepee> right, that's probably not so easy to do via CSG
<Guest95> exactly, if rotated "flat"  then easier to use CSG with text and cylinders, etc
<Guest95> or, if I could get a description of the face's orientation so I could take 2d Extruded stuff and rotae/translate it to align with the face before CSG
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<Guest95> Thank you for the help
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<InPhase> teepee: The ClosePoints library is also hiding in it: echo(Affine(RotX(45), [1,2,3]));
<InPhase> So as to abstract away the mental overhead of thinking about "doing the right thing" on all that point transformation math when generating the points for that approach.
<InPhase> So it has the rotates (single axis or 3 axis), translate, and scale provided.
<InPhase> The call being called "Affine" because otherwise you can't get the translates. :)
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<teepee> InPhase: cool, maybe perfect candidates for the first library manager tests :-)
<InPhase> Is someone actually working on the library manager?
<InPhase> I haven't been tracking the GSoC efforts.
<InPhase> It's been a wild summer of distractions for me. :)
<J24k78> I have that too  mPoints(p,r=[0,0,45])
<teepee> yep, arduino style backend via github avtions is mostly in place
<teepee> initial client api works, this week is client week :)
<InPhase> teepee: I don't know how arduino does things, so I'm not sure what that implies, but I look forward to seeing the product.
<teepee> basically you add a manifest file to our github repo and create a pull request against the library registry
<teepee> this will validate and merge if it looks good
<InPhase> teepee: And if I don't like it, I guess it's my fault for being distracted at the appropriate time to give advice. ;)
<teepee> resulting in a index file with all the library versions
<guso78k> suppose openSCAD's owners will finally decide which libs are accepted XD
<teepee> that's the point, no need for that
<teepee> you add a compliant library and it's fully automatic
<guso78k> ahh, this is the backend scripts of the library manager.  i am curios to learn about the inside-openscad code.
<teepee> fwiw we (audio) chat every friday evening (EU time)
<teepee> nothing yet, we problably will need some sort of automatic library path extension
<teepee> but that initial stuff is python, getting everything in c++ would have been way too ambitious for a gsoc timeline
<teepee> not yet sure how to package the client as snap
<teepee> but I suppose it's good preparation for packaging an integrated python too :-)
<teepee> the network part is maybe not trivial but there are other things that are not that easy too
<teepee> like semantic version handling
<teepee> to understand the "latest" version of a library it's not just comparing strings
<guso78k> Agreed, Version handling is not there, networking with CURL instead was easy
<teepee> what already works is: install test-lib-3 version =3.0.5 and it will auto-depend and download the other two with the highest matching version
<teepee> test_lib_1 = "3.0.9"
<teepee> (should) have the same behavior as for example in rust as dependeny
<guso78k> is it python code, which selects the depended  libs ?
<teepee> install highest version that is >= 3.0.9 and < 4
<teepee> no, https://github.com/repology/libversion/ - this would work in OpenSCAD c++/c too
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